The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)

NI, The Vancouver Sun. Wednesday. June 15, 1994 SPORTS RUNNING 24-hour relay is just a run in the park for ultramarathoner Banvick i 1. 'L rkok. 't 7 1 .4., 'C' e' 4,.

0' 4 WENDY LONG an accepted and common activity in North America. "Really. 1 love what I do," stresses Barwick when asked about the physical and mental effort. "Everybody goes through pain. You hit many walls in a race.

On the other hand, you don't want to wimp out. You keep going." Don't wimp out. Keep going. Participants in the relay, which begins at 10 a.m. Saturday and concludes at 10 a.m.

Sunday, will be cajoling themselves with variations on those words as they round Central Park in the dull, dank and uninspiring hours before dawn. They'll be tired. Their legs will ache. The end will seem a long way away. Like Barwick, and the young disabled people for whom the relay is dedicated, they must remember nothing is impossible.

Just take one small, determined step at a time. the bin. mile lonl )ing." ides rnral way is er ce a person," she understates. "I watched a marathon one day and it looked wonderful. I got a pair of running shoes and started training.

But eventually I got bored with marathons. In 1986 1 ran a 24-hour race and that was it, I wanted to do more." Barwick's life is anything but boring now. She works full-time as a real estate agent, rising at 3:45 a.m. to train before she puts in a day at the office. She is also a member of the New Zealand Speakers' Bureau and delights in devoting her time to worthy causes via her inspirational words or by pounding the pavement as she will at Swangard Stadium this weekend.

One hundred mile races. One thousand mile races. The mere thought of folks being fit enough and brave enough to tackle such distances is extraordinary, although ultramarathoning is enough to make lungs wheeze and muscles ache. Her achievements include nine world records, four Australasian records and several New Zealand ultra distance records. She was first over-all at a 1992 race in New York.

A year earlier, also in New York, she set eight world records en route to becoming the first woman to run 1,300 miles, finishing in 17 days, 22 hours, 46 minutes, 07 seconds. In 1990 she ran from Sydney to Melbourne in 7 days, 4 hours, 46 minutes; in 1989 she was third over-all and first woman in a six-day track race at Gateshead, England, completing 860.8 kilometres. She has also run 14 marathons, recording a personal best 3 hours, 20 minutes for the 42.2-kilometre distance. "I guess you could say I've always been a pretty determined The young recipients of relay funds know a lot about goals. Each day they look to take small steps toward whatever level of ability they aspire to achieve.

The many steps taken by members of the 165 participating corporate, recreational, media and occupational teams in the relay will contribute to that end. "I think it's a great idea, to run for the children, and I'm really pleased to come over and take part," says Barwick, an Auckland real estate agent who is running as a member of the North Shore Council team, Auckland's equivalent to a North or West Vancouver council squad. "I have run the length of my country for diabetes and I'm in the middle of training for a big race in October so this gives me an opportunity to travel while putting in a few more miles." A glance at Barwick's resume is Sandy Barwick approaches her sport with a philosophy that serves useful for anyone preparing to tackle a big project in life. "You put your mind to it and approach it just one day at a time," she says. "You set yourself a goal for each day.

Never think of the ultimate challenge, its too much to think of at one time." For average folk such a goal might be attaining a university degree, learning a skill, writing a book or building a house. In Bar-wick's case, her goals are attained step-by-step, mile by mile. She is an ultramarathoner a long distance runner who relishes the physical and mental challenge of running all day, every day, sometimes for several days or hundreds of miles. The 45-year-old New Zealander will be among 3,300 runners taking part in the 15th annual 24-Hour Relay for Kids this weekend at Burnaby's Swangard Stadium. The annual relay benefits the B.C.

Lions Society for Children with Disabilities. Some relay proceeds go directly to fund a week of activities for disabled children at the society's three Easter Seal Camps. Another portion of relay funds goes to the Fraser Valley Child Development Centre, where pre-school children receive physiotherapy and occupational therapy. oirdaln tthiligSlaRtamasin ai3O0a1400.000 loalwellalLuimunts Catend TODAY CANUCKS SCORING FINAL 20000 (Exclutho0 late games) batters in the East Division LP Atlanta 40 21 .6 Montreal 39 24 .6 il Pd. .656 .619 .492 .484 .460 .492 .484 .460 GB 2 Emrich rf 4 0 0 0 Segui lb 4011 MIrrisn 11 4110 Hare If 0 0 Batiste 3b I 0 1 1 RyIpsn ci 4 0 1 0 Quinlan 3b 0 0 0 0 Gooden 2000 Stocker ss 40 1 0 Cnglosi ph 1000 EMnozp 2000 Masonp 0000 Ingmr ph 1 0 0 0 Lncimn ph 0000 Slcumbp 0000 BOgar IX 0000 Rrdnlb 0000 Mrndni 2b 0000 Totals 33 3 7 3 Totals 13 0 7 2 Philadelphia PO 000 210-3 New York 100 000 010-2 ESlocumb (2), Gooden 0).

LOBPhiladelphia 5, New York 9. 2BHatcher (It, Vina (4), RyThompson (9). HRKruk (2). CSHatcher (1). OPOrsulak.

A PI 15 31 13 25 10 19 9 15 8 14 10 15 9 13 11 13 49 79 5 8 STANLEY CUP FINAL Best-of-Seven Vancouver vs. NY Rangers (NY Rangers vim 4-3) Tuesday NY Rangers 3 Vancouver 2 Tuesday, May 31 Vancouver 3 NY Rangers 2 (01) Thursday, June 2 NY Rangers 3 Vancouver I Saturday, June 4 NY Rangers 5 Vancouver I Tuesday, June 1 NY Rangers 4 Vancouver 2 Thursday, June 1 Vancouver 6 NY Rangers 3 Saturday, June II Vancouver 4 NY Rangers 1 NBA Today Favorite Points Underdog NEW YORK 5 HOUStOn BASEBALL Today National League Favorite Odds Underdog ST LOUIS Ronda SAN FRANCISCO even-6 Houston MONTREAL 9-11 PiftsburOn NEW YORK 512-612 Philadelphia ATLANTA 10-12 Colorado LOS ANGELES 6-1 Cincinnati SAN DIEGO 59i-ei Chicago American League Favorite Odds Underdog TEXAS even-6 Seattle BOSTON 512-612 Minnesota CLEVELAND 6v2-112 Toronto New York 512-612 BALTIMORE CHICAGO 8-9 Oakland KANSAS CITY 8-9 California MILWAUKEE even-6 Detroit Home Team in CAPS HORSE RACING 6:15 p.m. Thoroughbred card at Hastings Park FASTBALL South Hill 6 45 p.m. Bulldogs vs S. Merchants: 8.30 p.m.

Plasco vs. S. Vancouver Merchants. South Memorial Park ROLLER HOCKEY 7.30 p.m. Calgary at Vancouver VooDoo, PNE Agrodome SOCCER Pacific Coast 7.30 p.m, Khalsa vs.

Wesburn Canadians. Seaman's Park LACROSSE Western Association 8 p.m. Burnaby at Victoria. Memorial West Coast Senior 8 p.m. Ladner at Surrey, Surrey Rec.

Centre B.C. Junior 8 p.m. New Westminster at Coquitlam, Coquillam Sports Centre a rd al ts VS uver vs. Sur-ay, Mani, Bure Linden Courinall Brown Adams Running Craven Lumme Gelihas La Fayette Babych Muck Momesso Hedican Glynn Charbonneau Carson McIntyre McLean Antoski 7 4 6 3 IP ER BB SO CITY abrhbi CI 4 0 1 0 ss 4010 cf 4000 4 0 1 0 4010 It 4010 3010 3b 2010 2000 oh 1000 3b 0 0 0 0 32 0 7 0 001 000-1 000 000-0 Macfarlane 14). City 3.

Gty 6. Curtis (14). 0-Snow. ER BB SO THURSDAY 1 1 1 1 (Excluding Tuesday WINO Huswil 1 East Division Finnvoid pitched to 3 bi I Pct. GB 5th.

