FOX & Friends First : FOXNEWSW : July 23, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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artificial intelligence. d >> laura: new toy, different packaging, same policies. >> intelligence and you canyou accuse her of many things but i don't know if you can say that. we will see how this plays out and what condition joe biden iss really in here or there is a report a palace coup and they t him they were going to remove him i didn't step aside. this is really scary. he is the sitting president of the united states.stma i >> laura: well, barack obamae is still the smartest person in. politics. the smartest democrat and i mean democrats in politics but notly all time., he is really smart. we will see what he does next. he had his hand in all of this. great to see you as always. that is it a make sure to follow follow me on social media and remember, it is america now and >> carley: head of secret service is rejecting bipartisan

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calls to step down as former president trump opens up about his conversation with kimberly cheatle after the failed assassination attempt. >> somebody should have made sure there was nobody on the roof, the roof was dead aim to the stage. they said they did not have the manpower for it, which was crazy. >> if you have an assassination attempt on a president, former president or candidate, you need to resign. >> carley: congressman jiminez toured the rally site yesterday. he was on the roof and will tell us what he saw. >> todd: and president biden finally returning to the white house today after days at his beach house, it is the first time americans will see him after he dropped out of the race. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm todd piro.

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>> carley: i'm carley shimkus. we'll bring the latest on cheatle in a moment, first here is madeleine rivera with the latest on the presidential race. >> madeleine: the president is expected to return to the white house today, his schedule is clear as he recovers from covid and his i-tinerary is lighter. there were mix of campaign and presidential events cancelled so the president says he remains fully engaged with six months left in his presidency. he called in monday telling the staff to embrace vice president kamala harris. >> let me be clear, we are fighting in this fight together, i'm not going anywhere and you have always had my back and i promise i will always have your

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back and i'm anxious for you to hear from kamala. >> harris was at that meeting and she delivered remarks. >> it is my great honor to have joe's endorsem*nt in this race and my intention to earn this nomination and to win. in the days and weeks ahead, i, together with you, will do everything in my power to unite our democratic party, to unite our nation and to win this election. >> madeleine: after securing enough delegates to become presidential nominee, harris said, tonight i am proud to be the party nominee. i'll be traveling the country talking to americans about everything on the line and full i y intend to unite our party and nation and defeat donald trump. she is heading today -- $100

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million from upon sunday afternoon and monday evening. time isun aring out for other democrats to throw their hat in the ring as democratic national committee says it will hold virtual roll call by august 7. >> carley: madeleine albright -- madeleine rivera, thank you. and no greeting from president biden, who is in -- vice president harris declined to preside over the congressional address but will sit down for a private meeting with him and will reiterate commitment to israel security and also convey her view it is time for the war to end in way israel is secure and palestinian people can enjoy

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their right to dignity, freedom and self-determination. benjamin netanyahu goed meeting with former president trump, that meeting would likely to place later this week in florida. former senior advisor to israel will join us later this morning and that and more. former president trump said he spokes to secret service director kimberly cheatle and she made a big admission about why the roof where the shooter took position was not secure. >> todd: cheatle was pressed by lawmakers throughout that heated hearing. brooke singman has more. heated is an understatement, it got hot. >> brooke: it did. former president trump said he spoke to secret service director kimberly cheatle during an in-person visit earlier this month and here is what cheatle told him about the security failure that allowed the shooter to get on the roof and fire at

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him. >> she was very nice. somebody should have made sure there was nobody on the roof. that of radio was dead aim to the stage. they said they did not have the manpower for it, which was crazy. >> brooke: the former president and his v.p. j.d. vance sat down with jesse watters. >> you had one man dressed in black like this. where are they? he starts pointing, this man had no fear, none of them did. the women were incredible -- >> where were you when butler happened? >> playing mini-golf with my kids. i said, we have to get out of here, the president has been shot. we did not know if he was all right or not.

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>> brooke: 18 minutes before trump stepped on the stage and lawmakers are calling on her to resign, including row /* ro circ*mstance khanna. >> is this the most -- security lapse of secret service? >> yes, sir, i would. >> and do you know what stewart knight did, he was in charge at time of the secret service, do you know what he did afterward? >> remained on duty. >> he resigned, if you have assassination attempt on a former president or candidate, you need to resign. >> brooke: republicans and democrats grilled cheatle over the agency's handling of security at the rally. >> we are looking into the advance process and decisions

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made. >> did they confront him, go up toim had, talk to him? >> i do not have details at that time? >> how many explosive devices were found? >> i would defer you to the fbi. >> was he a lone gunman? >> i lz have to refer you to the fbi. >> when was the last sweep done of that roof prior to the rally? >> i do not have that information? >> nancy mace got into a fiery exchange with e choo. watch this. >> has secret service been transparent with this committee. >> yes. we had to issue a subpoena to get you to show up today, that is not transparent. you stated secret service is not political, is that correct? have you provided all video recordings on this committee, as we asked? >> i would have to get back to you. that is a no. you are full of -- being dishonest.

