WoW Cataclysm Subtlety Rogue Guide | PlayerAuctions (2024)

As a Rogue, you must look to the shadows. You needn’t gaze to the point of absorption—you’re not a Shadow Priest, after all—but you must analyze every detail of your surroundings. A moment of surprise is all you need to win a battle. All contract killers can agree on this, but Subtlety Rogues in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic take this to the next level.

Not all outlaws start off at the top, though. In fact, most don’t survive their first mission, at least not IRL. It takes time, training, and a questionable moral code for a whisper of your name to be feared. This guide will cover all you need to know to assassinate your enemies and leave without a trace. Just don’t tell the governing bodies of Stormwind or Orgrimmar!

This guide will start by providing an overview of this specialization, including the best profession/race combos and the overall strengths and weaknesses of Subtlety Rogues. Then, your ideal setup will be covered. This section will include the best talent builds, stat priority for leveling gear, and more! After that, your rotation and abilities will be explained. Finally, the endgame gear that you should aim to get for your Subtlety Rogue will be highlighted.

Table of Contents

  • The Basics
  • Talents, Glyphs, and Stat Priority
  • Getting Deadly: Rotation and Spell Info
  • The Deadliest: BiS Gear, Enchants, Gems, and Consumables
  • Concluding Thoughts

The Basics—Ideal Toon Setup and More

Like the other two Rogue specializations, Subtlety Rogues are a DPS spec. All Rogue characters should focus on leather armor to maximize their experience. Every Rogue uses the resources Combo Points and Energy, too. The sameness between Subtlety Rogues and the other specs in this class end there.

Subtlety Rogues are highly valued for niche situations, while the other two specializations are desired for their outrageous DPS. As such, most players of this spec also know how to play as a Combat or Assassination Rogue. This is to stay relevant in situations where Subtlety’s play style may not prove as beneficial.

So, why do Subtlety Rogues matter? What situations are they wanted for?

  • Teams where more CC or interrupt abilities are needed
  • Fights that don’t involve much target switching
    • Altairus, The Vortex Pinnacle
    • Slabhide, The Stonecore
    • Al’Akir, Throne of the Four Winds
  • 5-man content where certain buffs are missing

If you’re looking for a specialization good for providing utility and navigating mechanics that has an infinitely high skill ceiling, you’ll probably want to learn how to play a Subtlety Rogue. For many players, this means starting a new character. Draenei and Tauren cannot play as this class, presumably due to being massive. While you should play as whatever available race you enjoy the most, seeing as racial traits don’t make a huge difference, it is worth noting that the following races are the best for Subtlety Rogue players.

  • Alliance
    • Night Elves offer the racial ability Shadowmeld, which works similarly to any other stealth ability. They are the best Alliance race for all Rogue specs thanks to this. Subtlety Rogues will benefit even more from this since it allows for another window of Find Weakness.
    • Worgen offer the racial passive Viciousness, which gives them a 1% increase to critical strike chance. They also have the ability Darkflight, a sprint ability that can help players close in on enemies.
  • Horde
    • Trolls offer the racial ability Berserking, a powerful attack speed buff that can greatly increase DPS when timed right with Find Weakness. This makes them the best Horde race for this specialization. Trolls will do better than other races in fights against beast mobs due to their Beast Slaying racial. They get a reduction to movement impairing debuffs, too. Combining all of this with their extra critical strike chance in situations that call for Fan of Knives, it is easy to see why they’re the top Horde pick.
    • Goblins offer the racial passive Time is Money, which increases their attack speed by a smidge. Since Subtlety Rogues love haste, this racial passive is always welcome. Goblins also have the racial ability Rocket Jump, which can help close the gap between you and a foe.

WoW Cataclysm Subtlety Rogue Guide | PlayerAuctions (1)

While you’re busy leveling up your new toon, you might as well grab two professions to go with it. Your choice of profession will not make a huge difference for most players, but players looking to push their Subtlety Rogue to the max should consider these professions.