New York 36 24 .600 WPMahmlesBaltimore 34 26 .567 2 T-111. Boston 32 28 .533 4 California 1 Detoit 31 29 .517 5 Toronto 30 31 .492 6 at Kansas City 0 Central Division Pct. GB CALIFORNIA KANSJ Chicago 34 25 .576 abrhbi Cleveland 34 25 576 Owen 3b 3 1 0 0 Dena Minnesota 34 27 .557 1 Rynlds 4 0 I 0 Gagne Kansas City 32 29 .525 3 Salmon ri 4 0 0 0 McRaE Milwaukee 27 34 .443 8 Bicksn dh 4 0 2 0 Mdrin West Division EdMIIS 4020 Gaetti Pd. GB Curtis 4 0 2 0 DHdso Texas 31 30 .508 Snow lb 3010 Jose rf Seattle 25 36 .410 6 CTmr 4 0 0 0 Shmpr California 26 38 .406 6Y2 DSrata ss 3 0 1 0 Lind 21 Oakland 19 43 .306 1212 Brooks Tuesday HOWari Cleveland 7 Toronto 5 Totals 33 1 9 0 Totals Minnesota 5 Boston 4 California 000 California I Kansas C.v 0 Kansas City 000 New York 4 Baltimore 3 EGagne (10), Madi Oakland 5 Chicago 2 DPCalifornia 2, Kansa Detroit at Milwaukee, late LOBCalifornia 7, Kans Seattle at Texas, late 3BGaetti (2). SBOwen (2 Today's Probable Pitchers CSCurtis (8), Gagne (5).

SSeatne (Johnson 7-3) at Texas (Brown IP I 5-71 10:35 a.m. California Minnesota (Erickson 5-5) at Boston Finley W.5-5 9 7 0 (Darwin 7-41, 4:05 p.m. Kansas City Toronto (Stottlernyre 5-3) at Cleveland Gubicza 7 0 1 (Nagy 5-31 4:05 Rm. Brewer 1 1,2 1 0 New York (Abbott 6-5) at Baltimore (Mover 2-41, 4:35 p.m. Oakland (Reyes 0-2) at Chicago (McDowell 34), 5:05 Rm.

New York 4 Detroit (Moore 7-4) at Milwaukee at Baltimore 3 (Wegrnan 3-0), 5.115 p.m. Calikmia (Magrane2-31atKansasOtY NEW YORK BALTIl Mop 5-61, 5:05 p.m. abrbbi Russell 1 Finny id pitched to 3 5th. WPMahomes. T-111.

CALIFORNIA KANSAS abrhbi Owen 3b 3100 Oman Rynlds 2b 40 1 0 Canna Salmon ri 4000 McRae Bids(' dh 4 0 2 0 Mcirine EdMIIS if 4020 Gaettilb Curtis 4020 DHdso Snow lb 3010 Jose rf CTmr 4000 Shmort Ss 3010 Lind 2b Brooks Howard Totals 33 I 9 0 Totals California 000 Kansas City 000 EGaone (10), OPCalifornia 2, Kansas LOBCalifornia 7, Kansas 30Gaeni (2). SBOwen (2), CSCurhs (8), Gagne (5). IP Califonna W.5-5 9 7 0 Kansas City Gubtcza 7 8 1 Brewer 1,11 NEW YORK BALTIMORE abrhbi BALTIMORE Philadelphia BMunot 6 4 1 1 2 5 Vancouver 2 Slocum') 1 Vi 3 1 1 1 2 Moms 5,17 1 2,3 0 0 0 1 2 at NY Rangers 3 New York Goodell 7 5 2 2 2 10 First Period Mason 2 21101 1. NY Rangers, Leath 11 (2 sier) 11:02 First Period 1. NY Rangers, Leetch 11 1102 PhiladelPhia 32 33 10 Florida 31 33 1012 New York 29 34 12 Central Division Pct.

GB Cincinnati 35 27 .565 Houston 35 28 .556 1h St. Louis 32 79 .525 212 Pittsburgh 28 34 .452 7 Chicago 23 37 .383 11 West Division I Pct. GB Los Angeles 33 30 .524 Colorado 29 34 .460 4 San Francisco 29 15 .453 412 San Diego 23 39 371 912 Tuesday Montreal 12 Pittsburgh Atlanta 3 Colorado I Houston 7 San Francisco 4 Philadelphia 3 New York 2 Florida 7 St. Louis 0 Cincinnati at Los Angeles, late Chicago at San Diego, late Today's Probable Pitchers Florida (Mathews 0-0) at St. Louis (Sutcliffe 3-2), 1035 a.m.

Houston (Drabek 8-3) at San Francisco (Burkett 4-4), 1235 p.m. Pittsburgh (Wagner 4-4) at Montreal (Hill 9-31, 4:35 p.m. Philadelphia (Williams 2-3) at New York (Jones 6-5), 4:40 P.m. Colorado (Harris 3-5) at Atlanta (Avery 5-1), 4.40 p.m. Cincinnati (Roper 2-0) at Los Angeles (Ke.Gross 5-3), 7:35 p.m.

4-41 at San Diego p.m. 10 10Y2 12 SCORING LEADERS FINAL crnm FASTBALL South Hill 645 rn. Mere lamas vs, Sharks; 8:30 p.m. Laredo's vs. Spiders.

South Memorial Park AUTO RACING 7 p.m. Super Dirt Cup, Skagit Speedway, Wa. LACROSSE Western Association 8 p.m. Coquit lam at New Westminster, Queen's Park; West Coast Senior 8 p.m. Burnaby at Ladner, Ladner Arena as vs.

iouth rn. West idner A 11 23 34 16 15 31 12 18 79 6 76 12 14 26 9 11 20 0 1 8 0 1 8 0002 TODAY (Zubov, Messier) 2. NY Rangers, Graves 10 (Kova lev, Zubov) 14:45 (pP) Penalties Lumme Vcr (cross-checking) 14:01 fiedican Vcr, Tikkanen NYR (roughing) 18:50. Second Period 3. Vancouver, Linden 11 (Glynn, Bure) (sh) NY Rangers, Messier 12 (Graves, Noonan) 1129 (pp) Penathes Brown Vcr (interference) 4:38, BabydiVcr Messier NYR (hooking) 1639.

Third Period S. Vancouver, Linden 12 (Courtnall, Ronning) 4:50 (po) Penatties Tikkarien NYR (hooking) 4:16, MacTavish NYR, Linden Vcr (roughing) 10r.55. Shots on goal Vanomer 912 9-30 NY Rangers 12 14 9-35 Power play (goals-chances) Vancouver 1-2, New York 2-3. Goal Vancouver: McLean NY Rangers: Richter RefereeTerry Gregson Linesmen Kevin Collins and Ray Scapinello. Attendance 18,200.

Leech, NYR Bute, Vcr Messier, NYR Gilmour, Tor Linden, Vcr Kovalev, NYR Courtnall, Vcr Zuoov, NYR Lemieux, NJ Larionov, SJ Ellett, Tor Graves, NYR Clark, Tor Lamer, NYR MacLean, NJ Brown, Vcr Mironov, Tor Roofing, Vcr Adams, Vcr Craven, Vcr Nicholls, NJ Lumme, Vcr Richer, NJ Oates, Boo Gartner, Tor Noonan, NYR Stevens, NJ 9 10 19 5 14 19 7 11 18 5 13 18 3 15 18 10 7 17 9 7 16 9 7 16 6 10 16 6 9 15 6 9 15 5 10 15 6 8 14 4 9 13 4 9 13 2 11 13 7 5 12 3 9 12 5 6 11 4 7 11 2 9 11 430 p.m. Baseball: Pittsburgh at Montreal. CBUFT 5 m. Auto Racing: Saturday Night Thunder, TSN 6 p.m. NBA: Championship Playoffs Game 4, New York vs.

Houston, KING 10 p.m. Track and Field: C. Championships, ROGR 11 m. Rugby: Game 3, ROGR 3UFT TSN New hips, Florida 7 at St. Louis 0 FLORIDA ST.

LOUIS a bi abrhbi Carr 010 Gilkey tf 4010 Browne 3h 100 GPena 2b 3010 Shttield ri 121 Ifferies lb 3010 Conine lb 110 Zeile 3b 4000 Carrillo If 1 2 1 Lnktrd cf 4000 Brberie 2b 1 2 1 13.irdn rt 4 0 1 0 Tingiey 0 0 0 Ponoui 3 0 1 0 Sntiago 1 1 0 Odendo ss 3000 KAbbtt ss 1 1 4 P)400SP 2000 Hough 000 Habyan 0000 Evrsgro 0000 Alkea ph 1000 RRdroz 0000 Totals 36 7 111 7 Totals 31 0 5 0 Florida Ng 200 500-7 St. Louis 000 000 000-4 EDquendo (3). LOBFlorida 3, St. Louis 6. 26Shettield (9).

HRKAbbott (4). 58GPena (4). CSShettield (3), 13Jordan (3). IP ER BB SO Florida Hough 9 5 0 0 1 9 9. Louis Palacios 6 6 5 5 0 7 Habyan 1 2 2 2 0 0 Eversgerd 1 1 0 0 0 2 RRodriguez 1 1 0 0 1 0 Palacios pitched to 3 batters in the lth.

