Uci Apporto (2025)

1. Apporto Virtual Computer Lab (VCL) | Office of Information Technology

  • May 1, 2024 · Apporto is a virtual computer lab service that allows you to run specialized instructional and classroom software in a web browser.

  • Apporto is a virtual computer lab service that allows you to run specialized instructional and classroom software in a web browser.

2. Welcome to your virtual computer lab. - User account | Apporto

  • Welcome to your virtual computer lab. Welcome to your virtual computer lab. Primary tabs. Log in(active tab) ...

3. Remote & Virtual Labs - Classroom Technologies

4. Customer Stories: Reinventing the Computer Lab, Part Three – UC Irvine

  • Aug 2, 2022 · "Discover how UC Irvine transformed their computer lab with Apporto. Explore their customer story and reimagine your own learning space.

  • "Discover how UC Irvine transformed their computer lab with Apporto. Explore their customer story and reimagine your own learning space.

5. Remote Computer Lab | Office of Information Technology - UCI OIT

  • May 14, 2024 · The Remote Computer Lab allows you to connect remotely to select on-campus instructional labs to use campus licensed software for coursework ...

  • The Remote Computer Lab allows you to connect remotely to select on-campus instructional labs to use campus licensed software for coursework when classes are not in session.

6. User account | Apporto

  • Log in · Request new password(active tab).

  • Username or e-mail address *

7. Teaching & Learning | Office of Information Technology - UCI OIT

  • Jun 6, 2024 · Apporto is a virtual computer lab service that allows you to run specialized instructional and classroom software in a web browser. Apporto VCL ...

  • Services providing instructional technology and resources directly supporting teaching and learning. Includes learning management systems, instructional technology and design, assessment and learning analytics, lecture capture, and polling and surveys.

8. Apporto Virtual Lab Account Deletions | Office of Information Technology

  • May 17, 2023 · On July 10, 2023, all student, faculty, and staff user accounts on Apporto Virtual Computer Lab will be DELETED. Please plan ahead and save ...

  • Jul 2, 2024 | Home Page News, News

9. Troubleshooting | Apporto

  • Missing: uci | Show results with:uci

  • Troubleshooting While we try to make Apporto as easy to use as possible, we understand you may encounter issues from time to time.  Hopefully you can find solutions to common questions below.  If not, please reach out to us at support@apporto.com.  Our Customer Support team is eager to help. Inactivity Poor network Slowness or lag […]

10. [PDF] How Emory, UC Irvine, and Ithaca College are Reinventing the ...

  • IC worked with Apporto to virtualize and stream apps and desktops to remote and on-campus users. This has enabled IC to provide all students with course- ...

Uci Apporto (2025)


What is the lowest passing grade at UCI? ›

A "C-" grade or higher is needed to "Pass" and receive credit. If a course is taken for a Letter Grade, you only need a "D-" to receive credit (with the exception of Writing courses, which require at least a "C-" to fulfill the requirement).

Where can I use a computer at UCI? ›

You are welcome to use a computer ON the UCI Campus (e.g. in Langson Library, Starbucks, etc.) to access most of our licensed electronic resources for personal, educational, non-commercial purposes. You do not need a library card to access these resources.

Is a 4.2 GPA good for UCI? ›

Average GPA: 4

The average GPA at UC Irvine is 4. This makes UC Irvine Extremely Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 4, UC Irvine requires you to be at the top of your class.

What is the middle 50% GPA for UCI? ›

At UC Irvine, the first-year middle 50% GPA is 4.07-4.28 (weighted) and 3.86-4.00 (unweighted). So, you should strive for a high GPA throughout high school.

What major is popular at UCI? ›

The most popular majors at University of California, Irvine include: Social Sciences; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Engineering; Psychology; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Health Professions and Related Programs; Visual and ...

Can I get into UCI with one C? ›

GPA Requirement

You must receive a 3.0 GPA (3.4 for non-California residents) or higher in the 15 required “A-G” subject courses, with no grade lower than a C.

Is UCI hard to get in to? ›

For every 100 applicants, 21 are admitted. This means the school is very selective.

Is a 60% still passing? ›

Most colleges and universities generally consider a "D" (or a 60% to 69% score) as a passing grade. It's important to note that this minimum or lowest passing grade standard can significantly vary depending on the institution or major. For instance, some universities may require a "C" or better to pass.

What is the lowest GPA UCI will accept? ›

GPA Requirement

You must receive a 3.0 GPA (3.4 for non-California residents) or higher in the 15 required “A-G” subject courses, with no grade lower than a C.

What's the lowest grade you can pass with? ›

At most schools, a D is the lowest passing grade. That means students who earn a D or higher receive credit for the course. However, some schools set special policies around D grades. For example, at Lehigh, a D counts as a passing grade but does not meet prerequisite requirements.

Is 57 a passing grade in college? ›

The specific percentage for a passing grade can vary by institution, but it generally falls between 60% and 69%.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.