  • Engineering
    • Synapse Springs, one of the most useful things offered by Engineering, will give you +480 agility for 10 seconds with a 1 minute cooldown. This ability will be extra useful when timed with Find Weakness.
    • Agile Bio-Optic Killshades are your best in slot headpiece before stepping into raids. Guess who makes them? Engineers. Also, only toons with a high Engineering skill can use this piece, making this profession even more valuable.
    • Nitro Boosts and Grounded Plasma Shields can prove quite helpful in tough situations.
  • Leatherworking
    • Since Rogues prefer to wear leather armor, you may be able to craft some of your own gear.
    • Draconic Embossment — Agility will give you an extra 80 agility compared to what toons without a high skill in Leatherworking can get.
  • Blacksmithing
    • Socket Bracer and Socket Gloves are abilities provided by Blacksmithing that, when combined, can provide +80 agility.

Let’s recap before moving on.

  • Subtlety Rogues are a leather-wearing DPS spec valued for niche situations.
  • Night Elves and Trolls offer the best racials for this spec for Alliance and Horde players, respectively.
  • Most Subtlety Rogue players who are highly dedicated will want to pair up some combination of Engineering with Leatherworking or Blacksmithing.

Hopefully, that’s all you needed to catch up. Rogues are like honey badgers—they don’t care about the world and will happily become violent. I wouldn’t expect much grace from your fellow outlaws…

Talents, Glyphs, and Stat Priority

While no one should really expect patience and understanding from a hardened criminal, it is totally fair to expect this from other players as you learn a new spec. That is, if you’re new to the game. Anyone who has been playing WoW, especially Classic, knows that the community tends to not be very kind in group content. As such, it is suggested you find a guild or at least a few friends willing to help you out. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll hold them for ransom! Disclaimer: This was a joke directed at World of Warcraft Rogues, not real life Rogues.

Before worrying too much about your talents and the sort, play around with this spec. You’ll need to be level 85 for the suggested talent build. By the time you reach max level, you should know if this specialization is right for you. After all, people learn through trial and error, often with more error than trial.

To start, your ideal talent build for this guide can be found below.

  • Subtlety Tree
    • 3/3 Improved Ambush
    • 3/3 Relentless Strikes
    • 2/2 Elusiveness
    • 3/3 Opportunity
    • 2/2 Initiative
    • 3/3 Energetic Recovery
    • 2/2 Find Weakness
    • 1/1 Hemorrhage
    • 3/3 Honor Among Thieves
    • 1/1 Premeditation
    • 1/1 Preparation
    • 2/2 Sanguinary Vein
    • 3/3 Slaughter from the Shadows
    • 2/2 Serrated Blades
    • 1/1 Shadow Dance
  • Assassination Tree
    • 2/3 Coup De Grace
    • 3/3 Lethality
    • 3/3 Puncturing Wounds
  • Combat Tree
    • 2/3 Precision

And now, we have the ideal prime glyphs.

  • Glyph of Backstab
    • Good for energy restoration
  • Glyph of Hemorrhage
    • Brings bleed debuff to enemy targets
  • Glyph of Slice and Dice
    • Increases the duration of Slice and Dice

Next up, we’re going over the ideal major glyphs.

  • Glyph of Fan of Knives
    • Increases the range of your Fan of Knives by about 12 yards
  • Glyph of Ambush
    • Increases the range of Ambush by 5 yards
  • Glyph of Feint
    • Makes the energy cost of Feint a whopping 0
  • Glyph of Sprint
    • Increases Sprint speed up to 100%

Finally, the small but unforgettable minor glyphs!

  • Glyph of Distract
    • Increases the range of Distract by 5 yards
  • Glyph of Safe Fall
    • Increases Safe Fall’s protection to greater heights—sadly, does not make you bounce
  • Glyph of Poisons
    • Increases poison application speed by 50%
  • Glyph of Blurred Speed
    • Causes Sprint to also enable water walking

WoW Cataclysm Subtlety Rogue Guide | PlayerAuctions (2)

Most of the above information has been well established and should not be meddled with by most players, even at high levels. All of the talents and glyphs are pretty straightforward to lock in. Gear, however, is not—at least not until you’re looking at BiS. As you level up your toon, you’ll run into new pieces of gear. Keeping in mind the following stat priority, along with simulations of your toon, will help you decide on which item to use.