HOPby Hough (OPena). Toronto 5 at Cleveland 7 12 (Excludmg Tuesday night) 'First Halt Northern Division i. Pd. GB Vancouver 35 29 341 Salt Lake City 34 31 .523 112 Edmonton 32 32 .500 3 Calgary 31 33 .484 4 Tacoma 30 33 .416 412 Southern Division Pd. GB Albuquerque 15 29 34 Tucson 15 30 .538 Yi Cola Springs 32 31 .508 212 Phoenix 32 33 .492 3,1 Las Vegas 25 40 .185 10'1 Tuesday Tacoma at Calgary, rain Vancouver at Salt Lake City, late Phoenix at Edmonton, late Las Vegas at Tucson, late Albuquerque at Colorado Springs, late Monday Salt Lake City 8 Vancouver 4 Edmonton 1 Phoenix 5 Tacoma 10 Calgary 6 Tucson 8 Las Vegas 4 Albuquerque It Colo.

Springs 5 Today Vancouver at Salt Lake City Phoenix at Edmonton Tacoma at Calgary, 2 Las Vegas at Tucson Albuquerque at Colorado Springs THURSDAY Chicago (Trachse (Hamilton 3-0), 2:35 Pittsburgh 7 at Montreal FITISBORGH abrbbi Garcia 2b 4 1 1 0 joeiiss 5011 VnSlyk cf 3121 Hunter lb 5121 Merced rt 4021 Deweyp oppo McCIOn ph 1 I 10 martin If 1 3 0 Kina 3b 4222 at Montreal Chicago (Trachsel (Hamilton 3-01 7:35 PITTSBURGH abrhbi Garcia 2b 4110 JBell ss 5011 UnSlyk cf 3 1 2 1 Hunter lb 5 1 2 1 Merced if 4 0 2 1 Dewey 0000 McCidn ph 1 1 1 0 Martin if 1 3 0 King 3b 4222 7:30 a.m. Golf: U.S. Open, TSN 2 p.m. Golf: U.S. Open, TSN 1 p.m.

Baseball: Chicago at San Diego, WON 5 p.m. Baseball: Seattle at Kansas City, KSTW 5 p.m. Baseball: California at Chicago, WGN 5 p.m. Baseball: California at Chicago, KTLA 6 p.m. Snooker: U.K.

Open Championship, TSN 8 p.m. NHL awards night, CBC iN abrhbi Potonia It 5120 ByAdsn It 5010 Boggs 3b 4 0 2 1 Sabo rt 5020 Mftngly lb 401 1 Tackett 0000 Trtbull dh 5 0 0 0 PImro1b 5020 ONeIIrf 5 1 1 0 CRoken ss 5030 Leyritz 3 000 3b 4110 GWIms pr 0000 Buford pr 0000 Melvin 0000 LoSmth dh 2 1 10 BWIms cf 3100 Baines dh 1000 Gallego ss 3 0 0 1 Hoiles 4 0 1 1 Boston ph 1110 Voigt rt 1000 Velarde ss 0000 Hulett 2b 4010 Kelly 2b 3 0 2 0 Ovraux cf 4122 Totals 36 4 3 Totals 40 3 14 3 New York 000 011 002-4 Baltimore 010 110 000-3 EPalmeiro (2), (3), LeSmith (1). OPBaltimore1.1..0&New York 10,, Battimore 13. 2BMattingly (11) ByAn-, derson (14), Palmeiro (18). HRDevereaux (8).

5Kelly. IP ER BB 50 New York Mulholland 6 11 3 3 2 6 )(Hernandez 1 12 1 0 0 1 2 Htchck I 0 0 0 0 0 Wickman 0 2 0 0 0 0 Howe 5,5 12011001 Bammore ()Quist 5 6 2 2 4 2 Eichhorn 3 0 0 0 0 2 LeSmith 1 3 2 1 0 1 Oguist pitched to 2 batters in the Wickman pitched to 2 batters in the 9th. PSLeyritz. ab bi ByAdsri It 5010 Sabort 5020 Tackett 0 0 0 0 Pirniro lb 5020 CRoken ss 5 0 3 0 LGrnez 3b 4110 Buford pr 0 0 0 0 LoSmth dh 2 1 1 0 Baines dh 1 000 Hoiles 4 0 1 1 VOjgt ri 1 0 0 0 Huleft 2b 4010 Ovraux ct 4 1 2 2 Totals 40 3 14 3 000011 002-4 09 09 ar0 MONTREAL abrhbi Grssom of 3430 Crdero ss 5122 Alou 11 2201 LW1kr rf 2 0 1 2 Frazier If 2 2 2 1 Mlligan lb 3 1 10 Wttland 1 0 1 1 Wbster 5022 Berry 3b 5023 Slaught 4 0 1 0 Lnsing 2b 4 0 I 0 ZSmith 2 0 0 0 RIMtnz 1 1 00 Minor 0000 Hredia 0000 DClark ph 1 00 1 DFIchr Ph I 000 Micelip 0000 Roiasp 0000 Varsho rf 2000 Floyd lb 0100 Totals 40 715 7 Totals 34 12 1512 Pittsburgh 000 021 031 7 Montreal 201 200 34x-12 ECordero (14), Milligan (3), Berry (9). DPMontreal 1.

LOBPittsburgh 11, Montrea17.2BVanSlyke 9), Hunter (11), Merced (13), McClendon (2), King (14), Cordero ((2), Webster (5). 313LWalker (11), Grissom 2 (22), Cordero (7), Frazier 2 (11). CSGarcia (4). SPiMartinez. SFKing, Alou.

IP ER BBSO TORONTO CLEVELAND abrhbi abrhbi INNte cf 5133 Lofton cf 5 1 1 0 RAlmr 2b 4 0 1 0 Vizquel ss I 231 Molitor dh 4010 Baeroa 2b 3100 Carter rf 5000 Belle If 4233 Olerud lb 50 2 0 Murray dh 3 I 33 Green If SIlO Srrento lb 4010 SOrgue 3b 4000 Rmrez rf 4000 Enders 3120 Thome 3b 3000 Cedeno or 01 00 Espnza 3b 1000 Knorr 0000 SAlmr 4010 Schteld ss 3122 Totals 38 512 5 Totals 35 712 Toronto 000 004 010-5 Cleveland 103 000 12x-7 ESchofield (7). DPToronto I Cleve. land I. 106Toronto 10, Cleveland 6. 28Wh0e (16), Olerud (18) Green (1), Schofield (8), Vizquel (5), Belle (22).

HR White (10), Belle (17), Murray (10). SBRAlomar (12), Lofton (37). IP ER BB SO Toronto Guzman 8 12 7 7 2 5 Cleveland Morris 6 9 4 4 3 5 Mesa W4-3 2 2 1 1 1 I Shuey 1 1 0 0 0 1 PBSAlomar. T-216. LATE MONDAY Otittiket 44111101101046 'Sastingslgar Inanch Cincinnati 4 at Los Angeles 5 9 Wrong Result AD Smith 110 Shilysickynmbr A Friesen HP 6 Snrris An Angel Winne 117 3 Daman Rose I Mlorni 1 Bold Michelle Curcio II? Run By Chtke Lcrsre 120 7FprCoo FSente rith 110 psen 11P nen 117 grni 117 rcio 117 rsre 120 nes 117 By DENNIS FESER Tontght Day 38 Parade to post OS FIRST Purse 54,500.

Madan 3-yearOlds. Clainvng (S5.000). 6 I 2 Furlongs. I Mstr Advocate Lcrste 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 115 I Migroi Lose Brock 5 Krasner Annnen Curcio Piques Sentres SCRATCH 9 Legs All ANglirY 3 Only Obvious I Bnans Band 5 His Nibs 7 Joe Bronze 6 Torque Dancer 2 Aktraly 8 Chilly Bean Hilmelad Minnesota 5 at Boston 4 CINCINNAll LOS ANGELES abrhbi abrhbi DSndrs 5010 Boller 4020 Larkin ss 4220 Ingram 2b 3000 Morris lb 3 1 2 1 Rana 3 1 1 1 Mitchll If 2 0 1 1 Mach 3h 3 I 1 0 RSndrs rt 4000 Karros lb 4120 TFrndz3b 4 000 Mnthi rt 4131 Boone 2b 4011 Snyder It 2000 Dorsett 4000 Hansen ph 0000 Schrek 2 1 1 1 Whster If 2 0 1 1 Jarvis 0000 TdWrl 0000 Frtgno 0 0 0 0 Ottrmn ss 4 1 20 Howard ph 1 0 00 RMrtnz 3020 Crrsco 0000 HRdroz If 0000 1Hrris ph 1000 Totals 34 4 8 4 Totals 32 514 3 Oncinnati 002 000 020-4 Los Angeles 001 103 00x-5 EIngram (2). OPCincinnati 1, Los Angeles 1.

