The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

os lln'getegOaittj Games, 10 MARCH 1926. PART I. THURSDAY MORNING. 7' I Sg SMBBBBS MM sHSBl J1BBBBV a -etUiOf CLOG REPLACES CHARLESTON I I I A k. I I I MiIETa JSK UJ I ssVV 1 ri 'i i Tir -rasT i rm rr in iiwi 1 I land, tie Ban IMego.

f.iitiilwr for Chrleg B. I.umlier Company. NEW RUMOR OF CALEIiONNlin, Balboa fur Vamiluiar. 400 miles enitlh oT Kan FrHtit-lMfl, MALI, Run Fnurlam for Honolulu, 109 Billrl Steamer JANE NETTI.KTOtf, tttpt Hvn- lasssssWls KW VV iiwii, pinn 1 1 ii i iwva JAMbR II. ltl Klfi.

Cray's Harbor for Balboa. 4.5 tnllca frnm Ainrplfi RATE WAR 2UK CART KKWANKE, LUuiton for Ban Franclaco, 137 miles trnm Linolon, IIARHARA ln Angeles ft Taeoma, ISt mil. trti Tacoota. Mlrhlp II. HARPER.

Rlrhmonif for Point Wolla, 306 miles from Point Wells. CAPT. A. F. LI CAS, Mitt WelH for Ln) An Conference He ported Verging on Dissolution Mount Holyoks College Take up New Dance Fad (txnuntivs pisrATcnt BOUT1I HAPLET (Mass.) March .3.

The girls of Mount Holyoke College have discarded the Charleston that Intriguing atep which has taken to many valuable lioura to acquire, for clogging, Those Charleston fima who come lo the tiewlv i r-ganlzed clogging classes lo Jeer, remain to adapt themselves to the latest fad. A Wednesday afternoon clogging class Is conducted weekly at Mount HolyoUe under the auspices of the Department of Physical Educa-tlon Instructors are taxed to the utmost to Impart the knowledge which the college girls suddenly cravs. wonderful wnier hestci's in tlilrf Ju life, find you heard whut the Bxnt said about tho pas furnace being the finest that money could buy.1 A timid smile flleliered on Michael I-'lynn's face. "There's one tiling' I can say for this house, Minnie the rfiau. who done the plumbing Job knew what he was pm, Vancogrori Paaadtwta, pnu, Allilon; TaKllamenta, Italy; 6 p.m., lxa Angelba.

BBAPPLD. March 8 A irked- Border Quoen, .19 p.m., Rmultnttrm Ali.ka; V. 11. 4:89 p.m., Vantuyr; Aitorla. 8 lo An.

goloj; Alwander. m.i I'dlllo, 1 1 5 Antog, jnatordav, Tknma; C. 7 a a fan FranclKO; Flnrrnm Luokenbaoli, 0:13 a.m., Portland. lienartrdi Northland, a bm.i Phlille, am VIcttKla. 3 a.m.; Loylealnwn.

yeetwday. Income; relllo, 8 p.m., Rati t'tanolicoi Lillian Lurkan-hach, tM a.m., Miiklltn.i Anyoy, 8 a.m., Brlt-l-h Columblai KdwairJ W. Luckeoba, 6 a.m., Rclllngliaini motorelilp rtro. 1 lnhat Croii Kevee, Yokohama; mmorthlp Byalla, IS SO p.m., VatMoureri tat. A.

Lucaa. jut-terday, Lo Angole, POIlTf.AIfT, March 8 Arrlred: Cormi. Angela; motnrahlp Ami "Jnhnain, a O.UJ and way port; Walllngford, 19:1 a.m., lm Angela and Ban Franr-lmt; molniblp 8 (cm-, Hamburg and way porta. llntarledi Admiral Krana, 19 a.m., Ran and war porta; Kewenee, Ban Ft, from Everett, yl "an jnancin A. F.

MahorirtT Lumhrf totnoanf, CARGO VESSELS DUX TO DEPART Till'ttKPAT, AltCrl fiteam.r ArtMIIlAf. I ISKR, Cart. R. tf Rn luego. ud frelgltl lor VMo Moaui- ahlp Company.

Stcemrr Cart, PmiHen. for Ran Kranclara Paaaenger end freight far Au- gate rjteamahlo I miipony. Rteainer I apt Betiihmari, for Jen 1'reneleco. I'aeiiger and trilglit tor Whit Blea'mee- ''NEWPORT. Tapt 'for Ban Frandwo.

Pantn and frolglit lor lot All-rle line. Bieamrr RUTH AI.EXANTiER. fart. Cites, for Hnaitle. Peeiengeta and fralglit fur Per I Do Piiwrnehln SACTIREN, Cert, Jeeo, ff Ran rranclacn, Paaaengmw and freight ft Lnllod American lln.

Liaj Amele Biaunehlpi toiu-panr. local agentt. Simmer TA4.R. Capt R.U for Ran tiler Paa- Sfnb fiwn S(I1. Mill tnr Tko-lwui.

h-h'. N.ul, Shnlii, Manila. MiWi 0. fnm Sn rtnniinfc Mill Ft Hmolulii. K.

UbiBttitl, and Manila. Marrti pi, ftou San Tranolino. Mali fur Himolnhi. lrH, ju, from Saaltln. Ullt Bwiiilu, Kim, ind'H4ny.

lat h. In. frqui Huulm, Mall (or Kia. kluJl ami Hhanghal. f--'f tinnnart aC Ban rranftiro mall ni'K lat la 4nia mad BM i.tar than p.n.

lha ttt prU tu lm nt lalMnf. Fat nmnrxilim if SII1 matl oa Anr.iai lh third JJ irtof of lulllnr ii.K latat lliai. f) 1 m. Shipping Board Peace Effort Proves Vutilc geiea, any nine, trotn Loe Angelee, CANADIAN FARMER. Lo Angelea for Ban Franclaco, 78 niilc fimn Kan Frantleoo.

1,1. Kill Nan Franclaco for Yokohama, 45 milea Ban Fraitflato. LI Hl.r. Loa Angelea for Beattl. 113 mile fmm Live Angele.

Iil.RiK Lo, Angelea for Martinet, 48 Dllut from 5lat1fni. MAKENA, BlUa for Kahulul, in 5 mile from Kahulul. Pi ll' Melhonrii for Vanrourer, 618 miles from t' Flattery, i'f 4AI.O. Vanconror for Ballna. 99 mile about.

Them tubs and showers and tolleis bus the very latest fl- In's. There's too many of "cm for a place this slse, but they're fmii( al Rati failr for Ut giwal all tip to date and work without a hitch." Middle of Month Expected to Witness Break I kl.n Kraticlsto. ilEXICAN. Vancouyer for Colon, 109 I hm Ban Franrfson, mwi wont Rnigm, I New York iifanija afar? aiiif? Satviiua. )' Lot Aiia.ln al tut a tn.

tn matl Sal-. Minnie felt triumphant. "Tou Urdav aixl IHIMN. antra. see, papa, its going to Keep you ninth Irata at am.

busy locking after the plumbing. and think what your experience la para abogar por la de una orden Injusta. 'Ha eido pueifa on ridfeulo la soberanla del pueblo, asl como el rarActer democrfttlco representa- tvtm mouithlii Nttialhambra, iW Lt Angele. TACOMA, Vamh I. Arrtyerlr Parle Mara, Kobo, 19 am i ISmlr t'oeta.

Point Walla. 19 am i Virginian, Boaton. durlnt night; Emm Aleyander, Ban Diego, during night Ballad: Emma Alaaander, Ran Plego. 415 i firn. HeatOa, SurUig night; CeJllo, Seattle, during night RAN K1EOO.

March S.Arrlrarl: Ettraka. 4 a Ruth Aleaander. Victoria, Peat. tin, Ban Framdam. Jm Aneolna, Harrard Ban Franctaco, Lna Anralea, 8 pm.

Peparled: Wahkena, Portland. 8 Tarn, alpali, Kureka. 6 p.m. Cry me. Knaenada, Dm.

Ruth Aleiandnr, Vlotorla, 11 p.m. PrTTfTBRBt'Rfl tAlatka) March 8. Drparted: Northwatrn, yoelerdey, norUibound. RITKA (Alkal March 8 Peparled: Admiral Italtert, yaaterday, auulh; Nortliwuttern, 8:30 p.m., nortltbound. VANCOI-VKB (B.

March 8 Pearled: Parti JUrii. yeetwday, Tacnnt; Vancmiiit, ym. lerday, Loa Angele Canadian BklnnUher, yua-lerdey. EVERETT Marrl. a Arrtyed: Emma Alexander, 8 Tiroma.

ORAT'S HARBOR Waih March R. Arrlred: Point Arena, ytwtwday: I.anan, yeeterday. Iia Angelea; Tnku Maru, yeptarday, Japan; Wwt Ca-tab, I p-m. PANAMA CANAL, March. 1 Paaaed hwind rail: F.