Agility > Hit Rating (8% special hit cap) > Haste > Expertise (6.5% cap) > Hit Rating (17% spell hit cap) > Critical Strike > Mastery

Let’s break down that stat priority a little bit. Agility is the stat that most directly impacts the attack power of your damaging abilities. Since this is your primary stat as a Subtlety Rogue, you’ll want as much as possible. Expertise and hit rating affects your chances of landing hits. You’ll want these to be at the aforementioned caps so you’re not smashing buttons for no reason. Haste helps smooth out your rotation by increasing your energy regeneration. Critical strike rating impacts your chances at striking, well, critically. Mastery is overall underwhelming for this specialization and should be prioritized last despite the aid it lends finishing moves.

Getting Deadly–Rotation and Spell Info

So, you’ve got your talents, glyphs, and leveling gear sorted out. It’s time to get deadly, and deadly needs poison. You should be using Instant Poison on your main-hand weapon and Deadly Poison on your off-hand. There are a few situations where this setup will change, but you’ll figure that out naturally as you progress both through this guide and through your Cataclysm journey.

Now that your weapons are coated in the appropriate poison, you have to use them. A Subtlety Rogue’s rotation should look something like the below in most situations. There will inevitably be deviations as targets need to be stunned by your Kick ability, trash groups halted by Distract, and other various scenarios where you will need to dip into your utility potential. This is just to give you an idea of where to start.

  • Start combat in stealth, move to your target with Shadowstep, and use Ambush to trigger Find Weakness
  • Use Hemorrhage to maintain the Glyph of Hemorrhage debuff, as needed
  • Use Backstab to generate Combo Points while not in stealth
  • Use Slice and Dice once you have 5 Combo Points availableaim to maximize uptime on this
  • Apply Rupture
  • Cast Eviscerate if you do not need to reapply Slice and Dice
  • Any extra Combo Points can go into Recuperate

Your Find Weakness windows are where you’ll find the most opportunities to perform exceptionally well in DPS rankings. As such, you should really focus on maximizing your time spent using Find Weakness. Shadow Dance and Vanish are your two best ways of opening up a Find Weakness period. Make sure that you’re using this window effectively by analyzing your fights.

WoW Cataclysm Subtlety Rogue Guide | PlayerAuctions (3)

Subtlety Rogues have a simple area of effect rotation. In AoE fights, Subtlety Rogues should almost always ignore Fan of Knives and just focus on whatever the priority target is. This could be a particularly dangerous mob, one with high health, or a mechanic. Staying single-targeted is your best option for maximizing DPS and your usefulness to the group unless there are more than 10 enemies. If more than 10 enemies are present, spam Fan of Knives until there are less than 10, then go back to single-target.

Now that your rotation has been glossed over, you should know what those buttons you’re pressing actually do! Below is a summary of the most essential spells you’ll be using.

  • Builder
    • Generates Combo Points by spending Energy
  • Spender
    • Uses Combo Points
    • Typically more powerful than other spells
  • Stealth Opener
    • Requires Stealth
    • Situation dependent
  • Cooldown
    • Abilities that take over 30 seconds to recharge
    • Focused on maintaining Stealth
  • Utility
    • Broad category covering defensives, some interrupts, and more
    • Divided between personal and group types

Spell Name

Spell Type





When not stealthed, primary builder spell that requires you to be behind the target

Cost: 40 Energy (with appropriate build) or 60 Energy (default)

Refund: 1 Combo Point



Secondary builder spell that should be used only to reapply your bleed effect, when you cannot get behind your target, or when you need to target swap

Cost: 35 Energy

Refund: 1 Combo Point



When stealthed, primary builder spell that requires you to be behind the target. Hits very hard with the right build and applies Find Weakness

Cost: 40 Energy (with appropriate build) or 60 Energy (default)