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>> mace has filed to impeach cheatle. house hmo hmoland security -- declined to testify. >> todd: i get better answers from pry two-year-old. bring in chris swecker. >> we have bipartisan outrage at that hearing, what struck me was hubris of that woman. director cheatle, this notion of yeah, we failed, it was failure from top to bottom, no, i'm not going anywhere. what do you make of that hubris? >> this administration does not hold people accountable. she did feel entitled to that job. seniority is battle cry of the mediocre and that is where she's coming from. i'm not surprised about her testimony, generic acceptance of

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responsibility, no answers whatsoever. she should not need them to tell her about her own security scheme. she is being thrown to the -- something that prohibiting her from passing that information to congress. she was armed with nothing. >> carley: more from the hearing, congressman mike cloud from texas. listen to this. >> the number one question everyone in america is wondering, why is the roof left open, after nine days, we should have a little information. when you come to this committee hearing and you don't have anything to say about that, it is very, very troubling. whether the fbi or fauci, time after time after time, multiple layers of accountability turn into layers of plausible deniability. >> carley: chris, these answers

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are available somewhere and secret service said that kimberly cheatle did not visit butler ahead of the hearing because it was an fbi crime scene. it has not been an fbi crime scene for several days now. what is going on and will we get answers? >> this things go slow, i shudder when i think about independent commission or congress investigating, that will take forever. we'll read about it, coffee table book a year from now nobody will pick up. here is a point, carley. she testified 30% of resources were devoted to protection, that is their core mission. they strayed into financial crime and fraud because it is more fun to work that crime. i'm questioning if it wasn't resource problem, that makes it even worse, they are diverting

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resources and they lost core c competency of protection and that is what the agency was set up to do. >> todd: cheatle and mayorkas have declined to testify, does that call into question that our government that we pay for with our taxpayer dollars, especially in situation like this with so much meed for information calls into question if they want to be transparent or not, doesn't it, chris? >> it does. the shooter is dead and i've heard nothing about conspiracy other than on the fringes. this was a 20-year-old that acted alone, young kid. there is no reason to protect this information or prosecution. i'm looking for authority that says we have to withhold this information from you and i don't see anything and she did not

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cite any. i am sure there are those who could have given it to her and they didn't, i think they are throwing her to the wolves and letting her hang onner had own. she hung herself yesterday. >> carley: she did confirm the secret service has 3.1 million bu budget, some of this could be explained as a personnel issue. they need more people at the secret service and this episode won't do much for recruiting, there are issues there and many questions remain. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> todd: report in "new york post," bombshell here outlines democratic plan to forcibly remove president biden from office if he did not bow out of the race. >> carley: janellesp king is he

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the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate. "soulmates." soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title. >> carley: vice president kamala harris says she has delegates to become the democratic nominee and all eyes are on a running mate. andy brash /* brase r /* /*

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said he did not rule it out. >> she called and asked for support and i willingly gave it. i love the work i do, only reason i would consider something else is if i felt i could help my people in kentucky more in a different role. >> carley: he dug into j.d. vance accusing him of exaggerating his ties to appalachia. >> he is not from kentucky, he would come during the summer or for weddings and funerals and claims to be from eastern kentucky and he calls us lazy. this makes me angry. >> carley: multiple reports indicate that beshear is one of

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the v.p. top choices. >> todd: and headed to the first stop of her campaign. she posted, i'll be traveling the country talking to americans about everything on the line. i intend to be unite our party and nation and defeat donald trump. she urged a crowd at the white house to applaud the man she is replacing at the top of the ticket. >> joe biden's record is unmatched in modern history. in one term -- yes, you may clap. >> todd: you may clap, you may laugh. janelle king, let's win for america action. big picture, that was really fast, what do you make of speed democrats and main-stream media have coronated kamala harris? >> it is interesting, i feel like it is made to look like it

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happened quickly. nothing really happens quickly in politics and we all know that being behind the scenes. this is something they have discussed for months and weeks and we are seeing the tailend of that. i walked in thinking maybe kamala would not be the nominee, i have other ideas as to why they are utilizing her and she may be the nominee. it puts us in a peculiar opinion to beat her. >> todd: what are those ideas you have, i'm curious? >> i thought they were going to swap her out, now i think she brengs something to the table that unique. she is in the administration, she has young voters looking at her, particularly voters that are taylor swift fans. her concert is coming back to