3. Ickenbanh, Can Francteco for New Tork: Malmanger. Loa Angele. for London; Llo, NT HARRISON. Ban Franrlto fur Honolulu, 849 mllea from Honolulu.

BKK'KTITN. Loa Augelct lor Manila, 1(18 mllea frntu Ltv Angrier. CITY OF LOS ANGELES. Ln Angole foe? au- lulti. miles fmnt Lrai Angelea.

MA Ahuklul for bau Francisco, 28.1 mllea from Ban FraneUm. WALTER. A. Ll'fKENBAi'H. Lo Angelea for T'bllatl.

Iphla, I lb milr anuth of Loa Angelea. FELIX TAP USUI, New York for Ban Diego, 1138 mllea southeast of Sat) Uinta OIllttl.K, Phlladelplil for Lo Aogelot, 1600 miles from Ie Angeles. HENRY s. GROVE, San Frawliro for Now York, mile, from San Kranclnco. PRESIDEST MADISON.

Beattla for Yokohamt, 1474 mile fnuu Seatllo. BORKN. Manila for Bau Francises, 5159 rati Irom Ban Franclai. I BY FEDERAL TELEGRAPHl Th Federal Telegraph Company, In with th Ln Angeles Receiving Heltal ttaS. will neelv reguettt fer medleal and turpleai lervlrai iram ahlp crews from vessels pt a thraugh KOK autwd at Laa Anaelet wllheut charoa.

LOS ANOELER STATION 8 p.m., March 2 GEORGHTVARHINGTON, I.os Angelea for Hoo lulu. 1400 mllpi kl nf Lo. Angeles, JERSEY CITY, Vanrourer tor Antwerp, 1195 mllea south nf Los Anyeiea. ATLANTIC CITY, New York for Honolulu. 8825 mile nest northwest of Balbo.

8 p.m., Maroh 2 LONDON IMPORTER. Manchester for Lop An- (ties, miles south of Loa Angele. Naan, Maeh 2 MAINE, E'erett for New York. U4 mllea smith of Cap Flattery. CHl'KY.

Chile for Lot Angele, 1298 miles from Antreles. PRESIDENT VAN BPREN. Balboa ftw Lw. Angele, 17(10 miles southeast of Lot Angeles. Non, March golnir to fiave me." "They do charge omethtn fierce rut here for Just the ordinary work thdt I ain't too old to do myself." Mkhsel Flynn was warming up to the aubject.

"I guess It won't take me no time to learn how to run them patent furnaces. My old boss t'sed to say I was the smartest I lumber in his shup when It come to workln' out any new" Carlton said, "8-h!" because the apnt was approaching. It Jarred rn his esthetic nerves to listen to this jargon which belonged to a be wanted to forget. In the weeUs that followed, there was a. noticeable change In Michael Flynn; he waa busy.

He hud an excuse to keep out of slcht. He wore overalls and carried a tool kit. His faco was smeHred with grea. Minnie often heard him whistling, he disappeared down tho teps into the vaulted basem*nt, and fho amlled, her father had come into his own at last. She kept his mind off the approaching wedding by giving him complete chargo of tho wiring for the electrical display.

They were to be married in the home, and it was to bo a brilliant affair. Mrs. Flynn told the reporters they were planning to upend at least a thousand dollars for decorations and sup-ncr: two thousand for the bootleg tlt-lln Cat.llna Ttrmlnal. Wllmlnta Trui. gorlatlen C.

Il7--Vaain. OH 0. L.hman. Halland-Amarltan Llna. Snyal Mall 6'm Paakat fi NaKan etram.hl" Ca.

I Panam Mall kuamahlg OarUnd IS9.lNwlon, Lilly 4 Ca Iilhmlan Lln. Pan-Pari ft. Line 4 Sueknall ttaom-hlg Ltd Arnut line, Planet Lln. 104 Muninpal ilork Yard ikviw ch' MrC-mlrk Lumker Ca 19k JflOB -SI'rn Lumn.r Ca tO0E-20OH Crndldal'd Lumber C. TERMINAL ISLAM!) DISTRICT 114-217 I Eigart C.

722. Hammatitf Lumber Ce. J10A Dollar Lwt. Slue Star Lln. i.tul) liliiiatid 4 Meili a'" Una W-Cermlrk 4 MefPhereM, 0kk thrts'n Kaih.

riuakar Llna. IJ0E rnrral siaam-hlo Kawetakl-Meoa. veil Nevloulana Llkarta Trietlina, A temgagnl Oaflaral Tianattanllti. Wing 4 Ca. Llna.

Trane-Atlantl lem-hlg Witla.Laa 4 fraock Whr 4 Waraheu. C. 7Mn( turkanharb S. Co. Iw.tthattag.l 232 Lurk wikarb S.

C. (Mitkound.) Callternll and (aitarn 8. Ca 4 Narrula (III Ce. Oil C. 2I7.24BG fiannral Ptlimm r.arparatlas 240XVZ-J4I Bathlaham ShlgbulldliU CrrJIa Varlaai Callfernl and Eaelarn Cam-ganv.

Cant. I. M. 6lvrtin. Nrwy-Paaine Siaomihlg Cm patty, Opt.

A. Pulae. flood Brether. CARGO ARRIVALS AT THIS PORT WEDNSSDAY. MARCH Rt-amnr AllRON, from Now Tork, m.

Ilntaral org fur Jdiliiaai ittCormlrk Mc- t'ormlok Staamahlp timpanr. 1-1 aiattla, Btamer PAN r. JliNUIN. api. Jarubam, tmm Tllleuiook.

m. Lutubr fur W. 1L Cham- harltn Luniher oniitany. Strar rilllMINUHAM I'ITT, Cert. Iwreno frmn Tlaltlmora.

a in. flenaral cargo for ItuJinilan Lln Lilly local aitnita, Sira IAJSK I.fCKKMMCH, Cant Dow. from Mobil. 4:30 a.m.' UNwral oargo for Liuokaa-baoh Lit' Tanker MKTOV, Car. to mManll.

k.m. To load oil for StruUwr 4 Barrr. WltArARO. tait. Howling, from Nw tlvo que debla corresponder al go-blerno.

de ectierdo con la constituent: puesto que serla absurdo que el pueblo, cat6lico en sti gran mayo-rla. estuvlera penslguiendoBe tl-ranl7atnb)so a si mlsnio, "Todas ostss vlolac.loncs han Indlgnacl6n, no solo eritre los catollcos, slno tamblrtn entre gente que profesa otrae "Restictuossmente eupllcamos a usted llbre urgentes ordenes para que sen devueltos la Iglesl de la Hagrsda p'amllla los otros temples lnst1tucones que ban sldo Injustamente oerradoa: para que no se vlolen las ga.i-ant.laa const I -tuclonales; para quo no se ultraje el sentlmlento pflblloo: para que no sa hnga uso de proc.edlmlentos vergonzosos que rebajan el prestl-glo de Mejico ante todo el mundo clvlllado. "Itogamoe a usted se slrva dlrl-glr su respuesta a la 'Unldn do la-nias Catdllcas de notasTocales aciuera and frolght fur netna I'tantHUif. (IATAL1NA, Cart. Morrl.

Aealnn. Panangore, mall and freight for Wilraliiguio Traniinrtatlnn Company, Tanker LA PtlRIRIMA, Per. Brtln. for Ran Kleao. 4J.I0U barrel of sti fur I'nlofl OU Cn- Tanker' W.

MILLER, Cart pttllllpt, fnr Rlrh-mnul. TS.OOd barrela of ull for Standard, Oil (canpany of California. Tatker BWIFTRPRR. Cat. Ftmn, fnr Hirer.

harrelp of oil for flwlffaure) Oil Company. Dlmncid 4 lagal eaetile. Sleemer ABRON, Capt. I.lndiriio. for Ran Fran.

rdav. General carfo ft Munwm-McCormlck I. In. IdcCormlrk Hleemahlp Lompany, Iwal aitmiig. Pleamer CAPPOPEArT.

Car. TTati.rei, for Pnj eVxind Ueueral carga fur Nalioo Bleametilp I omtny, Norwegian motorihtp TTANDICAP. Cart. Bull, for Toknhatna. On.eral cargo for Pollar Rteamer LLNA Capt.

fow, fcr Ren Franclaco. General cargo for Luckenbecb Lln. Rteamor W1LLFARO, P-owllng. foe Ban Franctaco (lenerel cargo fnr William J.lno. Bteamer IlOBt.v A 11 AIR.

Cent. Rmlth. for Ban Kranclaco. Oen.ral cargo foe lilbuilan Lln. Nortrei, T.llly A loral aaertta Bteamar RbUfll BT.

Cart. Rarrjmikl. ttr Ren Franclaoo. Owteral cargo for United Amwtran Mnea. Log Atigalrg Bieaoiihlp Company, local aetlll Tanker ALOONO'TN, rapt for Nw Ymk.