Refund: 2 Combo Points

Slice and Dice


Increases attack speed by around 40%should have close to 100% uptime

Costs up to 5 Combo Points, lasting longer per point spent, and 25 Energy

No refund



Damage over time effect that should be maintained with Serrated Blades/Eviscerate

Costs up to 5 Combo Points, lasting longer per point spent, and 25 Energy

No refund



Plain ole damaging ability that should be used when all maintenance casts are up

Costs up to 5 Combo Points, dealing more damage per point spent, and 35 Energy

No refund


Stealth Opener

Silences target for 3 seconds

Cost: 45 Energy

Refund: 1 Combo Point

Cheap Shot

Stealth Opener

Stuns the target for 4 seconds

Cost: 40 Energy

Refund: 2 Combo Points

Shadow Dance


Allows you to enter stealth for 6 seconds, opening up a chance for an extra Find Weakness window

1 minute cooldown

No cost or refund



Allows you to enter stealth for 3 seconds, opening up a chance for an extra Find Weakness window and breaking movement impairing effects

3 minute cooldown

No cost or refund



Resets your Sprint and Vanish abilities, granting critical movement and an extra Find Weakness window

5 minute cooldown

No cost or refund


Personal Utility

Teleports you to an enemy up to 25 yards away, provides 3 seconds of increased speed, and empowers Ambush and Garrote

24 second cooldown

No cost or refund


Personal Utility

Adds two combo points to your target. Requires stealth

20 second cooldown

No cost

Refund: 2 Combo Points


Personal Utility

Restores 3% of max health every 3 seconds. Duration depends on the number of Combo Points spent. With the suggested talent build, this ability also restores Energy. Aim for 100% uptime here

Costs up to 5 Combo Points, lasting longer per point spent, and 30 Energy

Refund: 12 Energy every 3 seconds with the suggested talent build. Without the Energetic Recovery talent, no refund

Cloak of Shadows

Personal Utility

Removes harmful spell effects and makes you resistant to spells for 5 seconds. Best timed around tough boss mechanics

2 minute cooldown

No cost or refund


Personal Utility

Increases speed by 70% for 8 seconds. With the suggested talent build, also allows water walking

1 minute cooldown

No cost or refund


Personal Utility

Increases dodge chance by 50% and reduces your chance to be hit by ranged spells by 25%, allowing you to defy certain death in some situations

3 minute cooldown

No cost or refund

Kidney Shot

Group Utility

Stun ability that can last up to 6 seconds if used at 5 Combo Points

Costs up to 5 Combo Points, lasting longer per point spent, and 25 Energy

No refund


Group Utility

CC’s a target for up to 1 minute. Useful for skipping mobs in dungeons. Requires user to be stealthed but still considered a utility

Cost: 35 Energy

No refund

Tricks of the Trade

Group Utility

Redirects threat and increases the target's damage. Best used on DoT classes, such as Shadow Priests

30 second cooldown

Cost: Free with reduction to effectiveness (with glyph) or 15 Energy (default)

No refund


Group Utility

Dispels enrage effects, guarantees poison application, and has a cost dependent on weapon speed

Cost: 20 Energy (baseline)

Refund: 1 Combo Point


Group Utility

Sweet and simple interrupt ability

10 second cooldown

Cost: 15 Energy

No Refund


Group Utility

CC’s a target for up to 1 minute, causing them to wander. Works as an interrupt if abilities like Kick are on cooldown

3 minute cooldown

Cost: 15 Energy

No refund


Group Utility

Stills targets within range for 10 seconds, allowing your group to avoid ninja pulling

30 second cooldown

Cost: 30 Energy

No refund


Group Utility

Incapacitates the target until damage is dealt or until the effect runs out

10 second cooldown

Cost: 45 Energy

Refund: 1 Combo Point

That’s a lot of information to take in. As you play your Subtlety Rogue, you’ll eventually learn these spells like second nature. For now, just try not to die!