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america in november-ish. that is something to pay attention to. she has a lot of new donors, i wonder if they are president biden's former donors or younger voters? there is a path for her and i want us as republicans to stay v vigilant and do not underestimate her and the power she has to pull together the democratic base. >> todd: what if the awk awkwa awkwardsness we saw there does not go away in the lead-up to the dnc. i wonder if that is a reason to replace her? there is time between now and then. get your thoughts on this. democrats threatening to forcibly remove president biden if he refused to drop out. "new york post" says the coup

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has been in place for weekings and stub born biden fought it every step of the way. part of the elaborate strategy was allowing him to debate donald trump on live tv and we know that went horribly for president biden. as if we needed further proof that the democrats will stop at absolutely nothing, democracy and votes be damned to beat donald trump and retain power. your thoughts. >> this is unique opportunity we have as republicans. i don't want us to focus on stuff that does not matter. the fact they claim trump is lying, he's such a liar and this is why you can't support him. this is where president trump

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needs to say, who is lying here, the democratic party lied to the base over and over again saying biden was okay when we could see he wasn't. they hijacked the primary and stole it from dean phillips and anyone who tried to come up against biden. they talk about how the maga, they dislike the maga base and they have too much power. the democratic party does not give their base an opinion at all. we as republicans have to point out that divide, point "outnuout the fact, she talkses about foorable housing. how can we afford this as a country when we look at possible recession and falling to inflation. there are questions we need to

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ask and probe their -- to highlight the fact they can't be trusted and i think that will continue to pull their base apart. >> todd: who are unelected democratic operatives pulling the st strings, with kamala and kicking joe biden out. this is america, we vote for people. they rule -- not rule, lead us. thank you, appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> carley: now to this. members of congress tours rally site where former president trump was almost assassinated. congressman carlos jiminez is next and he will tell us what he saw.

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>> you spoke to cheatle, how did that go? >> she was very nice, somebody should have made sure there was nobody on the roof. the roof was a dead aim to the stage and they said they did not have manpower for it. somebody gave her false information when she talked about the slope of the roof. a roof plainly in sight from the location i was speaking, why would somebody not have seen that? >> no one told you not to take the stage? >> nobody mentioned it or said there was a problem. >> carley: trump sat down with jesse watters and just yesterday our next guest toured that slopped rooftop that was left unguarded. carlos giminez joins me now. you traveled to butler and stood on the roof that the secret

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service said was too slant. what did you learn? >> there is no slant to the roof, maybe a 10 degree slope. the slope to my house is way steeper and i get on it all the time. i'm 70 year old and i had no problem getting on the roof or running around the roof. that was made-up lie by the secret secret service director. anybody can go on that roof, that is just an excuse for their ink incompetence and it was totally ink incompetent on part of secret service and i know president trump loves his detail. whoever is leading that detail, they need to go, too. so many gaps that anybody with any kind of security background

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could pick out right away. i was a firefighter and on the swat team for city of miami, mayor of miami dayde, i was the sheriff and ran incidents, and so many things were violated here, we don't have time to tell you what they didn't do to protect the president. >> carley: whose job was it to secure that rooftop and why no police officer or secret service agent on top of it? when you traveled to butler, did you get any answers or insight into that? >> no, i think what i'm getting, the secret service did not do their job. secret service is never going to have sufficient number of people to do full protection. that is why you have meetings and assign state agency, county

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agencies, what they have to do, what they are protecting and how they have to go and do that, i don't think that happened. i don't think there was coordination between secret service and local agencies. local agencies are not in dig niteary protection, that is not what they do. it is up to the secret service. put a man or agent on the roof to protect this vulnerability and that was plain to see. that roof, that building was about 120 yards from the stage, easy shot for somebody with an ar and scope. an easy shot. i was on swat, i know what an easy shot is about, by the grace of god president trump is still alive. >> carley: by a quarter inch and a water tower should have had somebody on top, as well. communications were siloed,

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meaning secret service and local police were on different radio channels and could not communicate with each other. >> that is normal because you can't have everybody on one channel. what you have to do, all ag agencies protecting the president need to be in one place. if you get something from state place, i have a person with a gun, that is communicated to secret service who communicates with his personnel. and -- or her personnel. that was violated, the secret service was in one place and local agencies in another place, that is violating -- >> carley: great point. apparently the secret service did know about this person of interest, for about an hour before the shooting took place. what happened within that hour he was identified as a s suspicious person to when he took that shot and should the president have been allowed to