ST.1 harrli of oil for Standard Trana-ponatlnn Ommnv. Car. Clarke, local genl Tanker litLWilRTlf. Capt Newmen, f' Ca'lta. Manll.

TO.oU bamla of sit for BtruUien 4 Barry. fltemer OT.TMPIC!, rapt. Rnrwunn. fnr Ana-rarte. To load lumbar far E.

K. Wood Lumber Company. Bleemor KTANWOOTI. Canf. Rwonton, for Cmt Ray.

To load lumbar fur W. Ctatmberlln fl.uo.bor CoiQPny. PASSENGER SCHEDULI AIUIIVINO (Houri glten below docking ttme) March Admiral Flpk. PortUnd, a.m. March 4 Harrard, Ban plrgo, p.m.

Marrti 4 TTuioboldt, Ran Franctaco, 8 a. is. March NeHTwrt. Ran Franclicn, 8 a.m. Marrli Btttb Alnander, San Diego.

7 March 4 Yale, Ban Francliro, 19 a.m. March 1 A Catallna, AraJiat. p.m. Manh Admiral Flak. Ban Diego, It p.n.

Merrh 8 Tale. Ban Ulego. p.m. Mareh 8 Catallna, Aralon. p.m.

March Admiral Hewoy. Reattl, M. M.rrh a Holltar Ben Franolaro, a.m. March. Calawalt, Honolulu.

8 a.m. March Harrard, Ran Frenrlero, 19 a m. March LnnCSi Importer, totted Kingdom, I March. 9 PacWe Trader, Ran IYnrl, tarn. Majvh Ran Ban Franrtero.

8 a.m. March II Catallna. Aralon, .30 p.m. DEPARTING The regulsr IntereoRStal confer-enoe Is again on the verge of dissolution and rate wars and rumors of wars again Impend, according to word from' Now York follow, ing a final effort by the Shipping Board to harmonlxe the conference lines with the Independents. Present Indications, It Is said, point to a hopeless deadlock, and unless radical changes of opinion lake place, the opponents will go their separate ways to a crisis In the lucrative trade.

Final action la looked for about the 16th as st that time the conference rule goes into, effect permitting members to serve only fifleen days' notice of withdrawal from the conference. That several such notices may be (lied that day. Is snld to be probable. Independents are reported to have hold out nt the Gotham meeting for differentials befure Joining1 the conference group, and to have objected to the rule whereby a single vote may veto any new proposal, even If egreed to by all ether member lines. It la reported that nonconfer.

ence lines are far from agreement even among themselves, while the conference lines are ng-nln. operating as amicably as possible under the strain of vigorous from without. It Is said the intercoa.stal lines, which maintain upward of lo ships averaging 10.000 tons each, re so highly competitive that rates today are practically the same as In although operating coats have doubled. The conference comprises: WTX1I? TM. kem fNnisandi'o' Nil J.m T'aJ, fameue eler, red has IM iwtlt M-ihondri rieted i fame thnvjjti beauiep.rd.

procurer, lb l'i tismr director, ptrword rrrom Bill Mee.NHiJ. kulcher'e bnv, sh plant merry Gilbert arl-tn. rii'ilim nli Ictdmg mail. Br arint it ih mainstay of her urarie family; she squanders nttoacy, tdasls, bv tnd yeuih r' arc. WKWitri, rtrs rather, wiw B'uirtlwr, tie Iwra only bu ftallr and sis wk and knows nalthee, "MA" VLINV, Mhsnle' mother, th ruts ft TWfrty-ttrtrkin marriage, HH FLYNN.

1tnnl't Mt Mrtg l(i4y; Just grstitaled fern CMuffwr acd oo her telf-appolnt! kuilaess fcansf cr. r.rmE fi.tnn, Mlnaia'i olj tint- blning Jimut flynn, nnmcwt mi hror- liety ltd. RtAlflEGARD. a pmiurr. whom Art awl SrO'iieHty, ALICIA AP4MR, in girl ce rr.piss brings in scoeptsnr.

at Beuregefd -frr mult fame, If G1LRLRT AHI TOV. debon1r etelhe rhnh ha reached in sterdnt In th aeovlce Mtlee-lr aHrlsb nd rtf centered, thoroughly mremerelel preiit of la pbiolui MUuii I B'S lalet ronintft. HAL llUNU. poled director. tu hii ikrwilB (tnlin brought Minx' lse loriiii.

ithI nba It In lot 1'b Hiirvi WATnN. ilf l.polntM rt -nuiiT of "Ntw York mkIiI." uppondif 0illH-lnC klliUli! IIM( CiDtlUOtlR rmlurt. Within voire ranco of the nipsanlionn. Minnie mid 011-bprt found a hup ehow of bastard architecture and with a Kupid conventional garden, cluttered with plaster HHiuury. The house Itself looked delightfully like grimacing face, In baa-rellef on the lde of a hall.

The Flynn'e nil thought It whs delightfully con-fplcuoiin. Michael Klynn alone was daunted by the price of it Minnie laug'ied when the color drained from her father's face. "Poor papa! The movie will he the death of you yet! But, really, clear, there- nothing to worry bout. It's a bargain and we only have to pay $10,000 caali. Think of It why, it's alinojit absurd, no little down and three jears to pay It in.

You don't acfni to realize that I'm making $260,000 a year! If I have a cod break In my pictures. I'll double rny salary at the end of my contract." he was looking at her father and wondering why he had aged so In the last lew years with nothing to do but nJoy life, with more than plenty to eat, and the fun of watching hep akyrocketlng success. Minnie had never been aware of how habby and insignificant a figurs her father wna until she saw him srainst the background of the trawing-room of this ettormoua, ga.rifh houe. They elood In tho nipty room under the sparkling Clas chandelier. The walls were covered with heavily embossed Itold paper.

Over the carved fire-l-la'-e hung a Louis XV gilt mirror. tJilhert was eaytngi "Tou'll have to sell that old stulT In your house, June, because this munt be furnished absolutely true to period. Louts XV In this room. In the musl's room beyond, you can have a sliRhtly Chinese motif if you want. I don't deplore the lack of the conventional In the sun porch or rniigte room.

In fact, Kpeaklnn of Chinese, I'm going to do my room entirely tn the oriental tone, huge carved teakwood the old isn Angeiaa tor pauimnre. y-aeo bound went: Ribittawen. Baltlmor for Angele; Nordanger. Llrerpnol for Lo Ang); Bolana, Nw Bnlfurd ror Angelea ARRIVALS NEW TORfC. March Lpland.

Napltai; Alaunla, LlTerpord; Atnoagug, Uallao; Orunda, Bouthamrton; France, Harr. MADEIRA, March S. ProyldeiU. Neve Tork. BAN JTJAN, March 8.

Rllkr, Now Tork. AOWT BAT. Balhna for Lot Angele. 467 miles south of Loa Angelea. SWIFT SURE, Fall Rl-er for, Los Angele.

205 YOKOHAMA. March 1. Atago Maru, Seattl; milea south nf Lea Anaeles. BAN ROBERTO. San for London.

1159 mllea south or N.n k'ranriaoo. Llitxfl Maru. Ban rranciaco, KORf), Man 1. Robert Dollar. Pan TVanolaco.

LONDON, March 1 City of ManUa, Ban rran-dsoo. FALMOUTH. Man S. Vulcan Oty, Lop AGWIB5IITH. Nw York for Loa Angelas, T53 must eouiuetsi titx Angeies.

i p.m., March 3 gers' best I Two orchest ras had, been enunced: a Hawaiian or- Mar A. L. Kent, Ban chesti-a for the early hours of the CATHWOOD, Olcim for Lot Angele, 88 Ues north of Lot Angeles. CLAHEMONT. Willapa Harbor fnr Lot Angela, 4 mllea from Lo Angrlea.

TOHBA LINDA, Lot Angelet for Baltlmor, 834 milea from Lo Angeles. rTanciacn; warcn uono, jvew Tork. II0NQKONO, March 2. Wet Niger. Portland.

Or. evening, the Jam band to arrive at midnight. Her daughter's wedding Tork la Han Mate. a.m. Uenaral carpi I'TACARIION, Lna Angeles for Philadelphia, S5'9l BUrch 8 Prerblwit Garfield, grown was made by the studio COLOMBO, Manila.

mile from Balboa. MLRICOs H. WHITTIER, Baltlmor for Lot! fur Wllllann Mnn. uiolorfjilp I. A.

aTlUBTKNPEN. I a. Br.itn, fean rollatid. a.m. En mu lo Britlth Columbia lo load givuunt Soulb- arn All.ort t.tirahar Ctniiaiiy.

Tatikor tl ANOKUJ'', ni. CarUon, ft Itw- tlitm. a.m. 'X lud oil for tnlun Oil t'onittailV. Angeles.

253 ml es from Lna Anae ea. WHruiuiie urptii i mmii, nnu elRht hundred dollars. The bridal veil whs of resl old Spanish lace. CARTAGENA, Man-h 1. Vemdara, New Tork.