The Deadliest—BiS Gear, Enchants, Gems, and Consumables

Best in slot gear is not a goal for all players. It is often quite tedious and time consuming to obtain. Rogues, however, do not mind waiting for the best opportunityhow else would they escape the law? If you’d like to get the BiS items for your Subtlety Rogue, they are listed below. Each slot for the Pre-Raid list has two items listed. The first item is the Pre-Raid BiS, and the other is typically more obtainable.

Pre-Raid list:

  • Head
    • Agile Bio-Optic Killshades from Engineering (BoP)
    • Helm of Numberless Shadows from High Priestess Azil, The Stonecore
  • Neck
    • Don Rodrigo’s Fabulous Necklace from world bosses
    • Amulet of Dull Dreaming from vendors (1250 Justice Points)
  • Shoulders
    • Vicious Gladiator’s Leather Spaulders from vendors (1650 Conquest Points)
    • Caridean Epaulettes from Commander Ulthok, Throne of the Tides
  • Back
    • Viewless Wings from vendors (1250 Valor Points)
    • Cape of the Brotherhood from “Captain” Cookie, The Deadmines
  • Chest
    • Assassin’s Chestplate from Leatherworking (BoE)
    • Defias Brotherhood Vest from Glubtok, The Deadmines
  • Wrists
    • Poison Fang Bracers from Temple Guardian Anhuur, Halls of Origination
    • Double Dealing Bracers from Lord Walden, Shadowfang Keep
  • Hands
    • Vicious Gladiator’s Leather Gloves from vendors (1650 Conquest Points)
    • Gloves of Haze from Asaad, The Vortex Pinnacle
  • Rings
    • Signet of the Elder Council from exalted status with The Earthen Ring
    • Skullcracker Ring from Rom’ogg Bonecrusher, Blackrock Caverns
  • Waist
    • Belt of Nefarious Whispers from Leatherworking (BoE)
    • Quicksand Belt from revered status with the Ramkahen
  • Legs
    • Beauty’s Chew Toy from Beauty, Blackrock Caverns
    • Leggings of the Burrowing Mole from vendors (2200 Justice Points)
  • Feet
    • Treads of Fleeting Joy from vendors (1650 Valor Points)
    • VanCleef’s Boots from Vanessa Vancleef, The Deadmines
  • Trinkets
    • Fluid Death from vendors (1650 Valor Points)
    • Left Eye of Rajh from Rajh, Halls of Origination
  • Main Weapon
    • Elementium Shank from Blacksmithing (BoE)
    • Meteor Shard from Lord Godfrey, Shadowfang Keep
  • Other Weapon
    • Buzzer Blade from Glubtok, The Deadmines
    • Throat Slasher from vendors (1650 Justice Points)
  • Ranged Weapon
    • Kickback 5000 from Engineering (BoE)
    • Slashing Thorns from Ammunae, Halls of Origination

WoW Cataclysm Subtlety Rogue Guide | PlayerAuctions (4)

Once you’re ready to tackle endgame content, the following list is your true BiS.

  • Head
    • Wind Dancer’s Helemt from Nefarian or Al’Akir, Blackwing Descent/Throne of the Four Winds
  • Neck
    • Mistral Pendant of the Windflurry from Al’Akir, Throne of the Four Winds
  • Shoulders
    • Wind Dancer’s Spaulders from Cho’gall, The Bastion of Twilight
  • Back
    • Mistral Drape of the Windflurry from Al’Akir, Throne of the Four Winds
  • Chest
    • Wind Dancer’s Tunic from Halfus Wyrmbreaker, The Bastion of Twilight
  • Wrists
    • Parasitic Bands from Magmaw, Blackwing Descent
  • Hands
    • Wind Dancer’s Gloves from Atramedes, Blackwing Descent
  • Rings
    • Lightning Conductor Band from Magmatron, Blackwing Descent
    • Mistral Circle of the Windflurry from Nezir, Throne of the Four Winds
  • Waist
    • Belt of the Fallen Brood from Sinestra, The Bastion of Twilight
  • Legs
    • Windstalker Leggings of the Windflurry from Al’Akir, Throne of the Four Winds
  • Feet
    • Storm Rider’s Boots from Halfus Wyrmbreaker, The Bastion of Twilight
  • Trinkets
    • Prestor’s Talisman of Machination from Nefarian, Blackwing Descent
    • Essence of the Cyclone from Halfus Wyrmbreaker, The Bastion of Twilight
  • Main Weapon
    • Organic Lifeform Inverter from Magmatron, Blackwing Descent
  • Other Weapon
    • Uhn’agh Fash, the Darkest Betrayal from Cho’gall, The Bastion of Twilight
  • Ranged Weapon
    • Dragonheart Piercer from Valiona, The Bastion of Twilight

