Weapons Guide - Tales of Berseria (2024)

Weapons Guide – Tales of Berseria

  • Post author:Cam
  • Post published:May 1, 2023
  • Post category:Tales Of Berseria
Weapons Guide - Tales of Berseria (1)

Table of Contents

Weapons Guide

Here you’ll find a breakdown of all of the weapons that can be obtained in the game. We’ve included where they can be purchased, or which enemy in a location drops them. You’ll also find the base stats and final upgrade stats so that you know if you really want to use your upgrade materials on it or not. Finally, you’ll also find the Mastery and Enhancement skills for all weapons included as well.

The weapon list is broken down by category to make it easier:

  • Blade Weapons – Velvet
  • Short Swords – Rokurou
  • Paper – Laphicet
  • Fists and Bracelets – Eizen
  • Guardians – Magilou
  • Spears – Eleanor

You can use the Table of Contents at the top of the page to jump to whichever character you need.

Ultimate Weapons

Typically you’ll find that all of the final weapons are obtained inside the Heavenly Steppe, which is an optional dungeon at the end of the game. All of these weapons are excellent, but I wanted to take a minute to outline the uses for each.

Velvet’s Final Weapons

Velvet’s final weapons are the Demon’s Bane, Dragon Slayer, and the Unnamed Blade. Of these Demon’s Bane is best if you want a strong Hidden Arte option. The Dragon Slayer is slightly stronger than the rarity 18 weapon, Adamantine Blade, but you’ll need to factor in that it’s far more costly to fully upgrade. The Unnamed Blade is by far, Velvet’s strongest weapon with incredibly high attack stats and great skills and bonuses that boost it further. Depending on your playstyle the Demon’s Bane or Unnamed Blade are your best options.

Of Velvet’s other weapons, the only ones of note are:

  • Amphibole Blade – A very strong blade that is available early on in the game and is cheap to upgrade. This weapon can carry you through the bulk of the game once you obtain it.
  • Fonon Blade – A strong blade for the end-game dungeon. It deals bonus damage to armored enemies, most enemies in the final dungeon are armored.
  • Adamantine Blade – Obtained at the end of the game in Katz Corner. Once obtained though it is arguably stronger than the first 2 of Velvet’s Post-game weapons.

Rokurou’s Final Weapons

Character Weapon Lists

Blade Weapons – Velvet

Rarity:Weapon:Stats:Master Skill:Enhancement Skill:Location:
1Blood BladeBase:
Attack +50

Attack +150

HP recovery on defeating foes +30HP Recovery on attacking stunned foes +20Enemy Drop:
– Orc (Figahl Icecaps)

Purchase from:
– Beardsley Shop

2Amber BladeBase:
Attack +49
Defense +12

Attack +129
Defense +31

Attack +5Attack increased by 1.07xPurchase from:
– Beardsley Shop
3Beast FangBase:
Attack +75
Defense +4

Attack +169
Defense +9

Capability vs. beasts +10%+30% EXP from defeating beastsEnemy Drop:
– Gibbon (Danann Highway)

Class 4 Zone – Beast Quarter

4Calcite BladeBase:
Attack +69
Focus +18

Attack +148
Focus +39

Capability vs. armored +8%+20% EXP from defeating armored foesPurchase from:
– Loegres Shop
5Shell ShredderBase:
Attack +94
Arte Attack +10

Attack +184
Arte Attack +19

Capability vs. crustaceans +10%+30% EXP from defeating crustaceansPurchase from:
– Loegres Shop

Found in a chest at the Empyrean’s Throne.

6Fluoric BladeBase:
Attack +87
Arte Defense +25

Attack +164
Arte Defense +47

+30% attack when HP is 8% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesPurchase from:
– Yseult Shop
7Demon’s CleaverBase:
Attack +98
Focus +32

Attack +173
Focus +56

Capability vs. amorphous +10%+30% EXP from defeating amorphous foesEnemy Drop:
– Troll (Fens of Nog)
8Amphibole BladeBase:
Attack +137

Attack +237

Non-elemental attack power +4%Adds a non-elemental hit to the first part of an attack artePurchase from:
– Yseult Shop
Attack +94
Arte Defense +62