ACCKLA.VD, Harrh Niagara, Vaurmirer. BAN I'lEGO. Gray'a Harbor for Lo Angel, 123 miles from Los Angele. -Hawaiian, Panama-Pa- BANGKOK. March West Cbopaka, Ban clfle, L1KRRE.

I.os Angeles for 199 mllea I xr. 1 I She didn't know how much they bud paid for that, but some big uwtea American Lucken- 1 DEPARTI-Rtf bach', Staimir RAItVARP, Car. Tattltai. from Ran BRIK1RDALE. Port.

Alhernl. B. for Lot An-reies. arriving Anceles. uneon-McCormlck (and The nonconfrna n- Dollar.

ATWERP, Fob. 28. Canadian TUngw. Ban 4 Admiral Fltko. Ban Diego.

I to. 4 Warrant, Ban Franclam, 4 p.m. 4 Humboldt, Ban Franctaco, 8 4 Newport. Ban Francleco, 8 p.m. 4 Ruth Alexander, Beatll.

11 a m. sum, no cjourn, because a queen had once worn It. The reporters bid their smiles when they asked LOS ANGELES. Loa Angeles for Martines, 362 lulle. frtttu MartlneB.

I NAPLER, Vacch SW Ttmao. Kmm Tnrfc are Garland, Panama Mall, "lit Quaker. Pa-1-2 Out WHIams and FraiKtlKw, a m. rarntra ana ileum for Ida Antnlaa HLunalilti t'onnauir. ItiaiM BAM'A BAIIUAIU.

taut, llaiuan, from k.m. LuuUiar fur 1. It Haoifr Co. Ta'thor Mi SFXlt'NPO, rant, Ttodirn, franj Bir-ka. 12 91 P.m.

'ro 1ad oil tut Htanilanl Oil hmniinf nf California. ERNEST H. MEYER. Loa Angelea fnr Columbl I River. 45 miles wewt.

of Loa Angeles, I HAKODATE, Marfch Ban Fran- her If It wasn't rather unusual for 4 Barhtan, Ben Francleco, 3 p.m. 4 Tal. NABks.NA. Baliio for Ban Diego, 339 mlleel Transmarine. Trotn ban IHeso.

the bride of a second marriage to wear tho conventional virginal white satin and bridal veil. It was March March March Marrh March March Hrti Marrh Marrh March March Man'h March March MaroH March ciaco. HAVBF1 March 8. La Carol. New Torlt.

MCROBAN, March 1. Indian City, Ban Fran-flltio. CHBRBOtTRfl, March New Tork, WAHKEENA, Sun Diego for Lot Angeles, 19 1 mllea fmm San Dlcgn I WEST CAi'Tt's. i Angeles for Curatao, 3442 1 Tnk-r I I'triUrJUU. fleet Hlln, fmm Port-' AM TI A I CIIA IT GUN'S IV ITIEUITOIVH HOLDS n.l!"' ntt lrcrft rum tr tn 4 at all n.

Avalmi. 10 a.tu. 8 Tale, Ran Frunclico, 4 pm. 8 Catallna, Aralon. 19 a.m.

A -Admlral Flak, Portland. a.m. 8 tlnllar. Rallna Crtu, 8 p.m. 4 Harrani, Ran Diego.

8 P.m. Liatdon Importer, Vanmurer, rl San Frattclr.00, 5 p.m. 8Paclflc Trader. United Kingdom, I p.m, ftPan Ttian. Ban 8 m.

ml ir from Halitea. PROVIDEM'IA, San Franclaco for Bantp Rctplit, KOLTItAJHTON. March 8, Mai.tlc, New ui'tt miles ot san rtanciKco, LONDON IMPORTER. Manchester for Los An- ifClrs tt'tll inilt.s T.ft. taml.

3 ii p.m. lo lead oil for union uu uotn-liauy. Strantnr CATAI.tNA, f'knt. Morrla, from Anlrai. turn.

Vai(rr and oargo for Tritrtatlon I'otnimnjr. Btrnmnr Cant. Mrlwn. from Tart AlltornU. 7:10 vm.

Ltinitiar cargo for Jlltoliall A Wglkir, lnhw W. MIMiKTt, A'ant. WillUng, ftmn llttilimoiid. ii.ttt. To loitl oil for 8und-ant ml t'tmonanv of Rett FrannlMto.

L'ORINTO. San Jnae for Majatlan. 855 mllenl March 0 -CaUlLu. Aralon, 10 a.m. lor.

NKW TORK, March 8 -Puffren, Hacrs; Manhattan Inland. Ban rranelaca HONTRTV1DBO, March 2. VolUlra New Tork. MANILA. March i 2.

Empret of Asia, Van- couter. 1 MAJ18BIIJ-IC8. Feb. 27. New Tors'.

norm in sn Ji-ie. PORTLAND PTA'IION 8 p.m., March 2 BERT E. HANEY, Urav'a Harbor fnr Lot Sl1o. off Columbia River. VESSELS IN PORT (Be Fort Index for Berth Location.) ACTIVE SHIPS Simmer IA1V tlAPHKV, Cat.

Hohtiltg. from BYUf*ckU MAltn, Milk for Tancoutar. lat. iD Ii 1 'JO tU PHILADELPHIA, March 8. Orlncro, Lop Angelea and Beattlo.

AUCKfdlND, Maroh 1 Thlll, Ban rranclawt On thd rtmlt fshi.r .1.. teakwood, you understand none this terrible stuff you eee In these tourists' hotels. I'm going BEN V. rtACRIE, Yokohama for Portland, 878 1 miles from Portland. I OAKItlDGE.

Dap tor Portland, 519 miles I to put my order tn right away, in RADIO REPORT irora toiumota Hirer. Noog, Mrrh 2 Ihi 11 01,1 InmaM-x." i In Viussil a art i fact, It wouldn't be a bad Idea If ALYNBANK. Westport for Shanghai, 1199 miles I irum. woiumoia nicer. 8 p.m., March 8 Th Radl Cerperatlon ef America In tlon with til Un ted StatM Puhtl.

uith SetJonpara Disimllr lo lo la rupi dn 1'rcsos El Sheriff Traeger el "super-vlsor" Bean han roto lansas con motlvo de la fuga do ocho presets de la nueva cfiroel del condado, dosde la Inauguration de fists, haoe unna cuantaa semanas. Con tal motlvo esta anunclado para hoy un mitln de la Junta do el que se creo tendra- por resiiltado envlar un ultlmfltum al Bherlff, In-tlmandolA que corri.ta la negllgencla que reina en el nianejo de la cornel los presoa I a ruptura entre los dos fun-clonarloa del condado so produjo ayer, ctiandu Traeger manifest a Bean que los perlodlcos hahlan ox-liresado fielmeiite sus pnlahras. al declr que no se le habla conaultado ncerea do los pianos para, la const ruccWn del looal destlnado a cflreel, slno hasta despufs de terrnlnado el edlllcJo. F.l AyunUinilnuta Arnrueiba qua llaya Cornulo la lonters Ta mooion del concejal Kandall, por la que se aprueba la orden del Presidents Coolidge de que se clerre dlarlamente a Ins sets de la tarde la lfnea fronterl7a International en Tijuana, fufl doptada ayer por el Concejo, a peaar de Ins objeclones del muntcipe Barnes, que manifesto serla major dejar este asunto en manos de laa au-torldades federales. CI) arias Infanlilcs para Chlqulllos de L'st'uoJa NU.MERO 153 "iQufl te parecld el ouento del Arbol de Kavldad en el bosque, Ro-slta?" did you like the story of the Christmas tree In the woods, gusto mu-cho te aaeguro que quislera ha-ber estado en el lugnr de los nlfios Harwoods enjoyed It, and as-Hitre you that I wish I had been in the Harwood children's place) para haberme pasoado eu el bosque el dla de Noche Buena haber adornado cargado de Juguetes goloslnas el arbollto (in order to have strolled in the woods on Christmas Bve end decorated the little tree and loaded It with toys and goodies).

"Yo tamblen quleiera haber estado allt, porque me gust an tmicho los montes, los arboles la nleve, desearla vivlr en una com area frla" (I wish I had been there, too, for I like the hills, the trees and the snow very much, snd should like to live In a cold production of oil in argentina increases I'lar A. Wlliolnitton. alio ih. th Beamen'p Inatituta will rwalv reoueita CASCADE, Anacorlea for Loa Angeles, 908 miles from Lo Angeles. GEO.

L. OLSON, nellingham for Los Angttet, 114 intlea frtim Los AnReles. i twitar Maton illirharirtng Mio tana 00 Inn. tmrrt ihm is? its 290 S.12 2SJ 158 1J9 230-D 157 107 TI 24! 101 1T U9 441 Ba-h 9T ll7 74 254 74 78 198 i.erntan almr jn.J BEitT E. HANET, Gray Harbor for Lot An-1 geles.