Now, how about we enchant those items to increase their potency? Below, you’ll find the best enchants for each slot.

  • Head
    • Arcanum of the Ramkahen from revered status with the Ramkahen
  • Shoulders
    • Swiftsteel Inscription from Inscription (BoP)
    • Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal from exalted status with Therazane
  • Back
    • Swordguard Embroidery from Tailoring (BoP)
    • Enchant Cloak: Major Agility from Enchanting (BoE)
  • Chest
    • Enchant Chest: Peerless Stats from Enchanting (BoE)
  • Wrists
    • Draconic Embossment: Agility from Leatherworking (BoP)
    • Enchant Bracer: Agility from Enchanting (BoE)
  • Hands
    • Enchant Gloves: Major Agility from Enchanting (BoE)
  • Legs
    • Dragonscale Leg Armor from Leatherworking (BoE)
  • Feet
    • Enchant Boots: Assassin’s Step from Enchanting (BoE)
  • Main Weapon
    • Enchant Weapon: Landslide from Enchanting (BoE)
  • Other Weapon
    • Enchant Weapon: Hurricane from Enchanting (BoE)

How about some gems for your sockets?

  • Meta Gem
    • Agile Spiritshadow Diamond
  • Red Gem
    • Delicate Chimera’s Eye (Jewelcrafting EXCLUSIVE)
    • Delicate Inferno Ruby
  • Blue Gem
    • Glinting Demonseye
  • Yellow Gem
    • Deft Ember Topaz

Finally, any good endgame WoW Cataclysm player knows their consumables. Murderers get hungry, after all!

  • Food
    • Skewered Eel
    • Seafood Magnifique Feast
  • Flask
    • Flask of the Winds
  • Potions
    • Potion of the Tol’vir
    • Mythical Healing Potion
  • Special
    • Thistle Tea (shares a cooldown with healthstones)

Concluding Thoughts

After reading this guide, you should feel well equipped to play as a Subtlety Rogue. You should know their niche, when to use certain spells, your best setup for maximum damage, and how to be useful to a group. Stay out of the law’s sight, stick to the shadows, and keep killing—we won’t tell anyone!

WoW Cataclysm Subtlety Rogue Guide | PlayerAuctions (2024)


What is the best race for sub rogue in cataclysm classic? ›

Human. If you plan to choose Alliance as your faction for Subtlety Rogue in Cataclysm PvP, Human is your best option out of both factions. Will to Survive is used as a trinket players can use instead of using the original PvP trinket purchased from the PvP vendors for Season 9.

What is the best specialization for rogue in Cata? ›

To be the most optimal with your rogue in Cataclysm, you will always want to maintain reliable gear and understanding of the Cornbat Specialization as well either Subtlety or Assassination depending on which phase we are in for pure single target fights.

What is the best PvP build in rogue Cataclysm? ›

Subtlety is still considered the best PVP specializations due to the added toolkit that they bring and how efficient it is in the arena. Subtlety brings the most with utility from , mobility from Shadowstep, burst damage from with the new Find Weakness, and very strong defensive cooldown in Cheat Death.

How do I get better at sub rogue? ›

How To Improve As Subtlety Rogue — The War Within (11.0. 2)
  1. Overcapping Resources.
  2. Pooling Energy.
  3. Using Cooldowns Together.
  4. Knowing How To Sim Yourself.
  5. Analyzing Your Mistakes as a Subtlety Rogue.