Attack +154
Arte Defense +101

Capability vs. adopous +10%+30% EXP from defeating apadous foesEnemy Drop:
– Bush Ape (Danann Highway)
10Feldspar BladeBase:
Attack +124
Arte Attack +39

Attack +200
Arte Attack +62

Fire attack power +4%Adds a fire element hit to the first part of an attack artePurchase from:
– Taliesin Shop
11Wing HarvesterBase:
Attack +72
Focus +109

Attack +111
Focus +169

Capability vs. winged +10%+30% EXP from defeating winged foesEnemy Drop:
– Cliff Orc (Perniya Cliffside Path)
12Quartz BladeBase:
Attack +141
Focus +47

Attack +216
Focus +72

Wind attack power +4%Adds a wind element hit to the first part of an attack artePurchase from:
– Hellawes Shop
13Fury PiercerBase:
Attack +124
Arte Attack +83

Attack +183
Arte Attack +123

Capability vs. demihuman +10%+30% EXP from defeating demihuman foesEnemy Drop:
– Cyclopz (Morgana Woods)
14Topaz BladeBase:
Attack +158
Defense +56

Attack +231
Defense +82

Earth attack power +4%Adds a earth element hit to the first part of an attack artePurchase from:
– Port Zekson Shop
15Fonon BladeBase:
Attack +151
Focus +81

Attack +216
Focus +115

Capability vs. armored +10%+30% EXP from defeating armored foesEnemy Drop:
– Curse Island Giant (Hexen Isle)
16Mythril BladeBase:
Attack +174
Arte Defense +65

Attack +246
Arte Defense +92

Water attack power +4%Adds a water element hit to the first part of an attack artePurchase from:
– Meirchio Shop
17Purified BladeBase:
Attack +77
Arte Attack +180

Attack +106
Arte Attack +250

Capability vs. undead +10%+30% EXP from defeating undead foesPurchase from:
– Katz Corner Shop

Obtained in a chest in Innominat’s Domain.

18Adamantine BladeBase:
Attack +207
Defense +80

Attack +279
Defense +107

Attack +8Attack increased by 1.1xPurchase from:
– Katz Corner Shop
19Demon’s BaneBase:
Attack +174
Arte Attack +142

Attack +229
Arte Attack +186

Capability vs. fiends +10%+30% EXP from defeating fiendsEnemy Drop:
– Lycan Coyote (The Heavenly Steppes – 1st Chamber)
20Dragon SlayerBase:
Attack +251
Defense +108

Attack +320
Defense +138

Capability vs. dragons +10%+30% EXP from defeating dragonsFound in chests in the Heavenly Steppe Dungeon between the 1st-4th Chambers.
21Unnamed BladeBase:
Attack +468

Attack +568

Attack +15Attack increased by 1.15xEnemy Drop:
– Dragoon (The Heavenly Steppe – 6th Chamber)

Velvet’s Blades – Weapons Guide Tales of Berseria

Short Sword Weapons – Rokurou

Rarity:Weapon:Stats:Master Skill:Enhancement Skill:Location:
1Shadow DaggersBase:
Attack +50

Attack +150

Attack +5Attack increased by 1.07xPurchased from:
– Beardsley Shop.
2Amber DaggersBase:
Attack +49
Arte Attack +12

Attack +129
Arte Attack +31

Paralyzing capability +1.08x+30% attack after inflicting paralysisPurchased from:
– Beardsley Shop.
3Foreign DaggersBase:
Attack +40
Focus +40

Attack +90
Focus +90

HP recovery on defeating foes +30HP Recovery on attacking stunned foes +20Enemy Drop:
– Wolf (Burnack Plateau)
4Calcite DaggersBase:
Attack +69
Defense +18

Attack +148
Defense +38

Fire attack power +4%Adds a fire element hit to the first part of an attack artePurchased from:
– Loegres Shop
5Scorching DaggersBase:
Attack +79
Arte Attack +26

Attack +154
Arte Attack +50

Burning capability +1.15x+30% arte attack after inflicting burnEnemy Drop:
– Delusory Rodent (Empyrean’s Throne)
6Fluoric DaggersBase:
Attack +112

Attack +212

Capability vs. demihuman +8%+20% EXP from defeating demihuman foesPurchased from:
– Yseult Shop
7Gleaming DaggersBase:
Attack +84
Focus +46