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get on the stage? you are a member of the committee, you will have a hearing on this, kimberly cheatle will not be testifying, why not? >> probably because we're going to be asking the same questions you are asking, how was the president allowed to go on stage knowing you have a suspicious character and have not placed him yet or found him yet. you have got to put the safety of your principal number one. if you have a question, you cannot put him in danger. they did have a suspicious character and did not know who that person was and allowed the president to go out on the stage, another violation of how you protect a principal, secret service 101, that is a violation. so many mistakes and things they

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did wrong. every single steps was like wrong. complete disaster there and like i said, you don't have to be an expert to know, have somebody on that roof or somebody that can see very clearly anybody getting on the roofs and that water tower was a perfect place, it towers over everything, you can see everything, you don't have issues with tree /* with trees. the sniper teams were covered by trees or looking the other way. >> carley: you are hearing mayorkas will not show up, nor will cheatle, you will talk to local officials and hope to get answers there. it was disheartening to see yesterday, that will bleed into with the homeland security

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hearing, as well. thank you for joining us. if you have been at -- two an airport lately, things have been a mess since last week's global tech outage. delta is still having issues, we have the latest. >> todd: and hollywood endorsing kamala harris hard core. cheryl casone will be here with the numbers. or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin and show it off. (♪) with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi, is just 4 doses a year,

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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> carley: fox business alert. delta is struggling to bounce back from the tech outage. >> todd: today flights have been cancelled today. cheryl casone from fox business with more. why is delta struggling so much? >> cheryl: sometimes it is operational breakdown and delta seems to be the airline that has not been able to get operations back up and running. and there will be weather in the northeast. get ready and pack your patience. it has been five days and several airlines are back online, delta is still having issues. the chief executives it could take another couple days before

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they are fully functional. yesterday delta cancelled 1100 flights, according to fl flight aware and 1700 flights were delayed. pete buttigieg posted, we have received reports of unacceptable conditions at delta, including c complaints filed. i made clear with delta we will hold them to all applicable jacumba protections. it will take another couple days before we're in a position to say the worst is behind us. today will be a better day. when you have an issue with an airline and we've had this with other holidays, is the crews, pilots time out and crews are

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stranded. >> carley: if one thing goes wrong, it lasts for days and days. cheryl, big hollywood donors are back to spending on kamala harris. >> cheryl: she's broken the funding fundraising record. cardi b to jamie lee curtis are supporting kamala harris. a producer from -- the bargo is lifted and here we go. i had to read it correctly. >> carley: good job. >> cheryl: -- threatened to withhold funding if biden stayed, she is resuming donation and told "new york times" she is backing harris and says i am

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supporting her with all of my heart. this massive hall of money and i'm following the money, between campaign, democratic national committee and joint fundraising committee, that 24-hour record is on kamala harris. >> todd: i guess we know why disney has gone woke, if disney is writing checks to the woke kamala harris. always a pleasure, have fun. bring in trump campaign senior advisor danielle alvarez. the spigget has been turned on. over the last 36 hours, the kamala honeymoon period is well underway. how does trump campaign combat that? what policy positions of kamala

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harris do you want to point out tos have surrogates when they go on tv attack? >> well, let's be candid, kamala harris owns the same harris-biden record of last 3-1/2 years, record inflation, she was tie-breaking vote on the spending bill that trigger the us into this inflation crisis. remember she is the original border czar and she has so many clips where she's just laughing at the notion she had never been to the border or addressed the issue she was tasked with by joe biden and this administration. she's a absolute failure, worse than just harris-biden ticket, she is the liberal, the california elite liberal on this t ticket. it is you have to pill for democratic voters to handle.

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they are jamming her down their throat and she was not their pick. >> carley: cnn is detail ing harris's campaign strategy, prosecutorerce haveus felon. over 2020 presidential campaign, included her slogan, kamala harris for the people. in those days her team was stretching the rhetoric, this year gop nominee found guilty libel for battedry in civil case and faces two other criminal cases. what does the trump campaign response to that? >> you know, the american people spoke loudly and clearly, they know that was just weaponization of the justice system, talking point it is the left wanted on a hope and prayer for the left and they came out in droves

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supporting president trump with dollars and they are all in for president trump because he has the record, they may have talking points and shiny objects, voters know president donald trump has a record of success and secured our border. he had peace at home and abroad, we had a roaring economy and the american dream was achiefable under president trump's success and leadership. >> carley: thank you for joining us, have a great day. >> todd: check in with lawrence jones for a preview of what is coming up on "fox and friends." lj, take it away. >> lawrence: good morning, harris secures enough delegates fist the democratic nominee. how does it all change the trump campaign? ask rnc co-chair lara trump and

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harris is the border czar, we are breaking down what she has not done at the border, jay johnson will join us to discuss that and not much they agree on, democrats and republicans are calling for resignation of secret service director after yesterday's terrible testimony on the trump assassination attempt. two of them, california congressman ro khanna and byron donalds are calling for resignation. and barstool co-founder dave portnoy calling out dems, he will be on "fox and friends." we have a busy show coming up, don't go anywhere.