LOBCincinnati 1, Los Angeles 6. 28Offerman (8). 30--Larkin (2). HRSchourek (1), Piazza (13). SBMon desi (8).

CSButler 2 (5). 5Ingram. SFMitchell. Pittsburgh Z5rnitn 3 Y3 7 5 5 3 2 Minor 1 Vi 0 0002 Miceit 1 V3 4 3 3 1 0 Dewey 1 23 4 4 4 21 Montreal PiMrinz 5 6 2 2 3 4 Heredia 1 2 1 1 0 1 Rojas 1 Vi 3 3102 Weiteland 1 Y1 4 1 1 0 2 HBPby Minor (LWalker), by PJMartinez (Garcia). BRIDGE TO DREAMS returns to sprint distance where she has been tough int fie Past SUNJET shared latest and be looking or running room in the lane, WRONG RESULT drops In off a we trip and could take it all.

SIXTH Purse 3-year-oids and UP, Claiming 1110,0001. 6 12 Ftt 1 11 Re A Senties 114 3 Lstng Obsidian OlgUill 117 7 Par Buster JBarton 114 5 Lucky Puck Krasner Ili 4 Hey Senor Brock 117 2 Russian Writer Loseth 117 Heyrobbin Lacoursiere 113 8 Quantum Speed A Noguez 114 to sprint ugh int he rid will be the late, wide trip -olds and irlongs. ties 114 loin 117 tort 114 ner 114 Dck 117 etti 117 are 113 us' 114 Colorado 1 at Atlanta 3 MINNESOTA BOSTON abrhbi abrbbi Knblch 213 5 0 1 2 Nixoflef 1120 ACote 4120 Tinsiey rf 2100 pvcken rt 11 1 0 mvohn lb 4000 Hrbek lb 1010 Dawson dh 4 1 1 3 Wntieki dh 3 0 0 1 Gmwil It 2110 Mack If 3100 Brryhil 3000 Leios 3b 1010 Cooper 3b 1020 Wibeck I 1 0 1 inkinto ss 4 0 1 1 Meares ss I 1 3 0 CRdroz 20 3 0 0 0 Chrobrt ph 1 0 1 0 'Walt 35 5 9 4 Totais 31 4 I 4 Minnesota 002 120 000-5 Boston 013 000 000-4 EMVauohn (3), inValentin (4), DPMinnesota 4, Boston 3. LOBMinnesota Boston 6. 2BMeares 2 (II), Cower (11).

HRDawson (12), S8-4(noblauch2 (19), ACole 2 (18), Nixon 2 (23), Tinsley (3). CSGreenwell (2). SPWintietO MASTER ADVOCATE woke up in latest and had things in hand before dntting; move to nie rail should suit style. LEGS ALL MIGHTY drops into a likely spot but willrequire clear sailing. ONLY OBVIOUS showed more interest in latest and continued iMPrOVeMent puts him right there.

SECOND Purse 54,400. Maiden 3-yearolds. Claiming 6 11 Furlongs. 4 Move Light Losent 115 1 Lucky Son 0Iquin 115 8 Nordic Gold JGuce 115 7 Gthed Spot I Malgarini 115 3 Just Like Iron A Cthbrtsn 115 2 Ship At Last Barton 115 Lealies Lad A Friesen 116 9 Nordic Raider Lcrsre 115 6 The Black Joke Curcio 115 Poetts Nook SCRATCH 115 IP ER BB SO Oakland 5 at Chicago 2 OAKLAND CHICAGO abrhbi abrhbi RHdsn 1, 4231 Raines 1 3000 Javier cf 4110 Cora 2b 4000 Gates lb 5110 Newson ri 4111 ri 5021 Franco dh 4020 Fox rf 0000 Vntura 3b 4000 Becroa dh 4022 Howitt lb 3110 Aldrete lb 4 0 0 0 Lihnsn cf 3 0 0 1 Stnbch 4 0 0 0 LVIIre 3 0 1 0 Bordick ss 3000 Thmas IGO() Hcnond 3b 1120 Goillen ss 2000 Totals 37 511 4 Totals 31 2 50 Oakland 202 100 000-5 Chicago 000 000 011-2 ECora (6). DPOakland 1, LOBOakland 9, Chicago 6.

213Berna (II), Hemond (8), Howitt (2). CSRHenderson (6). SEBerroa. IP ER BB SO Oakland OM," 7 1 0 0 1 4 Briscoe 2,321110 Eckersley 5,7 1 '3 2 1 1 2 2 Ohcago Sndrsn 3 8 5 2 1 1 DeLeon 3 12 2 0 0 0 2 McCaskill I 1 0 0 2 0 Cook 1 0 0 0 01 WPBriscoe. PBLaValliere.

BalkSanclerson. 8 FLEET A is down a after tiring in speed duel. LASTING OBSIDIAN hasbeen idle, looks to make amends on the PAR BUSTER climbsthe ladder againand retums to sprint distanceseekingthirdwin in succession. SEVENTH Purse $9,400. 3-year-olds and up, Fillies, Mares.

Claiming 1 116 Miles. 5 Kelsey Brodt 115 Nordessa 0191101 ill 4 Slur Loseth 115 1 Burning Lace Winnett 114 2 Songs Of Praise Fuentes 114 3 Counting On You Krasner 109 tiring hasbeen the droo. againand thirdwin year-olds itch 115 loin 111 eth 115 neft 114 nes 114 ner 109 SENIORS LEADERS PONTE VEDRA, Fla. (AP) -Leading money winners and Canadian on the Senior PGA Tour through the Nationwide Championship, which ended June 12: Trn Money Lee Trevino 13 $733,867 2. Ray Floyd 8 $598,400 3.

Tom Wargo 16 $451,467 4. Dave Stockton 13 $440,247 5, Bob Murphy 14 5438,530 6. Jim Dent 14 5429,375 7. Jim Colbert 14 $414,878 8, George Archer 13 $358,454 9. Jim Albus 15 $349,723 10.

Larry Gilbert 15 5326,928 Mike Hill 12 $303,530 12, Rocky Thompson 14 $302,529 13, Bob Charles 12 5301,733 14. Chi Chi Rodriguez 15 $289492 15. Dale Douglass 14 $278,463 16. Kermit Zarley 12 5258,963 17. Jimmy Powell 15 $250,372 18.

IC. Snead 14 5236,269 19. Jay Sigel 11 $216,745 20. Tommy Aaron 14 $196,429 21. Simon Hobday 14 $184,494 D.

Graham Marsh 10 23. Gary Player 11 $178,717 24. Gibby Gebert 13 $176,853 25. Jack Kiefer 15 $170,755 26. Jack Niddaus 3 $162,433 27.

Walter Zembriski 15 $133,353 78. Dewitt Weaver 13 SI 29. Tom Shaw 14 $120498 30. Charles Coody 14 $118,557 31. Orville Moody 15 $113,979 32.

Tommy Aycodc 15 $110,810 33. Jelly McGee 12 $109,201 34. Richard Rhyan 14 $101,900 35. Larry Laoretti 15 $100,678 36. Terry Dill 14 $99,609 37.

Ise Aoki 7 $94,053 38. Butch Baird 13 583,794 39. Larry Ziegler 12 $82,903 40. Dick Goetz 14 $81,905 41, Don January II $14,927 42. Dick Hendrickson 14 $74,034 43.

Gay Brewer 13 $73,670 44. Don Bies II $69,131 45. Rives McBee 14 $64,781 46. Ben Smith 15 $62,178 47, Jim Ferxee 9 $60,530 48. Bobby Nichols 73 $56,727 49.

Bob Dickson 11 $54,617 50. Bruce Crampton 7 546,038 N. Bob Panasik 6 $11,879 EUROPEAN PGA VIRGINIA WATER, England (AP) Leading money winners and Canandian on the European PGA Tour atter the Honda Open in Hamburg, June 9-12, the 19th tournament of me year (all figures expressed in U.S. funds): 1. Jose Maria Olazabal $362,103 2.

Cohn Montgomerie $290.612 3. Ernie Els $282,345 4. Nick Faldo $271,095 5. Bernhard Langer $254,903 6. Seve Bailesteros $224,712 7.

Miguel Angel Jiminez $222,957 8, Robert Allenby $185.579 9. Peter Hedblom $180,207 10. David Gifford S171547 200. Danny Milovic $4,223 NIKE TOUR LEADERS PONTE VEDRA, Fla. (AP) Leadng money winners on the Nike Tour through the Cleveland Open, which ended June 12: Oncinnati Schourek 413 1 2 2 1 4 Jarvis 1-0-1 'h 3 3 3 0 1 Fortugno 1 2 0 0 0 1 Carrasco 2 20010 Los Angeles RMrtnz 8 8 4 4 3 8 TdWorrell 5.3 1 00002 Jarvis pitched to 3 batters in the 6th.