252 mllea from Gray's Harbor. I VIKING, Ban Diego for Eierett, SUS miles from I Paaaonger eala: Baehaen, tierman ateamer Cargo yeaeela; Abrnn, eleamer ('adt1opek, ateamer Handicap, Norwegian molonhlp Tna Luckeiibanh, ateamer WUlfaro, ateamer Robin Adair, ateamer Raleatlerra, Meikan atam Bwlbury, ateamer Vaunaro. motomhtp Went Caloot, ateamer Oil tankerat Algfinquln, atesmer oallnga, ateamer IMIworth, itmimcr Meton, ateamer Japan Arrow, ateamer La Ptirtalma, ateamer Radiant, ateamer Tllcltfleld, (teenier W. R. Miller, ateamer Wailttenaw, ateamer Lumber camera: Brookdal.

ateamar I errm, iteamcr T.ak Prance. HMmer kllatoaila, ereamer Olyotplo. ateamer fan la Barbara ateaiAer blanwood, ateamer ON BCBEDLLtJ Catallna. ateamer Inn. OUVV COOS BAT.

Coot Bay for Ban Francisco, 85 miles from loos Bay. Mrs. Flynn who smiled. Kite asked: "isn't it conventional for a widow to wear mournln' for ber second husband If fihe wants to?" As tho day for the wedding drew near, Minnie was troubled. Rhn waa more In love with Carlton than ever, she could forgive his solflahness, and bis egotism, but a specter crept into the waking hours of her nights to warn and terrify her: was he marrying her only because of her pnsljlon? Did ha really love her? Were his protestations HlncereT How would he treat her after they were married? What of the sly suggestive glances she had 'seen exchanged between Gilbert and Alicia Adams? One evening5 when Jimmy had been drinking more than uatial, he had blurted out his tierco resentment gainst Oilbert.

He didn't mind Beauregard's claims to Alicia Adams, he had a right to her favors, seeing that he had made her a big star, but Alicia had no business starting a flirtation, especially when Gilbert had such a classy girl as his own sister. How this confession terrified Minnie! Phe felt as one does In a nightmare, as If she were standing on the brink of a precipice waiting with growing terror for the long, slow, spinning fall through apace. Carlton was ugly when she Questioned him about it. Said I her nasty suspicions irritated and shamed him. He fiung out of the house and though she searched for him all night, she could not locate him.

Khe telephoned to the home of Alicia Adams, but there was no answer. Phe never knew that Gilbert and Alicia were laughing at the futile ringing of the telephone bells. Another Installment of this In CARR1SO. Ban Fraoclsco for Astoria, 28 miles I from Astoria. I BHASTA, Loa Angelea for Antcortet, 415 miles i 'one Bay, 0 em.

Taimbw oargo on aorount 01 IMrainli-k Lumber Company. U. O. Llinouolegt, local agent. DUE TO ARRIV P.M.

TO MIDNIGHT Btaarnt' ALVA RA DO, f'tpt Knttdtton, from OrT Alarhor. Lttmltrr oargo for Hudtlon 4 Heltmark Stmuitor SANTIAM. Car. Joen, from Portlaiid. Lumber rnrjro for Hammond Lumbar Comimny.

Btnuuinr ORKC.ON, Cat. Hundraan, from fl'ay'a Harbor. Liuuber oarto for Wilson Brother 4 to. DEPARTURES WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8 Motnnhlp VillJ.lANf DONOVAN.

Capt. ABdin'-eon, fnr (Irw'l Uarttor, g.m. To load lumbar fnr Iionoran Lumber Company. Tankar LTHRtlB. Cai.

TVrnitroni. for Marflnog. K.knO barrala oil for General Prtrolsum Company. L'nltwt B'atne Llghthoua tender SEQUOIA, for Point H'tanaing, 2:15 a m. 8lmr LEWIS LUCRPNBACH.

Cart. tVr, fr Can Franritim. 3:30 a to. Omiaral cargo for Lmdunbarh Llnt Brllle hatenmar KIJ.APTTIN, Cant Morgan, for RrlMih fvilumbl. m.

Kn rout from TUmplm TUvuta for Kllanion Htaamihlp Company. Lid. Calling fnr bunktc only. Tanker I.K.HIm', Opt. (illlwrl, for Ftaatll.

IB a.m. 70.1X19 barrela oil for Ornaral Petroleum I'ompeny. Tktlt'r atriLWONn, Out. Rmlth, fnr PortlantT 10 a m. karrela oil for Standard Oil Company of California.

Bfem R171TI AI.EXANPrcR. Car. Weaa. pw San TMikq, 19'H9 a.m. laaawgara gnd frlgnt for Penlftn 8tamKhtp Company.

Bteamrr I'ATAMNA, Capt Merrta. for Altai, lo m. t'etwangwt. null and freight foe; Wtlmlngton Tranaporlatlnn Cmrtpanr. Tnk BOHUMIAN CLtTt.

Jontwtion. for 11:10 t-tn. 9.1.k25 barroli oil for Atlantis Rnflnlog Company, t'nloo OU Company, loml efwtta. Rtnaraor APMIBAL FARRAOTJT, Car. OrlrM, irotn Anacortea.

OAKHIDOE, Harao for Portland, 259 miles from (oiumnia Hirer. WEST hADKR. Portland for Fushlkl, 169 rail's I from Columbia River. you would open an account at Jrarsh's. They've gor the only stuff In town I'm interested lr." Minnie wasn't listening lo him, rhe was still looklne at her father.

His clothes were always shabby, end he would never wear gloves to hide his gnarled, veined hands. He toed there awkwardly fumbling an umbrella, which was bright and hlny against the frsyed cost. his collar protruded his neclt, rod grooved, with eparse, mouse-colored hair growing; tin-Kempt upon It. Mis head kept jerkin onck as If Gilbert's words were hands flecking the tip of his Jiose. Minnie wanted tn do something, say snmethlng which would take that beaten look out of his eves, She floundered hopelessly.

Papa, we're going to fix you the TTtost wonderful room of your own a room fit for a klngl" "Please don't spend eny more money en irys little girl." "Listen to him. Gilbert And nothing I could do would be half Rood enough for html" Gilbert's foot waa tapping the fecr. but he had made up his mind to be patient with Minnie' tupld affection for her father. "Oh, papa, I've got it! -A Job taking on bun, paaaauara and (taijlit. Wda ralllni for a 60,009 yard All back of "l1o Club Uitrf nlh y.Irtlay.

wlttt two kMdtng. Tin rriU Canatnuitlon Canuinr btd S9 '7?" IS?" mt''l- Fr.nHw.Brid.. V.r4 4 T'i1' lh "ft 'i canta It Ih malarial waa takau from hut bailn. n.r!!L Ctwbran, formal- mmmandrr of i rajwrt will afaln rammand lltat craft nhan 1 hl Th. rraft la bow In wmmand of Lapt.

O. ud la al tralf i Mrd it Long Bfarh iirtag. all! LI!" 'litnr Hnar PmaHwt Van fnr rnncint at 2 "nr. imtaad of Ttwaday noon ai aJ- awuttja olrruU of th. glob haa urw.rrla of 100 ra.imtara kbnard.

TMrtj will dliambark 185 News of Ships and Sailings at Pacific Ports PLEASL'RS tBArT Cailant. atm yacht1 lt F.iroeral. motor yacht AtK" Fliberman. auitllary erhotmet Kaiottr lt. euilllary tchinnar 107 Sultana, at earn yacht 84 MOTION-PICTURB CRAFT Bohemia.

htp Anchor fRT A. P. NIGHT WTRE1 Dauntleea, artioooar ing nr. Lung Beack RAN FRANCISCO, March 8. Th Ctllfornla and Eastern Steamship Compeny, which rartnliy purehssed th West Mmitop from th TJnlteil Fin.

achooner Indian, ahlp L. J. Morse, ahlp S. Caetle, ichonr. Beach Beach BrJi awrm mna an otjual ouabar tako ptMago.

States Shipping Board, Is preparing to tak th WiUlem Q. irwin Kino llrr. u. j- retset off th fluid flata at Benlrla and put her ImpotlOf and th ParKto Tradar of tlto rurntwi I Una, oporatlni batwaan th. p.rttt .71 Into th company's Intercnastal serrle.

F.uroitai lha II from Hawan, th Boli'ar and th Mmaaum from San Franrloo and aer-aral auaatwii paiwnir faoiota. Tho lait two aro on rout to Meitran wait ootit porta. Th Matwn steamer Wllhelmlna. rrlrel her today from Honolulu with a larg carga Tl: mrgo Included 80 184 haga of raw augar, 86,858 casca of canned pineapples and 3071 bunches uf bsttanae. iur you i i want you to go down in the basem*nt and see what kind tercwtlng herlal will appcur In The of a layout we've got In the plumb-Times tomorrow Mora than 1.