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♪ >> carley: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has arrived in washington but there was no high level greeting from the president or the vice president. both leaders agreeing to meet netanyahu privately later this week. >> todd: rabbi served as senior adviser to donald trump's ambassador to israel. rabbi joins us now. what kind of message does that lack of a greeting by both the president and the vice president say to our ally, israel? >> well, it's an exact repeat of the message that's been delivered since the infamous debate which is there's nobody home and in the absence of anybody there is no leadership in america and that hurts

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america but my goodness does it hurt our allies especially allies in the midst of war this is damaging indeed. >> carley: politico has a headline throw up the teleprompter. more sympathetic towards palestinian, that was written rabbi december of 2023. just two months after the october 7th terror attack. if she becomes the nominee, potentially eventual president if she defeats donald trump how much does it concern you. >> terrifying to anybody that supports the u.s.-israel relationship. you are looking at dichotomy of approaches. president trump the most pro-u.s.-israel, pro-jewish president in the history of the united states of america. and kamala harris would certainly be the exact opposite of that. everything that she has said -- not everything, many of the comments that she has said sings the war certainly comments as a

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presidential candidate and now, again, as a presidential candidate has demonstrated that her finger is not on the side of the united states of america's number one ally in the middle east. israel. but, rather, on the side of hamas and its supporters. >> todd: the the "new york post" boost anti-israel left writing quote at the scariest time to come an american jew in our history harris clearly aligned herself from those who shout "from the river to the sea" and call for nvidia. and i hear that and i put myself in the mindset of an american jew in a battleground state and i ask myself how could i vote for kamala harris in this circ*mstance? so you do the research. you understand what the voters are saying. how can she possibly carry a swing state, a battleground state if that is her position, especially in those cities where there are so many american jews

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living? >> well, last evening, i was at a round table of parents in los angeles, whose kids go to ivy league schools. i can tell you she will not win that district in los angeles if those parents are representative of anybody. certainly in philadelphia and in pittsburgh and atlanta and detroit. and phoenix. there are parents like that across the board. not just parents of students in ivy league schools but parents in k-12 schools. kids that did not goat go to their graduations, even high school without somebody waving a keffiyeh or pro-palestinian flag or new york. obviously jewish person being beaten up at a middle school graduation. none of those people, if they care about their faith, their culture, and their security will vote for a kamala harris presidency. >> carley: here is prime minister benjamin before he left for washington, here is what he said. >> i'm leaving this morning on a

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very important trip to the united states at a time when israel is fighting on seven fronts. and great political uncertainty in washington. i will tell my friends on both sides of the aisle that regardless who the american people choose as their next president, israel remains america's indispensable and strong ally in the middle east. >> carley: those comments came, rabbi, shortly after israel struck yemen for the first time following that deadly houthi drone attack. israel is fighting a mullett multi frontwar. give us the latest when it comes to the battle its sufficiently. >> the battle itself is extremely. longest bombing run ever, the question to be asked is the u.s. leads a coalition against the houthis in the red sea where that is a close bombing mission, if that is such a good target and ripe target why didn't we hit this seven months ago when our u.s. coalition has been

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fighting against the houthis. once again demonstrative that we are enormous amount of talk and very little action. israel is doing this? west bank. 80,000 people still not returned to their homes. and, of course, with 120 hostages still be kept in tunnels under ground in gaza including 8 americans. and what we have is ambiguity of leadership united states you have america and failure to stand unambiguously with israel. that has been israel's super power. without that i think bibi has enormous challenge excuse me prime minister netanyahu has enormous challenge when he speaks to joint sessions of congress to demonstrated that israel is not a 50/50 issue. not a republican/democrat issue. it's 80-20 issue. >> carley: thank you very much. we have to leave there. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪

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Hosts Todd Piro and Carley Shimkus present all the headlines viewers may have missed overnight, along with a preview of upcoming news events.

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Article information

Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

Last Updated:

Views: 5267

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.