T-113. BB SO I 5 1 COLORADO ATLANTA a bi abrhbi EYng It 0 1 0 IRKelly ct 40 1 0 Girardi 000 Blauser ss 4110 SindrWl ph 000 Klesko If 3121 Bchette rt 1 2 1 GlIgher 11 0000 Girroa lb 0 0 0 McGrit lb 4 0 1 0 Hayes 3b 0 0 0 Justice rt 7000 Castilla ss 0 0 0 iLopez 3 1 1 0 Weiss ss 0 0 0 O'Brien 0 0 0 0 Crines cf 0 1 0 Lemke 2b 2010 Knoery ci 0 0 0 Pecota 3b 4 0 1 1 Liriano 2b 0 0 0 Mrcker 3 0 0 0 Ritz 000 WhIersp 0000 Blair 0 0 0 Trsco ph 1 0 0 0 MMunzo 000 McMcip 0000 Bttntld 000 Jhoson ph 000 Totals 29 1 4 1 Totals 30 3 8 2 Colorado OM 000 100-1 Atlanta 000 002 lh-3 ECastilla (1). DPColorado 1. LOBColorado 2, Atlanta 9. 28-8lauser (8) McGrffr (13).

HRBichette (16). A lesko (11 SBEYouho (15), CS-13ichelte (3). 5Ritz, Lemke. pp ER B850 BASEBALL TODAY MANCHESTER OPEN MANCHESTER, England (AP) Results Tuesday of the Manchester Open men's grass-court tournament: First Round Jonas Biorkman, Sweden, def. Andrei Othovskiy, Russia, 7-6 (7-3), 6-3; Greg Rusedski Pointe-Claire, def.

Chuck Adams, U.S., 6-3, 6-2 Maurice Rua'', Venezuela, def. Andrea Gaudenzi (3), Patrick Ratter (2), Australia, det Chris Bailey, Britain, 6-3, 6-7 (7-5), 6-3; MaliVai Washington (4), U.S., Out. Brett Steven, New Zealand, 6-1, 6-2; Guillaume Raoux, France, def. Jan Aped, Sweden, 5-7, 7-6 (74), 7-6 (8-6); Steve Bryan, U.S., def. Stefano Pescosolicto (6), 6-3, 6-1; Mark Petchey, Britain, def.

Christo van Renshurg, South Africa, 7-5; Omar Camporese, Italy, def. Jeremy Bates, Britain, 4-6, 6-1, 64. Doubles First Round Darren Cahill and Mark Kratzmann, Australia, del. Pablo Albano and Javier Frand, Argentina, 6-4, 7-6 (7-4), Brent Haygart, South Africa, and Brad Pearce, U.S., (4), def. Royce Deppe, South Africa, and David Pate, U.S., 7-5, 7-6 (7-5), Scott Davis and Trevor Kronemann, U.S..

del. Andrew Foster and Miles Maciagan, Britain, 6-3, 6-2; Maurice Ruah, Venezuela, and Stephane Simian, France, def. Karel Novacek, Czech Republic, and Laurie Warder, Australia, 4-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7-5); Rick Leach, U.S., and Danie Visser, South Africa (3), del. Steve DeVries and Don Johnson, U.S., 7-6 (74), 64. EASTBOURNE GRASS-COURT EASTBOURNE, England (AP) Results Tuesday from the 5400,000 Eastbourne women's grass-court tournament First Round Naoko Sawamatsu (10), Japan, def.

Maia Muric, Croatia, 7-6 (7-3), 6-7 (7-5), 6-2. Second Round Martina Navratilova (11, U.S., def. Christina Singer, Silvia Farina, Italy, def. Kimiko Date (3), Japan, 5-7, 6-3, 10-8, Natalia Zvereva (4), Belarus, del, Elena Brioukhovets, Ukraine, 6-4, 6-2; Helena Sukova (5), Czech Republic, def Caroiine Kuhiman, U.S., 64, 6-2; Nicole Arendt U.S., dot. Sabine Aopeimans (6), Belgium, 64, 6-3; Lori McNeil (7), U.S., def.

Joanette Kruger, South Africa, 6-1, 8-3; Nathalie Tauziat (8), France, def. Julie Pullin, Britain, 6-1, 5-7, 6-1, Kristine Radford, Australia, def. Naoko Sawarnatsu (10), Japan, 5-7, 6-0, 9-7; Ines Gorrochategui (11), Argentina, def.Mana Endo, 6- Patty Fendick (15), U.S., def. Manon Bollegrat Netherlands 4-6, 6-0, 6-3; Meredith McGrath, U.S., def. Danielle Jones, Australia, 6-0, 6-1; Lisa Raymond, U.S., def.

Marianne Werdel, U.S., 6-2, 6-0, Miriam Oremans, Netherlands, del. Claire Taylor, 7-5; Linda Harvey-Wild, U.S., dot. Anique Sniicters, Netherlands, 6-4, 6-1; Yayuk Basuki, Indonesia, dub. Elna Reinach, South Africa, Laura Golarsa, Italy, def. Digi Fernandez, Puerto Rico, 7-6 (7-5), 7- IP Minnesota Mobornes 2 V3 Stevens 3 t3 Guthrie 1 ,.3 WThjS Cosian 12 Aguitera $14 I Boston Finnvold 4 Bankttead 2 Harris 2 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 KELSEY turned in a tho Performance last timeatthemiddledistanceandoff surface won't hurt herNORDESSA broke through in latest versus easier.

SLUR is bad( with the same looking to repeat. EIGHTH Purse 514,000 3vear-otds. Allowance. 1 I16 Miles. 2 Kthq Att GOiqunt I IS 5 Utmost Barton 120 Rhythmic BlueS CI Brod( 110 7 Buddvs Keeper Loseth 170 1 Social Justice Bayer 115 3 GreybaCk Senties 115 1 Coyanco Deveaum 110 lance last resurface through pack with ear-olds.

ain 115 ton 120 odt 110 ettl 170 ter 115 'us 115 knt 110 47. Hugh Royer, HI 12 $16,156 48. Joe Durant 12 516,088 49. Webb Heintzelman 11 516,047 50. Jeff Barlow 14 SI 5,836 B.C.

TEL PACIFIC OPEN (At Mayfair Lakes, Richmond) THURSDAY Ftrst Tee 7.30 a.m. Brian Wright, Lionel Kunka, John Randle Jr. 7:39 am. Guy Hill, Bloom, Jeff, Dan Dupuis. 7:48 a.m.

Nom Jarvis, Scoff Ford, lan Hutchings. 7:57 am. John Resting, Cec Ferguson, Kent Jones. 8:06 a.m. Philip Jones, Matt Jackson, Roger Wessels.

8:15 am. Perry Parker, Richard lokol, Frank Edmonds. 8:24 am. Jay Conner, Derek Fang, Boon Slevin. 8.33 am.

Tim Herron, Todd Doohan, Dave Miley. 8:42 a.m. John Aasen, Keith Westover, David Ahern. 8:51 am. Scott Schrader, Bruce Plummer, Hal Ereinko.

9:00 am. Rob Anderson, Trey Maples, Joe Donnelly. 9:09 am. Dean Spriddle, Rick Kuhn, James Kim. 9:18 am.

Lance Johnson, Ken Whiteaker, Jack Westover. 12:15 PM. Rob Sullivan, Mike Pero, Pat Shame. 12:24 pm. Matthew Lane, David Bolton, Bruce Bulina.

12:33 p.m. Marty Roberts, Duane Bock, Davidson Matyauk. 12:42 p.m. Jim Nelford, Joan-Louis Larnarre, Craig Jones. 12:51 p.m.Don Fardon, Carlos ESPIIIosa, Jack Kay Jr.

Robert Ray Stewart. 1:09 p.m. Andrew Pitts, Rob Willis, Rob Beauchemin. 1:18 p.m. Brett Liddle, Rob Rannow, Darryl James.

117 p.m Kerry Short, Pat Dunn, Jim Harris. 1:36 p.m. Mari( Telerico, Scott Hood, Mike Lyndall. 1:45 p.m. John Miller Martin Chuck, Joong Mo.

1:54 Kirby Krupka, Jim Martens (A), Rob Olson. 2:03 p.m. Kent f*ckushima, Mike Kiener, John Schurman. Tenth Tee 7:30 am Bruce Heuchan, Steve Schneffer, Tim Balmer. 7:39 a.m.