Attack +148
Focus +81

HP recovery on defeating foes +80HP Recovery on attacking stunned foes +80Enemy Drop:
– Force Hound (Burnack Plateau)
8Amphibole DaggersBase:
Attack +137

Attack +237

Wind attack power +4%Adds a wind element hit to the first part of an attack artePurchased from:
– Yseult Shop
9Cumbrous DaggersBase:
Attack +94
Defense +62

Attack +154
Defense +101

Earth attack power +9%Adds a earth element hit to the first part of an attack arteObtained from a chest in Titania on the parties second visit.
10Feldspar DaggersBase:
Attack +163

Attack +263

Fatiguing capability +1.08x+30% focus after inflicting fatiguePurchased from:
– Taliesin Shop
11Silent DaggersBase:
Arte Attack +72
Focus +109

Arte Attack +111
Focus +169

Attack +8Attack increased by 1.1xEnemy Drop:
– Hornet (Aldina Plains)
12Quartz DaggersBase:
Attack +188

Attack +288

Slowing capability +1.08x+30% defense after inflicting slowPurchased from:
– Hellawes Shop
13Spirit DaggersBase:
Arte Attack +207

Arte Attack +307

Equipment Skills learning speed +19%Equipment drop rates +1.5xEnemy Drop:
– Hallowed Tree (Baird Marsh)
14Topaz DaggersBase:
Attack 158
Arte Defense 56

Attack +231
Arte Defense +82

Water attack power +4%Adds a water element hit to the first part of an attack artePurchased from:
– Port Zekson Shop (late game only)
15Flashing DaggersBase:
Attack +139
Focus +93

Attack +198
Focus +133

Wind attack power +9%Adds a wind element hit to the first part of an attack arteEnemy Drop:
– Winter Wolf (Gaiburk Ice Field)
15Kurogane DaggersBase:
Attack +118
Arte Attack +118

Attack +168
Arte Attack +168

Fire attack power +4%Break Soul HP recovery 1.3xObtained via a story event.
16Mythril DaggersBase:
Attack +174
Arte Attack +65

Attack +246
Arte Attack +92

Poisoning capability +1.08x+30% arte defense after inflicting poisonPurchased from:
– Meirchio Shop
17Stygian DaggersBase:
Focus +257

Focus +357

Non-elemental attack power +9%Adds a non-elemental hit to the first part of an attack artePurchased from:
– Katz Corner Shop
18Adamantine DaggersBase:
Attack +207
Defense +80

Attack +279
Defense +107

+30% attack when HP is 10% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesPurchased from:
– Katz Corner Shop
19Ephemeral WingsBase:
Attack +316

Attack +416

Attack +15Attack increased by 1.15xEnemy Drop:
– Brutaur (Heavenly Steppe – 1st Chamber)
20Lunar TempestsBase:
Attack +359

Attack +459

Fatiguing capability +1.15x+30% focus after inflicting fatigueObtained via chests in the Heavenly Steppe – 3rd to 6th Chambers.
21Unnamed DaggersBase:
Attack +468

Attack +568

10% chance not to lose Souls during Break SoulBreak Soul HP recovery 1.5xEnemy Drop:
– Scarlet Needler (Heavenly Steppe – 6th Chamber)

Rokurou’s Short Swords – Weapons Guide Tales of Berseria

Paper Weapons – Laphicet

Rarity:Weapon:Stats:Master Skill:Enhancement Skill:Location:
1Grace SheetBase:
Attack +25
Focus +25

Attack +75
Focus +75

Fire attack power +7%Fire element malak arte casting time -15%Enemy Drop:
– Bat (Hadlow Hollow)
2Amber PaperBase:
Attack +49
Arte Attack +12

Attack +129
Arte Attack +31

Non-elemental attack power +4%Non-elemental malak arte casting time -10%Purchased from:
– Beardsley Shop
3Plain PaperBase:
Attack +59
Arte Attack +20

Attack +133
Arte Attack +45

Attack +5Attack increased by 1.07xPurchased from:
– Beardsley Shop
4Calcite PaperBase:
Attack 70
Arte Attack 17

Attack +150
Arte Attack +36

Wind attack power +4%Wind element malak arte casting time -10%Purchased from:
– Loegres Shop
5Bamboo StackBase:
Attack +63
Defense +42