0(10. 900 barrala till tut. Two sleani railroad crane ha been purchased eut frooi Rlchtlald Oil Cmnoanf'a fyrn. ing line. There ought to be some lOwtrUM, M'iur Hyniiiriiel irom me i ntted statea goremment by I ho rtm-lev Launch and Tugboat Company and will VESSELS LAID UP Aralon, gtoamar 184 Angel, motor.

hlo Beach Aleletidro, Meilcan ateamer R-rgrn, Iteamer Bei tabrlllo. ateamer 14 F.l Abetn, ateemer 10 El t'etlro, ateamer IU8 El Cliuta, aieauier 101 tlakariata. Pen. ichoooer Bear Hcrruosa. t(mer 1 Katherln motorthlp Anchor Mohican, barge 184 Norwahl, ahlp Beach T'rngreaa, power arhoonar 107 W'alniea, ateamer Anchor C0A8T AND OE0DETIO SURVEV TIDES FOR MARCH.

128 Lo Angelea Harbor HIGH WATER loading itau.m alni-w It evened Utra monlha ago. jltll mor than S.1.000 tona of gypaum hav pom Into tU nplihborltig pnpt for tha Standard Oyp-iniii i.ompanjt ntv plant, from Ban Mara 1-iaud, IJtuUu. placed aboard bargea for use In Ban Premiers Bay. The crane ar now at Ban Dlogo and will be shipped here toon. Th Malton ateamer Maul, sailed for Honolulu bnciASCMlJNDlALESki irom nere u.iay with a capacity passenger list.

fh United American Line's steamer ResolutA. now on hec second cruise around the world, la erheduled lo make another rlrcumnaelgatlon of the glohc neit. year, and San Francleco la in De Ultima Hora-Hs cluded in tne pons or call on this coast, j.rnbs. Pacific Coaai paasenger agent of tit RKFIVKRS SESSION HEARS SrEAKEtt RETiATE NEW DEVELOPMENTS inr a. r.

nmuht wmt.i FORT WORTH (Tex.) March 3. Argentina as nn oil-producing country Is coming rapidly to tho omnpany, announced today. Fmtr tvplfal lntamal oomhuitlon ahlpa war In tn TMiantav. all lradara lu tholr cla, Thty ar Ih Atnarlraji-Hawallan fraighlar Wliiourtan, '(it Intorroaital Iilasal lha l.nkar an Dtk. drat Dlp.H alartrli- tattkar.

rarntl rntnartad for Ih Allanllp llpflnlng and lha Ntimrglan freight Ilatnlloi and A. I litl.lfii'pn. Th fonnrr la loading lultuno of krroiHi ami aaatilln for Ih Oriwt uti.lrr rharUT lo tha Pullar I.itii., til la th ttitrr tuipl hpr only (or buokara. rout Irera Knrnpo to lb NortbwMt In ballot to load lumbar. PORTLAND, March 3, Flour, prunes and mtied frelsrht Hill ba taken at Portland by th French Liner Ceorgle for Central American nd French porta.

The ateemer la expected her Saturday. fh steamer American viaa sent downstream lat yesterday with general cargo for Atunll aurgicm aerviee from anipt aea thrauph th KSE atatlon at Laa Angela Harbar. (BT RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA WILMINGTON STATION Neon, Mareh 2 A. LPCKENBACH. hr Angeloa for Philadelphia.

809 miles inuth of ile Angole. SUM GENTI'O. Lo Angele for New York, 1118 mtlra nnrihwMt of Balboa. SUCARSECO, I.o Angele for New Tork. 1536 mllea nnrthweit of Balboa.

Bl'BOATCO, 1 Angelea for Now Tork. 1407 mile aouth of Lop Angelea. BUREMIt'O. New York fnr Lo Angelea, 198S mllee nnrthet of Ralhna. TL'BITALA, Tacom for Balllmom, 1859 mile south of Ban Franrlwo.

p.m., Mareh I CITY OF LOR ANOELER, Los Angelea for Bono- lulu, 12411 mile, weat of Loa Angl. CALAWAII, Honolulu for Lot Angelea. 1171 mllea -wol of tM Angeles, LA PLACENTIa, Port Pan Ltila for Antnfa*gaafa. 8ti85 mile north of Antofa*gaata. TALLAR.

fanr.ardllo for La Lnton, 142 mllea with of Miinzanlllo. FELIX TAPSSIii. Near Tork for San Dlagu 1J78 mile touth of Ban Diego. March' EAGLE, Ran Franclaco for New Tork. mllea anuth of Ban Franolica BAMUEL a BROWN, Nw Tor for Vm Aggelw.

308 mllea aouth of Loa Angelee. W. M. IRISH. Balho for Angele.

112 mllea anuth of Le Angelea. CBINCHA. Lo Angelea for New Tork. 11T mile south nf Ijm Anaelc. CEO.

W. BARNKR. Loa Angel.) for New Tork. 2501 m1le north of Balbne. -CALKDONlElt, Balhn for Vanrourer.

11 mile ftorthwaal of Log Angelt. FRAN'KLIN K. LANE, la Anreic for Baltimore. I4k0 mllea inuth of Loa Angelni. AI.BKRT JEFFRESS, llelhoa for Lo Angola, mile, nmihweyt of Balhn.

E. T. BEDFORB. Ban Franclaoo for Colon, 1908 mllea northweat of Balboa. J.

tLI I KKNHAt'H. New York for Loa Angela, 757 mile pouth of Lo Angelea. FRANCIS E. POWELL. Philadelphia for Loa Aa- geiei, 599 mile eotilh of Im Angole.

JOHN D. I Angeieo for New York, 776 mile eouth of Ixra Angela. 8 p.m., Mareh 8 RICHMOND, Loa Angelcp fnr Portland. 888 mile eraith nf Portland. JANE NETH.ETON.

OakUnd for I Angelea, 12:1 mllen northrr of Angelea. SILVERADO. I.oi Anaelo. for San Franctaco, 10 mllea northwest of Loa MONTEBKI.LO. Oletiiu fur Bealll.

539 mile aouth of EL BKGl'NDO, IO Angela. 881 mile pouth of Artorla. DOLLAR, I.oe Angelee for New York, 445 mllea anuth of oa Angeles. Tug BEA RANGER, tewing haute DAYLIGHT. Ban Marco fur Lim Aoigolea, 479 mile Milk of Loa Ang-lea, TUSCALOOSA CITY.

loa Ancele for Llterpool, 1fl7 rallci anuth of Loi Angelea. ORIOLE. Pnlladelphla for Loa Anroleg, 1608 mllea aouth of Lot Angelne. SAN FRANC1HCO STATION 8 B.ffl., Marh 2 ENTERPRISE. Mahukona for Ban Francliro, 1894 miles tmm Ban Pranrtam, PRERIDKNT MADISON.

Beatll for Tokohnma, 1210 mllci from Realtlo. WEST HI.XTON. PorUaud for Dalrm, 1885 mllea fmm N.ifih Head. WEST JERRUP, Otaru fnr Ban Tranrlxyik 2278 mile fmm Ban Franrlro. EMPRESS OF Yokohama for Vancouver, SP5I miie from Vancouver.

PRESIDENT MrKIM-ET, Ynkoliaina fur Brattla, S00 mile from Seattle. JOHN ARCHBOI.D. I.ta Angele for New York, mllea emiUt of Lo Angrlea, HENRY B. URKBK. Ran FranduM for Boeton, 1730 mllea fnwo Ran Franctaco.

HELLENIC. Ran Francl for Kjdncy, 87T mllea from San Franclaco, BAl'RAKI, San Frandwo for Auckland, 12,19 milr aouthwret. of Ban Franoiaco. PERU, kielboum fur Vanwurer. 89ft mllea trm Cape" Flaltery.

NOHDBO. Taraas for Bydney, 199 mile from Cap Flattery. MEMPHIS CITT. LwAnglp for Kt, 8319 milea wet. Angelea.

AMPlLLARIA, I Anrele for 8hanghai, 8(186 mile ml of Lo Angeiea. CORHI8. Lea Angelea fog Bhanghal, SOUS mite frmn AngeUa. 8ILVKRFIR, Los Angela lor Bataria, 2889 Dillaa from Lo Angelee. HHABONkE.

Angele for Bhanghal. 8148 mile from Ie Angol R. 1. HA.NNA, Brdner for Btn Frtnclao. 238 mllea frtmi Ban Franclaco.

W. It. RHKEM. Lo Angele for Now Tork, 1146 mily from Ballxi. ORFLOV.

Balboa for lot Angelas, 1508 mite from BYRON HKNNON, New Tork for Lo Annlea, ml'e. from ijtt RIM GKNTCO. fw Angele for New Tork, 1118 mile from Raib.ia. Bl HI.Mt i Bilbu for Lot Angola. 1963 mile from Balboa.