Derek James, Ray Freeman, Daniel Pelczarshi. 748 a.m. Craig Marseilles, Hank Baran, Tony Monica. 7:57 a.m. Ian Legge, Eric Hoes, Mike Grob.

8:06 a.m.Mike Weir, Rick Todd, Lee Chili 8:15 am. Brent Franklin, Jim Rutledge, Danny Miiovic 8124 am. Nick Goetze, Dave McMillan, Ben Fouchee 8:33 a.m. Scott Dunlap, Danny Ellis, Kevin Baker. 8:42 am.

Dean Code), Mike Daly, Mike Ford. 8:51 am. Brent Dorman, Tom Ins-keep, Ian Doig. 9700 am. Marcus Meloan, Dave Hamilton, Peter Maim.

9:09 a.m. Mark Kochan, Steve Stencil, Mario Tiziani. 918 a David Guynn Kendal Yonemoto, Ben Weir. 12:15 Todd Fanning, Tom Jackson, David Morland. 12:24 p.m.

Dean Wilson, Joe Co, Mike Lee, 12:33 P.M. Blair Piercy, Fred Hanover, Paul Devenport 12.42 p.m. Rem' Bouchard, Stephen Leaney, Scott Geroux. 12.51 pm. Jerry Anderson, KIP Bryne, Stuart HendleY.

1:00 Dave Barr, Eric Woods, David Doing. 1:09 P.m Kelly Murray, Ed Beauchemin, Andy Beal. 1.18 p.m. Jerry Springer, Dave Pashko, George Andrews. 1:27 p.

m. Brad flabiuk, Lance Du Toff, John McMullen. 1:36 p.m. Pete McCutcheon, Rich Massey, Drew Karr. 1.45 pm.

John Gilles, Brad Wilson, Luc Rochefort. 134 PAM. Jell Stavroff, Joe Tam-burin, Keith WNtecotron 203 p.m. Roger Armstrong, Jason Andrew, Chris Curran. tBriin :4 MOVE LIGHT lett slowly in career bow and should find these more to liking.

LUCKY SON shortens up for this after showing way early. NORDIC GOLD will be a factor if he runs back to earlier. THIRDPurse $12,500. Maiden 2-yearolds Allowance. 6 Furlongs.

3 Final Act Losetti 120 7 Annd Th Flag Krasner 120 6 Shinto Canocki .1 Baker 112 Trick Snuffle Brock 115 1 Loansome Cash 8 Winnen 115 2 NrIhm Blurd A Citibrisn 115 5 Rock Hardy I Maigarini 115 8 Regal Pontiff .1 Barton 115 FINAL ACT lost all chance when bumped earty in debut. ATTEND THE FLAG Ban Oklahoma-bred forwardly for career bow. STR CANUCKS is from a mare, Royalty Speaks, whose first two foals were good winners. FOURTHPurse 54.500,3-year-oldsard up. Mares Non-winners in 1994.

Claiming (samon 6 1'2 Furlongs. 7 Hot Ginger A Curnbertson 117 6 Pink Limousine Brock 117 Fun With Akre Losent 120 Frencn Crystal 117 5 Life On Ice Senties 117 1 Mabuhay Lacoursiere 120 2 Alithwaytothtp Fuentes 117 3 Nt Bm Ystrdsi Cure 117 9 Stay Round SCRATCH Ill Colorado lanz 6 7 2 2 3 3 Blair Menlo? V300001 Bonenoeld 1 0 0 0 1 0 Atlanta Metcner 7 3 1 1 0 9 WohterS 1 0 0 0 0 0 McOchl VS 1 i 0 0 0 1 A-44545. Houston 7 at San Francisco 4 KING ALF was stakes-otaced at the two back. UTMOST keeps showing all the signs. RHYTHMIC BLUES is shila rnarden but stakes stad was encouraging.

NINTH Purse t5400. 3-year-Nds and up Cla.rnng IS250). A 1'2 Furtorigs. Frank Mosso Otgoin 117 1 Triton I. Lacoorstece 114 3 Tycoon Brock 114 2 Mega Credit 117 9 Kads Judgement met, 116 8 Dr Shuitz 117 4 Fifty Workin A Citihrtsn 114 7 What A Wiz I Is I Migmi 116 5 Palm Dale Young 114 Leading Sneed SCRATCH 116 '3 5 Palm Date Young 114 Leading Speed SCRATCH 116 a the cfs, showing is still a -olds and longs.

inn 117 pre 114 dt 114 pth 117 lett 116 es 117 sn 114 mi 116 1.ig 114 CH 116 SCOREBOARD Chicago at San Diego (1:35 p.m PDT). Rookie Joey Hamilton is 3-0 with a 236 ERA in four starts for the Padres since making his mator-league debut this season. STATS Don Mattingly Played his game at first base Monday night, moving him Past Wally PiPP and into second Place behind Lou Gehrig 2,1311 on the Yankees' list of games by a first baseman. STREAKS The Cleveland Indians won their 12th straight game at Jacobs Field on Monday night. The borne-winning streak is the Indians' longest since they took 13 in a row at Cleveland Stadium in 1965 Chip Hale had eight straight hits through Monday night tor Minnesota.

SLUMPS Carlos Garcia was 1-for-20 before getting an infield single with two outs in the ninth inning that broke up Jeff Fasserols no-hitter. SLUGGERS Jose Canseco is 19-for-34 (.559) vAth eight home runs and 20 RB i in his last eight games Huble Brooks hit the eighth grand slamot his career Monday night He connected for Kansas City's first pinch-hit slam since George Brett in 1980. SWINGS The Rockies had lost all 16 games in Atlanta before beating the Braves 2-2 Monday night. On Sunday, Colorado WOrl tor the first time in 11 garnes at Riverfront Stadium defeating Cincinnati 3-2. STARTERS Giants rookie William VanLandingham has 13 letters in his last narne, lying ter the longest in maior -league history.

The other Player is Oakland pitcher Kirk Dressendorter. STOPPERS John Franco got his 251st save Monday night. pave Righetti is the career saves loader among left-handers with 252. STATUS Mo Vaughn lett Mondav's game alter being hit by a pitch below his right elbow by Minnesota's Jim Deshaies. Vaughn was taken for X-rays, which were negative Will Clark did not play Monday night hecause of a stomach virus.

It was the first game hey missed for Texas. SIDELINED Ouie Smith did not play for St. Louis on Monday night because of a bruised left knee and will serve a two-game suspension for arguing and butting an umpire. HOT GINGER brings a 3-race win streak back from Kamloops. PINK LIMOUSINE followed some tough ones in latest PUN WITH AVE makes seconds top at this level and mkt surprise.

FRANK MUSSO laddes slightly tougher tougher FIFTH Purse $4.500. 3-year-olds and oda rough trip in debut. TRITON heldown in latest at this level despite racing wide. LIP. Fillies, Mares.

Non-winners ip 1994. Claiming 6 2 urlongs. TYCOON fits well with these and may do 1 2 Bridge To Drms .1 Barton 120 more than share. BEST: Not Ginger te) 5 Soniet Krasner 11 irig wide. may Isralaimmm WBA RANKINGS marl; 4.

Andrew Murray, Guyana; S. CARACAS (AP) The World Boxing Jung Oh Park, South KOrea, 6 Assooation rankings through May 1994 Jacobs, Britain; 7. Freddy Ladd; B. Mel-(Americans unless otherwise noted): drick Taylor; 9. James McGirt; 10.

Oba HeavyvieigM (over 199 pounds) C. Champion Junior Welterweight (140 POUndS) Michael Moore, Champion 1. Over McCall; 2. Tony Tucker; 3. Juan Coggi, Argerdina Bruce Seldom; 4.

Donovan (Razor) Rud- 1. Julio Chavez, Mexico; 2. ValerY dock, Toronto; 5. Frank Botha, South Kayurnba, France; 3. Alberto Cortez; 4.

Africa; 6. Joe Hipp; 7. Phil Jackson; 8. Car- Jan Bergman, South Africa; S. Nude Pin-re Sanders, South Africa; 9.

Henry Akin- M. Colombia; 6. David Kamau; 7. wancie, Britain; 10. Jorge L.

Gonzalez, George Scott; 8. Andy Holligan, Britain, 9. Cuba. halid Rahilou, France; 10. Christian CruiserweigM (190 pounds) Merle, France.

Champion Lightweight (135 pounds) Orlin NOttiS Champion 1. Arthur Williams; 2. Bobby C'vi I Gusshie Nazarov, Russia Thomas Heams; 4. Nate miner; S. Norbert 1 Johnson; 2.

Joey Gamache Ekassi, Cameroon; 6. Robert Daniels; 7. 3. Fabian Teieda, Argentina; 4. Shannba James Warring; 8.