Attack +123
Defense +82

Earth attack power +7%Earth element malak arte casting time -15%Enemy Drop:
– Harpy (Brigid Ravine)
6Fluoric PaperBase:
Attack +88
Focus +24

Attack +166
Focus +41

Fire attack power +4%Fire element malak arte casting time -10%Purchased from:
– Yseult Shop
7Silky PaperBase:
Arte Attack +65
Arte Defense +65

Arte Attack +115
Arte Defense +115

Water attack power +7%Water element malak arte casting time -15%Purchased from:
– Yseult Shop
8Amphibole PaperBase:
Attack +107
Defense +30

Attack +185
Defense +51

Earth attack power +4%Earth element malak arte casting time -10%Purchased from:
– Yseult Shop
9Secret HistoriesBase:
Attack +31
Focus +125

Attack +50
Focus +205

Non-elemental attack power +7%Non-elemental malak arte casting time -15%Enemy Drop:
– Hawk (Manann Reef)
10Feldspar PaperBase:
Attack +126
Arte Attack +37

Attack +203
Arte Attack +59

Water attack power +4%Water element malak arte casting time -10%Purchased from:
– Taliesin Shop
11Sharp-edged PaperBase:
Attack +181

Attack +281

Wind attack power +7%Wind element malak arte casting time -15%Enemy Drop:
– Night Flapper (Faldies Ruins)
12Quartz PaperBase:
Attack +143
Defense +45

Attack +219
Defense +68

+30% attack when HP is 8% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesPurchased from:
– Hellawes Shop
13Old FlyersBase:
Defense +83
Arte Defense +124

Defense +123
Artes Defense +183

Paralyzing capability +1.15x+30% attack after inflicting paralysisPurchased from:
– Hellawes Shop
14Topaz PaperBase:
Attack +160
Focus +54

Attack +234
Focus +79

Equipment Skills learning speed +10%Equipment drop rates +1.2xPurchased from:
– Port Zekson Shop
15Direct Appeal PaperworkBase:
Attack +81
Arte Attack +151

Attack +115
Artes Attack +216

Fatiguing capability +1.15x+30% focus after inflicting fatigueEnemy Drop:
– Blood Heat (Mount Killaraus)
16Mythril PaperBase:
Attack +177
Arte Defense +62

Attack +251
Artes Defense +87

Attack +8Attack increased by 1.1xPurchased from:
– Meirchio Shop
17Ember PaperBase:
Arte attack +167
Focus +90

Artes Attack +231
Focus +125

Burning capability +1.15x+30% arte attack after inflicting burnPurchased from:
– Katz Corner Shop
18Adamantine PaperBase:
Attack +210
Defense +77

Attack +283
Defense +103

Equipment Skills learning speed +19%Equipment drop rates +1.5xPurchased from:
– Katz Corner Shop
Attack +284
Arte Attack +32

Attack +373
Artes Attack +42

Earth attack power +9%Earth element malak arte casting time -20%Obtained from chests in the Heavenly Steppes (1st-4th Chambers).
20Lost ParlanceBase:
Arte Attack +215
Arte Defense +144

Arte Attack +274
Arte Defense +184

Water attack power +9%Water element malak arte casting time -20%Enemy Drop:
– Golden Axer (Heavenly Steppes 3rd Chamber).
21Unnamed PaperBase:
Attack +468

Attack +568

Attack +15Attack increased by 1.15xEnemy Drop:
– Hell Harpy (Heavenly Steppes 6th Chamber).

Laphicet’s Paper Weapons – Weapons Guide Tales of Berseria

Fist and Bracelet Weapons – Eizen

Rarity:Weapon:Stats:Master Skill:Enhancement Skill:Location:
1Iron FistBase:
Attack +45
Defense +5

Attack +135
Defense +15

HP recovery on defeating foes +50HP recovery when standing or moving in battle +90Enemy Drop:
– Stag Beetle (Figahl Icecaps)
2Amber BraceletBase:
Attack +37
Focus +24

Attack +97
Focus +63

Wind attack power +4%Wind element malak arte casting time -10%Purchased from:
– Beardsley Shop
Attack +79

Attack + 179

HP recovery on defeating foes +30HP recovery when standing or moving in battle +40Enemy Drop:
– Lizardman (Vortigern)
4Calcite BraceletBase:
Attack +70
Arte Attack +17