MAKENA. Beatll for Kahulul, 279 mil from hahulut. Marrh I PRESIDENT HARRISON, Ran FralHro for linnolulu, TU mitre Itoip Honuluiu. atendlendo a la importance que tiene ei estudto oei los Estados Unldos, partlcularmente en esta gran metropoll tan In. medlata a terrltorlo hlspanoatnerlcano.

dlarlamente aparece en "The Times" esta aecel6n espafiola con algunas interesantes notlclaa de ultima hora, Tres vecea por aemana se insertrara una leoclda practlca elemental de casfellano, los lunes encontrara el lector do liones para estudlantes adelantados. A cnantos deseen aumentsr bus ennoctmlentos de espafloi las eenvlene leer esta columns, todos los diss. txwst ports. Day Time Height Tim Height I Ft. Ft.

4 88 8 .13 a.m. 4.8. 12:87 p.m. S3 8 1:01 4 8 4:41 8 1 7 2:10 4 8 4 r.l 8 1 8 8:88 8 01 8 8 9 4 Ml 5 4 r.7 4 9 19 8 7:37 4.4 11 8 3 48 12 7 48 8:48 6.3 1,1 8S 8:24 8 4 14 8:83 fl 2 19 Oil 8 8 15 5 7 6.9 lit It). if 89 11:14 t8 From Baltimore with general freight, th fore and although the republic's two fields at present produce only SHIPPING steamship A turn It eiiert(l her Friday.

Annual inspection of the Uuaker Line itrsn Orli-ans Is under way here. a tenth of the crude consumption of that nation, progress there Is such that they eventually may W'lth capacity cargo of lumber, flour and mltcellanentia freight, the pteamer West Kader left downstream late yesterday en rout for China. Or Ih loiai carto, lumber sliipineutt totaled 8,7110,0119 feet. Tli Admiral Evans, left Portland today for LOW WATER PORT INDEX OUTER HARBOR DISTRICT 16-40 Outar Harbar Daok Wnarf Cu. Harr.

WaS Lumber Unlas Lumbar Al-blan Lumktr La. 41 Out -r Harbar Oack 1 Wharf Amarlca reach the export stage. This was Indicated by a paper read before ca lfomt oorts wlih rtHSsertsers and frela it. the Western Tetroleum Refiners' Hi Adtnlriil Farr.gut or Ih same lln will duck her Friday morning from Ih aouth. The Steamship Dewey of the Coltimhl Paclfl Shipping Company's fleet was flnaied from dry.

dock her today. It resumed loading for th o.ll Association convention here yesterday afternoon by Leonldas Faer- Daw. ai Outar Hgrbar Oar Wharf C. I I a I a Ca Canadian tiavarnmant II M.rrhant Day Tim Height T1m Height Ft, Ft. 4 8:19 1 2 8 53 1.4 8 7:17 12 S.82 1 8 8 8:49 1 1 T34 2 2 1078 9 7 2 5 8 11:41 .01 10:51 8 12 :87 p.m.

0 4 11 0 Ml 1 8 2:03 1 8 18 1:48 1.1 8:41 1.2 11 2 0 8 8 Ii9 11 14 8 53 9 8 9T 4 19 0.1 4 S3 2 18 Ml 0 1 8:08 Orient. Fmm California rwrla with gmerat frirtit. fnr Portland. 11:49 a. tn.

PeMangerp and frolght. for Pat'lfn Stwtmhtp Crfmpany. Stoaroer BB.VBRT H. METTR, Car. Br for ColumhU KItut, 4B m.

To load lumber for Wlggona-Moyer Cnmpany. McCormlr Btetun-ahlp Ownnany, loo aJogtna. Rlramur HARVAtU), raulon, for Pen Jilego. p.m. Paaamrera and freight for l.n.

Anffftlr Stram-htp Ompany. Binam ESTDim JOFNSOV, dipt. Jemltmn. for Han TMoko, 4 p.m. 1imh.c cargo for A.

B. Jofmtinn T.mhrr Company. Tankar LOS ANOKLER. Cart. Carlitm, for Mar- Mum, VIS pm.

75,009 barrrli of oil for t'nlon Oil Comiwny. Slntr ROLANO, Capt Matter, fnr Ran Tleg. 5:49 p.m. Perttel Itmhar oargo for C. X.

lohnaon Lumber Company. 1. RHtp, local niago. Norwoglan tnolnrjhlp A. CHRISTrTVSEN, Capt Brbom.

ft Brtrlrh tWiimhla. p.m. To Rotith Aihrta l.ttmhrr Comiany. Called for hnnkon. K.

Zravlrk. Ural agottt. Tanker Kl. REGfNIH). Cpt.

Rdgorti. for Abrr-rlnan, m. M.Om. barrHa of oil for Standard Oil Comnaiur of California. Btramar SILVKRAItO.

Cart. Hwgrt. for Port, land, 9:55 pti, Ueneral oargo fur McCormlok Rtaamahlp Company Motwtihlp Mlssol'RtAN, Card, Andmwt. fnr Ran FrawHvn. 7:19 rn.

flmrral oargo for Amerlcan-llawwallan Bloam-hlp Company. DUE TO OTPART P.M. TO MtDNtOFIT Btaamur BIRMINGHAM CITT. Car. Tfsrtnan, for ffonnlulu tl Ran Prancle tlimarai nrgo fnr taihmlan Lln.

Nortoo, Lilly 4 local agent. Btramer AVAI.ON, Car. Mtnlo. for Ran Pran- rlnx To TTarTttnod Ltirchar tympany. Blaamnr PAN F.

B4NION, Capt Jaeon, fnr Run Franrnlpo. Partial lumber I'Argo for W. K. t'hatnltarlaln Ltimhr Cnnipany. CAROO VESSELS DUE TO ARRIVE Till RSPAT.

MARCH 4 Steamer ADMIRAL PIRKF. fart. Rohpt, from Portland. Piiisai-a and freight for Ferine fltMniehtp Ccnipnny, tit.fiinr HARVAIiri. Car.

Pntiltm, fmm IXpgo. Ieaengen and freight for Lot Angnla Steamship Cottipany. Steamer HirVI HOI.IT. Capt Rangtiman, from Ran Kranrlaro. Paaaongeni and rrelght for Willi Klyer I.lno KtMmtw NEWPORT, Opt P.lrar-r, from Ren ranrl-Mt Paetiera nd frrnai for hm PHprtrh Line.

Blaamor RI'TH ALEXANDRA, Pkt. Cla.a, from Kii flrso. Pewengerg and freight ror Paclllo Rteamahlp Cnntpany. Stennwr VAI.K, I'ept, felf, fmrn Ran FranHara. Paottra and freight for t.ot Angelee Bttm- ahlp Cmnruny.

Btram-r CATAI.lNA, Capt. Mnrrla, from Anlm Paeanigan. mall and freight lor Wllumgion TratiaiMTlatlon Tanker fATHWOOH. tapt. firm Port han Llua.

To wad oil fur Lntuo Oil Coia- pary. Tanaar MERICOR WHTTTtr.R. rapf. Roren- fmtn Kellttiior. To lued oil for Aisorl.ted Oil (lMM.

Tanker iFTPt'nK. Cept Flynn. from Fall lmr. To load oil for Kwlfiira Oil Company. Wllllaine.

IHtnottd Co IotmI aitetit Tat'krr RAMl'Kl. BROWN, am. Beng'en. fnm Nrw Turk. To Itwd nil (.

Ti.eaiar Oil Com- rany. A. Iral aimt Tanker W. M. llttHlt.

fart Irana, tna To load for Atlantic Refining lotupany. I nlori Oil (ontpay. hval areola. Slmer iAN I'lMlO, I art Ahllai. from Omr'i Harinr.

I nn-ber f. Ilirt Wot-l Lumhar im. tuny. J. Hilt, local Ptc.tner BTI'FK TIAN'IFV.

Cant VH.nrlr,, trri At'Oflrm Lumber for 1 M.nifr 4 I Ktranter I I-AHKfONT Cart Irtrkvm trm Wll. lajw Ltrbr for Bart-Wnd Lumher Coeapan i mm. local erenl. Plea row WAUKIL.NA. Capt, Jobaiuoo.

from Prl- tnatin, New lork representative of the Argentine government's oil lields. Both of the fields are in Tata. th ateam achnoner Walllngford arrlred today Is discharge at the Mii'ormlck terminal. Tin German motore'ilp Osiris, rrlrrd her today in dlsrhtrg miictl freight from Europe. SEATTLE, March 3 Now at Anacortea loading lumber and canned salmon for Australian ports, this Parlhc-Aiislralla Liner West lalip, a to shift gonlft, the southern part of the re SUN AND MOON public.