Kenny Keene; 9. Mar- Mitchell; S. Tony Loner 6. Miguel Julio, cello Figueroa, Argentina; JO. Akim Tater, Colombia 7.

Carl Griffith; 8. Eduardo France Molina 9. Adrianus Taroreh, Indonesia; Light Heavyweight (175 Pounds) 10. Masuaki Takeda, Japan. Champion Junior Lightweight (130 pounds) Virgil Hill Champion 1.

Frank Tate; 2. Wansup Lee, South Genaro Hernandez Korea; 3. Fabrice Tiozzo, France; 4. Mike 1. Marcos Guevara, Venezuela; 2.

McCallum; 6. Eddy Smolders. Nether- jimmy Garcia, Colombia; 3. Victor H. lands; 7.

Darius Michalczawski, Ger- Paz, Argentina; 4. Gabriel Ruelas; S. inane; Egerton Marcus, Toronto; 9. Harold Warren; Yoma, France; Dreg! tclsk3rskit Calgary; It Drake 7. ltlongsoo Choi.

South Korea; Eade Thadzi, Moncton, N.B. HOPS011; 9 Wilson Rooriguet, Dominican Super Middleweight Oa pounds) Republic; Lamar Champion Steve Little Featherweight 029 Pounds) Frank Liles; 2. Antoine Bert Champion Michael Nunn; 4. Frank Nicotra, France; Etoy Roos 1. Luis Mendoza.

Coiombia; 2. Yung- 5. Mauno Amaral, Brazil; 6. James kyunq Park, South Korea; 3. Miguel Arro- Cook; 7.

Tim Littles; 8. Byungin ang, tat, 4. Tsuyoshi Hararta, JaPan; 5, Samart South Korea; 9. ViCe1110 Nardiello, dale; 10. Henry Wharton, Britain.

Payakaroon, Thailand; 6. Ever Beleno, Middleweight (160 pounds) Colombia; 7. Orlando Soto. Panama; 8. Champion Fernando Rodriguez; 9.

Sean Murphy; 10. John David Jackson Francisco Segura, Mexico. 1. Reggie Johns 2. Jorge Castro, Junior Feathenveight (In pounds) Argentina; 1.

Steve Collins; Bernard Champion Houttins. S. Segundo Mercado, Easy; Wilfredo VISclUel. PVeft) Rica Ji than Jettison: 7 Shine Takehara, 1 Jaewrin Choi. Soon, Korea: 2 AntrING Japan; 8.

Roberto Duran, Panama; B. Cement Venezuela; 3 RamonGutman, Vinny Pazienza; 10. Clary Taylor. Venezuela; 4. Amato Romero, Panama; Junior Middleweight 54 Poundsin S.

Hiroaki Yokota, Japan; 6. ThierrY Champion Jacob, France 7. Yuicrk kasay. Japan: Julio Vasquez, Argentina Nestor Fana. Argentina; 9.

Jesus Salud; 1, Ron Wright; 2. Javier Castillo, Spain; 10, Rudy Zavala. 3. Can Daniels 4. Peter Venancio, Braid; Bantantweicl*t 0 II pounds) S.

Julio Green 6, Vincent Penway; 7. Tem Champion Norris, 8. Tony Marshall, Guyana; 9. Alw- John M. Johnson I.

Daorung Chuvatana, Thailand 2. France Yonghoon Lee, South Korea; 3. Jorge wenenveight (t47 pounds) Julio, Colombia; 4. Eddie Cook 5. AbraChampion ham Torres, Venezuela; 6.

Nana Konadu, Oisardo Espana, Venezuela Ghana, 7.1niceCho South Korea; 8, Frank 1. Ike Cluartey, Ghana; 2. Yon Bar Toledo; 9, Vincent Belcasho, Italy. 10. CamPas, Mexico; 3.

Geri Jacobsen, Den- Jungli Byung, South Korea. HOUSTON SAN FRAN abrhbi abrhbi Mouton ci 5030 Lewis ct 5231 Dnnels 2b 3 2 2 0 DaMtnz rt 3021 Hmotn 0000 Crreon ri 1000 Toines 0000 Bnznor lb 5000 Simms ph 1 0 0 0 MaVelm 3b 5 000 Hudek 0000 Bonds If 4 1 1 0 Bowel, lb 5 3 4 3 Clayton ss 3 0 1 0 mull 3b 3 1 1 0 Sasone 2b 3 0 0 1 Gnzale2 If 4 1 3 2 Mnwrn 3010 Esebio 3 0 0 1 Torres 3 0 0 0 Felder ri 4 0 1 1 Hchrsn 1 1 1 0 Cedeno ss 4010 Gomez 0000 BWlms 2000 Ptirson ph 1000 Stnkwc 2b 1 0 0 0 Frey 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 7 15 7 Totals 36 4 9 3 Houston 200 130 100-7 San Francisco 011 101 000-4 ECedetto (6), Benlin0Pr (I I. DPSan Franasco 3, LOBHouston 8, San Franosco 11. 211Donnels 12), Bagwell 7 (151, Gonzalez 2 (13), Diewts (51, DaMarlinez (5), Clayton (8), Ithckerson ()). HR Bagwell (18) SBDLewts (21) CSMouton (SI.

SFEusebto, Scar-sane. IF RERBBSO Houston 85Mtrns 53 8 4 4 3 3 Hampton 1 Y3000 1 1 Toiones 1 10012 Huck Se 1 0 0 0 0 1 San Francisco Torres 1-2-5 4'1 10 6 6 2 1 1 3 1 1 11 Gnttrutz 2 000 1 0 Frew 1 20010 Hdterson pdched to 2 batters in the 715. 2. Int Money 12 $120069 13 $116,260 13 $83,114 13 $71,812 13 $88,206 13 $64,726 13 $62,166 11 $59 595 12 11 1,57,951 13 806.682 12 853,845 11 $53,376 13 $47,731 13 813.635 7 813.055 13 840.848 13 $3.933 6 $38,761 12 $37,531 13 837,231 11 532686 13 532.512 11 531.693 14 530,695 8 $30,312 13 530,191 6 $29,754 9 $28 431 12 577 186 5 I $23305 12 573,795 7 521,170 11 570,814 14 870.162 11 $20,325 6 520091 12 859.551 12 851.755 13 557.646 10 $37,426 13 517.096 12 $16,991 10 816,901 72 116,214 1. Tommy Armour HI 2.

Scott Gump 3, Skip Kendall 4. Chris Perry S. Rick Pearson 6. Bill Murchison 7. Clark Burroughs 8.

Bruce Vaughan 9. Tommy To Iles 10. Pat Bates 11. Thomas Scherrer 12. Robert Friend 11 Charles Rvmer 14.

Bill Porter 'IS Craig Canada 16. En'tyn Aubrey 17. Vic Wilk 18. John Elliott 19. Keith Fergus 20.

Ornar Uresti 21 Tim Loustaiot 22. David Duval 23. Lee Rinker 24. Danny Brings 25. Mike Schuchart 26.

Jim Carter 27. Sonny Skinner 28 Buddy Gardner 29 Pon Ph.lo 30 31. Brad Fabel 32, Brian Henninger 33. Woody Austin 34. Tom Byrum 35.

Frank Conner 36. Gary Rusnak 37. Tim Conley 38 Mike SmiM 39. David Kirkpatrick Al Jed Brehaut It Mike Sposa 42 Lance Ten Broeck 63 Bob Wolcott 44. Steve Haskins 4.

Sam Randolph at David Jackson HALLE GRAND PRIX HALLE, Germany (AP) Results Tuesday of the $525,000 Halle Grand Prix tournament. First Round AlexanderVollqw (IL Russia, del.Hendrik Dreekmann, Germany, 3-6, Magnus Larsson (8), Sweden, def. David Adams, Australia, 6-4, 6-4; Marc Goellner, Germany, del. Andrei MectveON (2), Ukraine, 6-2, 1-6 10-8); Henrik Holm, Sweden, def. David Riki, Czech Republic 7-6 (74), 6-2; Wally Masur, Australia, def.

Amos Mansciorl, Israel, 62 1-5; Henri Leconte. France, def. Daniel Vacek, Czech Republic, 6-I, 1-6 (7-2); Richard Frornberg, Australia, def. Alex Ractulescu, Germany, 6-2, 6-2; Bernd Karbacher, Germany, det Guy Foroet, France, 44 6-4, 74 (14); Jonathan Stark, U.S., def. Karsten Braasch, Germany, 6-3, 6-2.