Attack +150
Arte Attack +36

Capability vs. undead +8%+20% EXP from defeating undead foesPurchased from:
– Loegres Shop
Attack +104
Arte Defense +1

Attack +203
Arte Defense +1

Attack +8Attack increased by 1.1xEnemy Drop:
– Living Armor (Barona Catacombs)
6Fluoric BraceletBase:
Attack +88
Focus +24

Attack +166
Focus +45

Slowing capability +1.08x+30% defense after inflicting slowPurchased from:
– Yseult Shop
7Mobius LoopBase:
Attack +91
Arte Defense +39

Attack +161
Arte Defense +69

Capability vs. dragons +10%+30% EXP from defeating dragonsEnemy Drop:
– Rock Golem (Vester Tunnels)
8Amphibole BraceletBase:
Attack +107
Defense +30

Attack +185
Defense +51

Attack +5Attack increased by 1.07xPurchased from:
– Yseult Shop
9Gatling ArmsBase:
Attack +31
Focus +125

Attack +50
Focus +205

Slowing capability +1.12x+30% defense after inflicting slowEnemy Drop:
– Twisted Priest (Palamides Temple)
10Feldspar BraceletBase:
Attack +126
Arte Defense +37

Attack +203
Arte Defense +59

+30% attack when HP is 8% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesPurchased from:
– Taliesin Shop
11Blood BreakerBase:
Attack +90
Arte Attack +90

Attack +140
Arte Attack +140

Capability vs. armored +10%+30% EXP from defeating armored foesEnemy Drop:
– Wolf Berserker (Perniya Cliffside Path)
12Quartz BraceletBase:
Attack +143
Focus +45

Attack +219
Focus +68

Equipment Skills learning speed +10%Equipment drop rates +1.2xPurchased from:
– Hellawes Shop
Attack +93
Focus +114

Attack +137
Focus +169

8% chance not to lose Souls during Break SoulBreak Soul HP recovery 1.3xEnemy Drop:
– Red Mist Watcher (Baird Marsh)
14Topaz BraceletBase:
Attack +160
Defense +54

Attack +234
Defense +79

Capability vs. adopous +10%+30% EXP from defeating apadous foesPurchased from:
– Port Zekson Shop
15Finger of GodBase:
Attack +46
Arte Attack +186

Attack +65
Arte Attack +266

HP recovery on defeating foes +80HP recovery when standing or moving in battle +120Enemy Drop:
– Lava Atlas (Mount Killaraus)
16Mythril BraceletBase:
Attack +177
Arte Defense +62

Attack +251
Arte Defense +87

+30% attack when HP is 10% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesPurchased from:
– Meirchio Shop
17Dragon’s BiteBase:
Attack +180
Focus +77

Attack +250
Focus +106

+30% focus when HP is 15% or lowerDuring increased focus, adds a fatiguing hit to 1st step artesEnemy Drop:
– Bearer of Salvation (Innominat’s Domain)
18Adamantite BraceletBase:
Attack +210
Defense +77

Attack +283
Defense +103

Capability vs. fiends +10%+30% EXP from defeating fiendsPurchased from:
– Katz Corner Shop
19Titan’s KnucklesBase:
Attack +316

Attack +416

Attack +15Attack increased by 1.15xEnemy Drop:
– Flame Roller (Heavenly Steppes – 1st Chamber)
20Broken ShackleBase:
Attack +215
Focus +144

Attack +274
Focus +184

Slowing capability +1.15x+30% defense after inflicting slowObtained from a chest in the Heavenly Steppes – 1st to 4th Chambers
21Unnamed BraceletBase:
Attack +468

Attack +568

Equipment Skills learning speed +19%Equipment drop rates +1.5xEnemy Drop:
– Heracles Beetle (Heavenly Steppes – 6th Chamber)

Eizen’s Fist and Bracelet Weapons – Weapons Guide Tales of Berseria

Guardian Weapons – Magilou

Rarity:Weapon:Stats:Master Skill:Enhancement Skill:Location:
1Weathered GuardianBase:
Arte Attack +50

Arte Attack +150

Capability vs. crustaceans +10%+30% EXP from defeating crustaceansPurchased from:
– Beardsley Shop
2Amber DollBase:
Attack +55
Defense +6