What is the easiest class to play in WoW cataclysm? ›

WoW Cataclysm Classic Easiest Classes - Ranking DPS, Healer, Tank Class from Easiest to Hardest
  • Fury Warrior (Easiest) ...
  • Arcane Mage (Easiest) ...
  • Arms Warrior (Easy) ...
  • Combat Rogue (Easy) ...
  • Assassination Rogue (Easy) ...
  • Frost Mage (Easy) ...
  • Fire Mage (Easy) ...
  • Marksman Hunter (Easy)
Apr 29, 2024

What is the most fun race for a rogue? ›

Deep gnomes, high elves, eladrin elves, tabaxis, kenkus, tieflings, githyankis, halflings, owlins, and fairies all have race-specific traits that can greatly benefit a rogue character.

What is the best zone in Cataclysm? ›

Of all the starting areas in WoW Classic: Cataclysm, these are the best.
  • 8 Night Elves. Shadowglen. ...
  • 7 Dwarves. Coldridge Valley. ...
  • 6 Tauren. Camp Narache. ...
  • 5 Trolls. Darkspear Isle. ...
  • 4 Goblins. Island Of Kezan. ...
  • 3 Gnomes. Gnomeregan. ...
  • 2 Forsaken. Deathknell. Now with Val'kyr power. ...
  • 1 Worgen. Gilneas. A Victorian-style city.
Jun 25, 2024

What is the best tank in Cataclysm? ›

Blood Death Knights are the only S-Tier tank in Cataclysm Classic, and with good reason. They are, in almost every aspect of tanking, the strongest of all 4 specializations, and perform absolutely exceptionally at launch, as well as throughout the entire expansion.

What professions should a rogue have in Cata Classic? ›

Best Professions for Rogue

In Cataclysm, most of the professions are very close to one another offering roughly 80 Agility across the board. Rogues will generally want to be some combination of Tailoring, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting. Engineering continues to be unique in the perks that it offers.

What weapon for Subtlety Rogue? ›

Rogues can use daggers, fist weapons, one-handed axes, maces, and swords. However, abilities and passives essentially require you to use two daggers. Mastery: Executioner: Increases the damage done by your finishing moves.

What is the best potion for a sub rogue? ›

Best Consumables for Subtlety Rogues
Combat PotionTempered PotionPotion of Unwavering Focus
Health PotionAlgari Healing Potion-
Weapon BuffIronclaw WhetstoneBubbling Wax*
Augment RuneCrystallized Augment Rune
4 more rows

What is the best race for Subtlety Rogue? ›

Night Elf. If you plan to choose Alliance as your faction for Subtlety Rogue in The War Within, Night Elf is your most preferred out of all the available options. This is mainly due to its iconic ability, Shadowmeld, synergizing amazingly with Subterfuge to get things going outside of Shadow Dance or Vanish.

What is the best race for rogue in classic era? ›

Gnome, Human, or Dwarf are good choices for Classic WoW Alliance rogue race for PvP, each with different strengths. Alliance Rogue have the benefit of raiding with a Paladin, which can buff the rogue with powerful blessings such as Blessing of Might or Blessing of Kings.

What is the best race in Cataclysm? ›

Worgen are considered the best race for Alliance Hunters going forward into Cataclysm as they have a 1% passive Critical Strike racial: Viciousness. The other major advantage to the Worgen race is the racial Darkflight.

What is the stat priority for sub rogues in Cata Classic? ›

Agility is the primary stat for a Rogue and there is no such thing as too much. Subtlety Rogues will enjoy an additional 30% agility through their passive. Agility provides attack power, critical strike chance, and even a little dodge to help you survive!

What is sub rogue rotation in PvE Cataclysm? ›

A Subtlety Rogue's rotation in PvE is a balancing act that consists of maintaining your Rupture with Eviscerate through Serrated Blades, keeping up Recuperate to benefit from Energetic Recovery, and of course keeping up Slice and Dice.

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Author: Edwin Metz

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.