DIV-RAIFEISEN GRAND PRIX ST. POEL TEN, Austria (AP, Newt Tuesday of the 1325,000 OTV-Raifeisen Grand Prix tournarneit; First Round Oscar Martinez, Spain, clef Stefan Koubek, Austna, 6-3, 6-2; Gabriel Markus, Argentina. def. Jordi Arrese Spam, 7-6 (8-6), 6-I, Carlos Costa (2), Spain, def. Tomas Carbonell (8), Seam, def.

Lars Joensson, Sweden, 6-4, 7-5; Marcelo Fiiippini, Uruguay, clef. Emilio Sanchez, Spain, 7-6 (1- 3), 6-4; Gilad Bloom, Israel, def. Viktor Nagy, Hungary, 6-1, 6-1; Thomas Muster (I Austria, def. Dirk Cher, Germany, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. McGuirk, wide receivers Midiael Skaggs, Stfredrick Austin and Anthony Cooley and offensive guard James Harper.

Toronto Argonauts announce offensive tackle Chris Luneherg left camp. BASEBALL Amnon League California Angels trade outfielder tome BattimoreOnolestor a Player tobenarnediaten activateinfieider Rex Hudter from the 15-day asabled list; designate outfielder Bruce postal for assignment, recall outfielder Damon from Rochester of the International LeacApe. Chicago WM, Soo purchase the contraCtOf OVheOer Dann Sown from Na vike ot AmencAn Association. Cleveland Indians sign outfielder Chip Glass to a minor-league contract. Milwaukee Brewers activate irtfielder Kevin Setter from the 15-day disabled list.

option infielder Jeff Cinik) to Pew Orleans of the AthenCan ASSOCkihOrt. Toronto Blue Jain PO pitcher Al Leiter on the IS-day disabled list, retroactive to June 9, and retail pitcher Woody Williams from Syracuse Chiefs of the International League. National League Chicago Cubs purchase contract ol catcher-first baseman Mike Maksuclan from Iowa of the American Association ootelt and offensive o. outfielder toles for a eiraielder abed list ostal for Damon conenNes11- Ider Chnt ct infielder disabted to New Al Loiter )active to Williams mationa1 Iract altsuclan clarion HOCKEY NHL Canadian junior team names Don Hay coach. Montreal Canadierts renew contracts of assistant coaches Jacques Latierrere and Charles Thrffault.

for two seasons. Philadelphia Flyers name Bob Clarke present. Las Vegas Thunder signs goaltender Pokey to a three-year contract. FOOTBALL NFL Cincinnati Bengals sign defensive end Daniel Stubbs to a one-year contract and Quarterback Jake ketcriner. Green Bay Packers sign linebacker Paul Duckworth.

Los Angeles Rams sign linebacker Chris Martin, wide receiver Ovis Brantley and offensive tackle Ron Edwards. Washington Redskins sign running back Rickey Ervins to a one-year deal. CR. Las Vegas Posse waive running backs Martel Black and Tony Burse. Saskatchewan Roughriders release offensive tactile Kevin Weber.

Shreveport Pirates release quarterbacks Booby Bounds and Nathaniel Harrison, defensive backs Tony Crutchfield, Michael Nail Dale Branch and Pal Philadelphia 3 at New York 2 ca 1 4 CmAmmoNienP Best-of-Seven New You vs. Houston (Houstro leads 2.1) Today Houston at New York, 6 p.m. Friday Houston at New York, p.m. Sunday x-New York at HOUSIOn. 4pm.

Wednesday, June 72 x-New York at Houston, 6 pm, 11 necessary SLOW FITCH Golden Spike Mixed So Pitch Tourney, Inlet Park. June 30 to July 1 four game guarantee. S200 fee. Call 464-5669. June 25 and 26, Gordon Park, Levels and recreation.

Four game guarantee, 1115 fee. Call 936-3333. PNILA NEW YORK abelibi abebbi 4tcber ct 30 1 0 Vna 55 5 1 1 0 Duncan 2b 4 1 1 0 Hodlev 4000 Kruk lb i Orsulak 0 2 1 1 1 Dienes 0 0000 Bonnie 3b 3000 Daulton 10 10 10 10 10 10 I .1 111 AEAlom.

The Vancouver Sun from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)


Where is Vancouver Sun? ›

Vancouver Sun
Seriously Westcoast
Founded12 February 1912
Headquarters400-2985 Virtual Way, Vancouver, B.C., V5M 4X7
5 more rows

What is Vancouver, Canada known for? ›

With its scenic views, mild climate, and friendly people, Vancouver is known around the world as both a popular tourist attraction and one of the best places to live.

Why is Vancouver so important to Canada? ›

Owing to its proximity to Asia, as well as its excellent deep-water harbour and transportation infrastructure, Vancouver is Canada's primary hub for trade with Asia.

Why is Vancouver Canada the best place to live? ›

Vancouver frequently ranks highly as one of the world's most livable cities. Perhaps it has something to do with its scenic location. Vancouver is wedged between the Pacific Ocean and the North Shore Mountains. Which means, you have easy access to beach and mountain activities.

Where does the Vancouver Sun Run start? ›

Run through a beautiful scenic course that highlights Vancouver's downtown core starting at Burrard and Georgia heading North to Denman street. The course runs through Vancouver's West End to the English Bay waterfront and then heads east along Beach and Pacific Ave with scenic views of the waterfront.

How much is a meal in Vancouver? ›

Here's what you might expect to pay for dining out in Vancouver, based on one meal per person: A meal in a budget-friendly restaurant: $20 – $30. A meal in a mid-range restaurant: $40 – $60. A meal in a high-end restaurant: $70 – $100.

What is the best month to visit Vancouver? ›

With its array of indoor and outdoor attractions, make sure to add visiting Vancouver to your itinerary. The best times to visit Vancouver are from March to May and from September to November. It is when the weather is mild and hotel prices are reasonable.

What food is Vancouver known for? ›

10 Best Local Dishes from Vancouver
  • B.C. roll. Sushi with PNW salmon. ...
  • Japadog. Japanese food, only in a hotdog bun. ...
  • See also. 10 Best Road Trips Near Vancouver. ...
  • Candied salmon. Canadian salmon but with a tangy twist. ...
  • Poutine. Canadian comfort food at its most comforting. ...
  • Dungeness crab. ...
  • West Coast oysters. ...
  • Spot prawns.

Which US state is close to Vancouver? ›

The city is just north of the U.S. state of Washington.

Why is Vancouver so expensive? ›

Land scarcity in Vancouver is a major culprit behind its high housing costs. With only around 15% of the land suitable for development, competition for available properties is fierce. This situation worsens during periods of rapid population growth, where demand far outstrips the limited supply.

Why do Chinese come to Vancouver? ›

In the mid-20th Century Chinese began moving from smaller British Columbia towns to Vancouver and eastern Canada because of the collapse of some of British Columbia's agricultural industries.

What salary do I need to live in Vancouver? ›

FAQs. What is the Average Salary you need to Live in Vancouver? In order to live comfortably in Vancouver and not have to worry about the high cost of living, you should make at least $40000 per year.

What are the disadvantages of living in Vancouver? ›

  • Con: High Cost Of Living.
  • Con: High Food Prices.
  • Con: Traffic & Drivers.
  • Con: Expensive To Fly Elsewhere.
  • Con: High Gas Prices.
  • Con: Forest Fires.
  • Con: Boring Nightlife.
  • Con: Underprepared For Snow.
Apr 27, 2024

How much do groceries cost in Vancouver? ›

The average monthly cost of groceries in Vancouver is $375.76.

What direction does the sun set in Vancouver? ›

Vancouver, BC, Canada — Sunrise, Sunset, and Moon Times for Today
Current Time:Aug 5, 2024 at 2:06:32 pm
Sunrise Today:5:50 am↑ 63° Northeast
Sunset Today:8:44 pm↑ 297° Northwest
Moonrise Today:6:55 am↑ 65° East
Moonset Today:9:39 pm↑ 290° West
1 more row

How long does it take to get to Sunshine Coast from Vancouver? ›

Ferry Crossing Times
Horseshoe Bay (West Vancouver) to Langdale (Gibsons)40 minutes
Earls Cove to Saltery Bay50 minutes
Westview (Powell River) to Blubber Bay (Texada Island)35 minutes
Westview (Powell River) to Little River (Comox)85 minutes

What is the main newspaper in Vancouver? ›

Major newspapers

Vancouver has two major English-language daily newspapers, The Vancouver Sun (a broadsheet) and The Province (a tabloid). Both are published by Postmedia Network.

Does The Vancouver Sun deliver? ›

Online + Daily Home Delivery

Tuesday to Saturday newspaper delivery, including B.C. politics, National Post, Financial Post, Opinion, You and Sports. Vancouver Sun ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.