Attack +145
Defense +15

Capability vs. undead +8%+20% EXP from defeating undead foesPurchased from:
– Beardsley Shop
3Chocolate IdolBase:
Arte Attack +40
Focus +40

Arte Attack +90
Focus +90

Capability vs. amorphous +10%+30% EXP from defeating amorphous foesEnemy Drop:
– Wall Man (Vortigern)
4Calcite DollBase:
Attack +74
Arte Defense +13

Attack +159
Arte Defense +27

HP recovery on defeating foes +30HP recovery when standing or moving in battle +40Purchased from:
– Loegres Shop
5Guardian DollBase:
Attack +94
Arte attack +10

Attack +184
Arte Attack +19

Attack +5Attack increased by 1.07xEnemy Drop:
– Gobbun Heddin (Barona Catacombs)
6Fluoric DollBase:
Attack +90
Focus +22

Attack +170
Focus +41

Burning capability +1.08x+30% arte attack after inflicting burnPurchased from:
– Yseult Shop
7Lulu DollBase:
Attack +65
Defense +65

Attack +115
Defense +115

HP recovery on defeating foes +50HP recovery when standing or moving in battle +90Enemy Dop:
– Mud Slime (Fens of Nog)
8Amphibole DollBase:
Attack +108
Arte Defense +29

Attack +186
Arte Defense +50

Water attack power +4%Water element malak arte casting time -10%Purchased from:
– Yseult Shop
9Gradient DollBase:
Attack +101
Arte Attack +55

Attack +165
Arte Attack +90

Fire attack power +7%Fire element malak arte casting time -15%Obtained from a chest in the Palamides Temple.
10Feldspar DollBase:
Attack +127
Focus +36

Attack +204
Focus +58

+30% attack when HP is 8% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesPurchased from:
– Taliesin Shop
11Witching HourBase:
Attack +72
Arte Attack +109

Attack +111
Arte Attack +169

Equipment Skills learning speed +14%Equipment drop rates +1.35xEnemy Drop:
– Roving Spirits (Faldies Ruins)
12Quartz DollBase:
Attack +145
Arte Defense +43

Attack +222
Arte Defense +65

Attack +8Attack increased by 1.1xPurchased from:
– Hellawes Shop
13Accordion DollBase:
Attack +62
Focus +145

Attack +91
Focus +215

+30% attack when HP is 10% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesEnemy Drop:
– Undead Sorcerer (Tranquil Woods)
14Topaz DollBase:
Attack +163
Defense +51

Attack +239
Defense +74

Capability vs. beasts +10%+30% EXP from defeating beastsPurchased from:
– Port Zekson
15Secret Agent DollBase:
Attack +104
Arte Attack +128

Attack +148
Arte Attack +183

Fire attack power +9%Fire element malak arte casting time -20%Enemy Drop:
– Igniter Mole (Mount Killaraus)
16Mythril DollBase:
Attack +179
Arte Defense +60

Attack +253
Arte Defense +85

Capability vs. dragons +10%+30% EXP from defeating dragonsPurchased from:
– Meirchio Shop
17Twoside DollBase:
Arte Attack +128
Defense +128

Arte Attack +178
Defense +178

HP recovery on defeating foes +80HP recovery when standing or moving in battle +120Enemy Drop:
– Ghoul (Zamahl Grotto)
18Adamantine DollBase:
Attack +287

Attack +387

Capability vs. demihuman +10%+30% EXP from defeating demihuman foesPurchased from:
– Katz Corner Shop
19Corpore SanoBase:
Defense +126
Arte Defense +190

Defense +165
Arte Defense +250

Attack +15Attack increased by 1.15xObtained from chests in the Heavenly Steppes (1st to 4th Chambers)
Attack +144
Arte Attack +215

Attack +184
Arte Attack +274

Equipment Skills learning speed +19%Equipment drop rates +1.5xEnemy Drop:
– Water Skunk (Heavenly Steppes – 3rd Chamber)
21Unnamed GuardianBase:
Attack +468

Attack +568

10% chance not to lose Souls during Break SoulBreak Soul HP recovery 1.5xEnemy Drop:
– Megaphoner (Heavenly Steppes – 6th Chamber)