The larger Is the Como here Flilny lo eompleie her cargo. Th. Ar.nn.iir line stcemshm I ausseua ar tloro Rlvadavla field ith an output of 22,500 barrels a day of which rived her today from lha Atlantic Coast with 1500 Inns of geu-ral cargo tor local Shifting here from Taroma tonight, tlto Nor 16.500 bnrrels belongs to the gov-eminent and the balance to pri NOTAS TELEGRAFICAS Kotlcias de Wahliigwni WASHINGTON, Mario 3. ha Jiecho ja pflbllco el programa de elnco afios de construcclfln rra Is aeronautlca mllltar, Ia comlsion militar de la cftmara rechazd la proposition de que fuera creado un negoclado de defensa na-clonal. Ke le ha concedldO su bsja.

por haberlo sollcltado asl, al tenlente Leigh Wade, uno de los avludores jue voktron alrededor del mundo. El ministro Kellog se nego a do-Ir a la comlRl6n de Keluciones Kxterloies del Kenado porqu te le ImpldiA la entrada a la condesa Karolyl. Pljo el prcKidente Kastman, de la Com1sl6u del Comerclo entre Estados, que no hay ni que penRar aue pueda haber falla. alguna en la decision relattva el fuoionamicnto del Nickel Plate. Dijo el Presidents Coolidge a los representanles de los terratenlentes, que confiaba en que el congreno V'taria en este perlodo eflcaces me-tildas de sllvio para la egrlcultura.

wegian niotnrslilp (lelfeha is to bo put in dryttVa; tomorrow for toyat repairs. Hh will kent Day Bnttrli' Bunjcl Moonrls Menniet 4 I II 15 10:48 8:18 8 1143 8:40 8 8:14 8:54 19:39 7 8:13 5 T.5 9:48 a.m. 11:13 8 6 It 8:88 1:48 12:07 p.m 9 10 i Ml 8:45 1 07 10 8 0 5 57 8 4(1 2:13 11 (18 8:58 (:21 8 07 5 59 4 :,14 1.1 9 l8 8 mi 8 07 45 14 8:04 8 Oil ill 8:55 15 8 2 ft fit 7:24 8:08 18 III 8 02 8:89 A vate companies, including two Ar Comlte Regional en Mejico de la Asoclaclftn de Damns una do. las mas poderosas rlcas In-stituelnneH catollcas del "Al rresldente de la Republics: "Slntlendo que se nos ha lastl-mado en nuestro mfts Intlmos afec-toa, nos permltimos llamar respe-tuosiimente la atenclon de usted hacia el hecho de que, so pretexto cumpllr con la ley, esta ha sido viola da, "Han sldo expuluados sacerdoles extra njeros, siendo st que, cuando uiCta, podia prohlblrseles que on-rlen; pero no puede atentnree contra su presencla en el pats. Han Bldo cerrados seminaries, colegios paitlculares, ultlnmmente, tem-plos, a pesar de que no estan prohibiten dlchus Instituclones por la COIlBtitllctOll.

"Se han ndoptado al efecto sis-temas vlolentos crueles, Infrlngl-endo asl la garantla fundamental otorgada por el artlctilo XVI tie hi conetituclon. que dice: 'Narlie po-drft Her molestndo en Su persona, familia resldencla, nl fn ruh pa-pcles poftesiones, salvo en cano de ordt-n escritu expcdlda por auto-rldad competpnte que exprese la base motlvo de la legalidad del procedlmlnefn. "Se ba vlnlsdn bata cl extremo el derecho de protests d-fnsa, conio se vio flararnenta cuando. le-Jos de dflrsnles nudiencla. fueron In rirydurk only lomorrttw and Is lo rommenc loading cargo nfrrrlnga for th weat coast ot Smilh Ameilca Friday.

i "Europ la ansloua to dprelnri lrad with th gentlne concerns, the Standard Oil Company, the Anglo-l'erslan Oil Corporation, Royal Dutch and Pacific least," laid Drmy thuietter, rlcr-pres. d.t. and aeneral mannaer of tlie Gciiem! some English concerns. More than 400 wells hare been drilled In this field and less than Marina, Nigaa Vutwi Kalsh. Balfour, fiulhrl a Ca, Cait Attalla Harrliar nit Ml Lin.

M. F. and H. R. MtLaortn.

jahnaMi Lin, Latin. Amwltan Lin. Unla kuiaitur W. Srta 4 Mayor, Wilton Ca. iwOutar Harbe Park Wharf Caa But Lumbar Paronln Lumbar C.

)Swayn a Hovt. Paatni-Ariantlna-Brull Lin. Paeifio.CarlblrtM.Gull Lin. Patlhc. Aualralla Llna.

lJam Salvh a Ralfh Staomahlk tin. National Navlgatln Llnaa. 8, L. Krldr, Tav Kli.a Kalthi. to Wattarn Sttamthl Aganay, 114 Furnaat Llna.

Mitml Staamiblg C. JtJI Pan Amarlaaii Patralaum C. BAN PEDRO' DISTRICT 71 southern Parts all. K. Wad Lumbar C.

i.iuauliirn Patina wharvaa, leuth Fifth atiaat. iTIa i7 uihr Puis whtnag, loutk af Fifth alrt. tt Whit Flvar Lin. Le Angtlrt Dliaatrk Lin. 4 Marina Engla W.rkl.

9HKttl.ti"fl Mill 4 Lumbar Ca (7101 standard Oil Cmany. ins laa Anaalra Lumbar I'radiRf C. 1(17 1 0U L. A. Shipbuilding 4 Dry 0tk Ca WILMINGTON DISTRICT 111.

ISO Auetiatad Oil Camgany. Ul-IJi 8 Padi Lumbar Ctmaaay. 160-141 Union Oil Camgany. Ibi-li4 Paitga Slaamihtg Admiral Lin. Panama-Parifta Lin.

IJ5.IS)-l. A. Ca. Unit Amarla Linra Una. Ilk-ltiO Kiruihara 4 Sarm, Amarlau far Eat Llna, Trammarln Crgrtlg, IS4.INb lullaa C.

I (17 1 Mn-I I Camtany. 172-I7i Cattlarnia Patr.laus Ca. I7VI'I Am.riran-Mawallan Ll. 177. 17k MrCarmirk tttMim.nlg'X.

Ill Hunlclaal oil Laaaiaj Wkarl. ship Company, who arrived here today from gin Franclaco on a buiince trip. He predicted a much greater European demand for Notthweal lumber, particularly Douglaee 8r. Tho Bvea Steamship Company ef Stofkhoiru. said, la going to put two new motorshlpa, Ih Finn frd th Frost, on Pa run from Cub 6 per cent have been dry holes, There are 250 producing wells in ARRIVALS AND CLEARANCES AT WORLD'S PORTS the field today.

no trio nwi situira lo i acme ios porta. The other and newer field Is at Plaza llulncul. The government TACOMA, Marrh 8 Contmc from Honolulu, si Reat'le, the Montgomery City arrived early this altuonn. Th Iithtnlaa Unet here has a reservation of 100.000 win v.r uimnrr i-arsn inun nrre. acres with a production of lonrj Tno steamer iosieiowrt ana MuklKeo, returned Hit.

m.n.ttg to 8nish oiing tr.igni an.i conrcntratca inr altmrnla dcltycrv. The Iho'leatmn aalled thit aftetnouo for Call- harrels a day. Recently a 1500-batrel well was drilled, Indicating the main producing area has not been developed, Faermann stated. Is Cat6llcts Dlrljjcu una In1anc1a rornia. VANCOITKR R.

Marrh Thai Bteam- ahtp Kkirnttsher, aalti-l frmn Vancouver BT A. P. NIOBT WIRE RAN FRANCISCO. March 8. Arrlred: Alanw, 2.19 a Heeitle; Hwnai Better.

3 18 Htrlmr: Wllhelmtn. a.m. Honolulu; 4.38 Anr'ni A. Mf-fell, I.w Angler Tagleemmlt 7 S8 am. Braille; F.liia.

7 Artorla; Non, 8 am, -Kan Uleco; laly tlray. I Antele: V.I. 59 am. I a A'igdee: H. Blorr.

11: am, I.M iiIm; Dang Putnam. 11 IIS am. Pirt Ban Lull: Frank H. Ruck, 12 al'ta; 5 a.m., a par. Depaited: AJo.lial f*cka, 4 a Loa Angea; ye.terci.y, laatng to ractflc t.nast carsn of SHAKESPEARE STVDKXT DIF.S a Callcs CIUDAD DE MBJIOO, Marzo 3.

Con motlvo Je lo ados del gobl-rno hoctlles a la Iclcsla catoilca, lii in lo Halltat. Navigation will opan Ilia St. L.wren, sh.lly arid Ualifaa mil (HY AMD ASSOCIATED PBBSSl resume Irsde br tliat route. LONDON, Mareh 3. Sir Pyd- cohardptnente maltratiiilas niujeres tie todas laa closes fto(ials, quti ha- The llrui.h tanker tanmttltle tailed for Peru ney Lett, famuua as an authority fus enviada al Presldcnte Calles la Slgulente carta de protesta por cl rinitla after Ulstliarglng Um of I.

tian lormaao una comislOn paclflca on tnaHepeare, uioa today..

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)
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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.