Magilou’s Guardian Weapons – Weapons Guide Tales of Berseria

Spear Weapons – Eleanor

Rarity:Weapon:Stats:Master Skill:Enhancement Skill:Location:
1Worn SpearBase:
Attack +25
Arte Attack +25

Attack +75
Arte Attack +75

Slowing capability +1.12x+30% defense after inflicting slowPurchased from:
– Beardsley Shop
2Amber SpearBase:
Attack +50
Arte Defense +11

Attack +131
Arte Defense +29

Capability vs. armored +8%+20% EXP from defeating armored foesPurchased from:
– Beardsley Shop
3War PikeBase:
Attack +79

Attack +179

Paralyzing capability +1.12x+30% attack after inflicting paralysisEnemy Drop:
– Spider (West Laban Tunnel)
4Calcite SpearBase:
Attack +70
Focus +17

Attack +150
Focus +36

+30% attack when HP is 8% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesPurchased from:
– Loegres Shop
Attack +105

Attack +205

Capability vs. undead +10%+30% EXP from defeating undead foesEnemy Drop:
– Devil (Yvolg Ruins)
6Fluoric SpearBase:
Attack +88
Arte Defense +24

Attack +166
Arte Defense +45

Fatiguing capability +1.08x+30% focus after inflicting fatiguePurchase from:
– Yseult Shop
7Mana LanceBase:
Attack +117
Defense +13

Attack +207
Defense +23

Equipment Skills learning speed +10%Equipment drop rates +1.2xEnemy Drop:
– Orb-Weaver (East Laban Tunnel)
8Amphibole SpearBase:
Attack +107
Arte Attack +30

Attack +185
Arte Attack +51

Attack +5Attack increased by 1.07xPurchase from:
– Yseult Shop
Attack +109
Focus +47

Attack +178
Focus +77

HP recovery on defeating foes +50HP recovery when standing or moving in battle +90Enemy Drop:
– Gargoyle (Titania – 2nd visit or Fiend Quarter)
10Feldspar SpearBase:
Attack +126
Arte Defense +37

Attack +203
Arte Defense +59

Burning capability +1.08x+30% arte attack after inflicting burnPurchase from:
– Taliesin Shop
Attack +72
Defense +109

Attack +111
Defense +169

Attack +8Attack increased by 1.1xEnemy Drop:
– Argent Armor (Faldies Ruins)
12Quartz SpearBase:
Attack +143
Focus +45

Attack +219
Focus +68

Poisoning capability +1.08x+30% arte defense after inflicting poisonPurchased from:
– Hellawes Shop
Attack +104
Arte Attack +104

Attack +154
Arte Attack +154

8% chance not to lose Souls during Break SoulBreak Soul HP recovery 1.3xPurchased from:
– Hellawes Shop
14Topaz SpearBase:
Attack +160
Arte Defense +54

Attack +234
Defense +79

Fatiguing capability +1.12x+30% focus after inflicting fatiguePurchased from:
– Port Zekson Shop
Attack +162
Focus +70

Attack +231
Focus +100

HP recovery on defeating foes +80HP recovery when standing or moving in battle +120Enemy Drop:
– Ancient Armor (Earthpulse)
16Mythril SpearBase:
Attack +177
Arte Attack +62

Attack +251
Arte Defense +87

+30% attack when HP is 10% or lowerDuring increased attack, adds a paralyzing hit to 1st step artesPurchased from:
– Meirchio Shop
17Ray LanceBase:
Attack +257

Attack +357

Attack +15Attack increased by 1.15xEnemy Drop:
– Angel of Remorse (Innominat’s Domain)
18Adamantine SpearBase:
Attack +210
Defense +77

Attack +279
Defense +107

Capability vs. demihuman +10%+30% EXP from defeating demihuman foesPurchased from:
– Katz Corner Shop
19Final ScepterBase:
Attack +90
Arte Attack +126

Attack +250
Arte Attack +165

Paralyzing capability +1.15x+30% attack after inflicting paralysisObtained from chests in the Heavenly Steppes (1st to 4th chambers)
20Gae BolgBase:
Attack +72
Focus +287

Attack +92
Focus +366

Slowing capability +1.15x+30% defense after inflicting slowEnemy Drop:
– Kylvern (Heavenly Steppes – 3rd Chamber)
21Nameless SpearBase:
Attack +468

Attack +568

Burning capability +1.15x+30% arte attack after inflicting burnEnemy Drop:
– Nightmare (Heavenly Steppes – 6th Chamber)

Eleanor’s Spear Weapons – Weapons Guide Tales of Berseria

Tags: Tales of Berseria, Weapons Guide

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Is anything missable in Tales of Berseria? ›

The game counts chests opened only the first time you open them toward the trophy, so technically the ones in the Earthpulse are missable considering you can't go back there. The items in them are not missable, but the chests themselves are.

How many hours does it take to beat Tales of Berseria? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Tales of Berseria is about 44 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 153 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How do you get high grade in Tales of Berseria? ›

Just fight Dangerous Encounters (two enemies close together to start the fight, black aura on the ground) exclusively, and don't die / use items / etc. -- the goal is to get high grade. The higher grade you get in fights you raise the chance of getting a Dire Foe to appear.

How do you beat Dire Foes in Tales of Berseria? ›

Basic idea to beat them: Get a power hit or weak combo going, and follow it up by chaining Mystic Artes together. Power Hit/Weak Combo -> MA Chain is incredibly powerful, many boss class enemies will only last as long as it takes you to get that power hit or get a weak combo going.

How many endings are there in Tales of Berseria? ›

There's not, Tales never had multi-endings and mostly are sad/ambiguous stuff. Zestiria had two endings, there was a bad ending you could unlock halfway into the game by being stronger than intended.

Is Berseria a prequel to Zestiria? ›

It is the sixteenth main entry in the Tales series and a prequel of Tales of Zestiria.

How much time passed between Tales of Berseria and Zestiria? ›

Usually Tales games are not related to each other, but Berseria & Zestiria shares a continuity due to both of them taking place in the same world, but with a huge time gap. Berseria takes place roughly 1000 years before Zestiria.

What is the max level in Berseria? ›

Accepted Answer. 200 is the cap and to get a trophy.

Does difficulty matter in Tales of Berseria? ›

Higher difficulties give a higher drop rate and a higher Grade multiplier (the difference in Grade yield really becomes apparent as you get to the higher levels), but perhaps most importantly, it affects what skills can come attached on dropped equipment and equipment sold in shops.

Where is the best place to grind in Tales of Berseria? ›

The place that will reward with the best experience per mob would be the extra dungeon (after the final story boss), but depending on your time to finish the fight, the use of dangerous encounters or not, your skill with the geo board and your team composition, the best experience per minute might change.

Can you romance in Tales of Berseria? ›

Sex: one of the best things about this game is that there is no romance. While there are implied feelings occasionally, nothing is official, as the game is plot-based, and romance would simply get in the way of positive messages.

How old is Velvet in Berseria? ›

Velvet is only 16 years old when she suffers the tragedy in the beginning of the game. Throughout the rest of the game, she's 19 years old. She stands at a slightly above average height of 170 centimetres.

Is Tales of Berseria censored? ›

There are also hot spring scenes where characters are hidden either by water or a towel but there's no nipples or genitalia at any point. There are scenes of implied nudity but nothing is ever shown directly to the player. Plenty of sexual jokes and references as well.

Is Berseria the best Tales game? ›

While I won't say Berseria is a perfect game, it definitely offered me more than I hoped or hyped myself to and something I already consider a classic in my book. If you had to play any Tales of game, this would be the one I suggest.

Does Tales of Berseria have a sad ending? ›

She never truly gets her happy ending. The ending credits makes Velvet and her brother's fates rather bittersweet. The two of them seem to be stuck in a never ending dream where the tragedies in the game never happened.

Do herbs Respawn in Tales of Berseria? ›

Does the herbs even respawn? Herbs respawn, but not based on time. Simplified, it means that after you picked enough herbs around the world, each herb you pick will make an other one respawn, but random on which it will be among the ones still waiting.

Do I need to play anything before Tales of Berseria? ›

Order doesnt matter much. Vesperia is completely standalone so play that whenever. Berseria and Zestiria share the same world and reference each other alot. The events of Berseria happen first but it was designed to be played after Zestiria (while NOT required).

Are any of the Stellazio missable? ›

None of the coins are missable. You can acquire the Cancer stellazzio coin in Burmecia as soon the scene shifts back to Zidane & co. The lagoon is located in a cave at the very south point of the map (the island between Lindblum and Daguerro) .

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.