Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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4' ow or I I IT'S IT'S 16-C l'i)rt 1ot th I'M: I IIt Sun June 8 1969 4 pmennem Lake Resort Prop 75K 1 Resort Prop 75K I I Lake Resort Prop 75K 1 1 Lake Resort Prop 73K Bedford-Euless-Hurst 71-11! Lake Resort Prop 75K I I Lake Resort Prop 75K 11 Lake Resort Prop 75K til lBedford-Eutess-Hurst 1 Lake Resort Prop 75K 1 IT'S So EASY TO PLACE STAR-TELEGRAM CLASSIFIED ADS JUST DIAL ID 2-7722 FOR RESULTS! OVER 200000 CIRCULATION EVERY DAY '1 DuphsAptsSale 75JJ I I Lake Resort Prop 75K I 12001 Lexington PI Bedford I 7 1 ls'114T lorue tn Ise LIMP I Cs1i jolroteas 41''Irge4oisflt 1 1II 100 Hursfyiew Hurst 1iri'rill ill' i 1 4llyieek tritioittli' 201 'Pie Ar l'''t oe f- I ltili 7 1 l'1 I 1 i ct 0 1 i' ninue fore (w 'ew mile ro 000 Kim '4 14 i )A i 7' 1 1 0 4 Ins 0sone Litinntl rr km 1b i 1 1 1 12S Crosstimber Hurst lurid ortipielely furnished (urn 4 CEDAR CREEK 'vki lk I A) 101 J4'i lo a4 rxr 1 i Iii trgiin 1 1 Fred Smith Real Estate 1 I te( 1 I ultd Ilion Kr'' Or ne lid itiL l'i MOO Hardesty Richland Hills LAKE orsmts JI A IAA6 I err I rt A DIM CEDAR CREEK LAKE CABIN Nod owl Ft A CT1 711 a-- )A 11 tA 1 A) 1 I Lake Resort Pro ft el i 1 'k T' 4 1 1 SEE LOG VILLAGE lie hot ses IlMiST H1141C ed I EXCELLENT BUY ANNE POST 1 Units modern brick libigri bicillt hobco I blot IK oft (Amp 01 V' uiois kilvd 741 iiN0 in choice wee tur InCOMO til Et6ker fitvo 'sil 91Pe '3 2 jI twdrocims Assuffie 6 Dor 6 WO 2HIdi t' eiii 10An with (-AO) euudy 2e1 PI14 S000 plus nibillhiy Ccill for WOODCREST ADDITION iprins end etOpoiniccicrilt 1 bedrimitii i Limb t) ii built ED 2 MA kiiie km Joriet CO I lie hut ses financed i I CKIT DI IV McDONALD CO ''X'a4--t1 noItitto WOoFtert 6(111(1013 five 'OF ee Fmk sof ot rn rff fl tistta4 btfolinq rat re4hon far WI Only tieVelopment at OS kit-A Ir e11 01 the fAt) lott't yttor roultd FOC Feat wooi tuo th trvervtfoort Free lob treMDer0110 fro ow P'1ertV FoVnerS Se Of write tor brociltire og CArt Rt I tilialtoo if a a aty artaama aaal 1440Sr buotim extra nne vad 1 (y muctrr 'a I oror loon VI cos Fn 7 (toys a l-iifil STIMMEL REALTY BU 7-4060 Furl North tatre HmOsay t4! 1)7? 131) I j649 til) 2 SlIll vr 2-2770 REALTORS' to IS SnnIt' S'IAC OAK' NORTH klcAnd tijf 040 601 HIgh-NAV ti'f orth NA galore it to thtiakuft tett on FM t1 0 1 end I 11 Arne PERFECT LOCATION wrto() on Road II54 dm nn 3'0 dvrt 14 no P11 2 milk) Nrar Cetnf Wi VA Dd PI rt Po trier C(tivetnent to oi Ad ICU 2 large Wli1S i i 101) WO 9d rnamtained I iand it twat) tno atadattle aped yard Seoarale small citIH f-il 14771 Minor Newly 21 2104 3rd onil in prce (An You mAke A co1 investment of tt tr AIR oN down payment' 'SrS vo0' su ore he ao e)nt brk trnrndate posetstnn joHN uTsEy AX 7 2IIS wwortunitv to you Lake WOO ev to 98r) e)tuttY S81 rn)othiy 4YMPnt corcptlion and fstr10) orn bnat Adpr 1 co Realtors 1111 2-024 ru-ror LLLLO LUPLL A t)n (01 dnd 03 er 0 0 1 At) 2 4Y 1(2 a f)I '3 e'81P') Ath tRePeni 4ttt ek 0' all 1 A a lo- llot ation Wittdo) units ftnr fur EXECUTIVE TYPE in qod Ho'' 101 Priors knaltry CAP WA 3 8708 nr al Wile MO EAsi hir(11 d1Ing ront I at u0 PK- --C17 A-121)21 3 1 sr i ietr qrator rano end dr apes PROPERTY-WE TRY HARDER SALTERS REALTY BU 2-0811 1 ''''A8 1----------- NOMPR SPENCE REALTOR LA 10 1 :9 6 Pt) 2)! 1 fiti p) I )02 ce Bil Chat 110 Ad- TRY US FOR LAK WHiTitdE I ntiNA PARK TEXAS MA 1111T) I A Only You Can Get 71 Won dInld nett A I If a UNITS CAMP BOWIE BLVD 'LAKE r00rt lot 11 PePA Vista Ar 2 '5 1 ult Pr' Red 'tor ovri '2 nor kinat) as Lakeside living Pcerr-1 rale Mr Vel)tan And ntt i tichary WA 3 1'4 ut1 return ryt ca11 inv' )F ha VOO rilOved YOU i'l a -10 ()Mier tO irtettIC 8J I ttpdroorn 7' it NEW Pon rt ARCHITECTS DREAM (PTO C111 rlond MAO 10 1 rd allor Fl li011'i 1 (noire tuts rorner InporAton r)t 1 1 Nil Fl I 2 SCli AU 1 ioli SSHI 1EY it SMOTH INC sst De overtroo41 STEWART REAL ESTATE BU 245 4 se )tt'Ort)k re: Icw 'tax 7 0111-t to 4 Wo can )1 FIND ME---I'M YOURS! DUPLEXES FOR SALE Vi150 ()moll () 4) i8 aPer 7 FIND ME-I'M YOURS! DUPLEXES FOP SALE EFlitte Imott Opon 8 a rn to vS At6k f-f 01'1 Fort Vvorth tfitre Hmho'fly 44! to ntls IS 4S South la Cot kICAnd tijf 11 lett on HjV 31 10 710610H In on FM v) iunttqlt1 on Road WS 4 Ohl '2 Npar etrlf 1 TODAY 5 2 brCO HA VA CArpet pont kn t11111 tinCPci VJrd 7rdVP1 1eci to Cullum eAt on 1 0 201 Bowles Court Gill 282-67A4 e(1(4' Pr'LE'Ll (10-4 j400OU 70 per I en! return ble or cin bud 1 ull1 odvtd Waik pE 8 WHITLEY SMITH INC 4 turritrier retreat rtttt cont10 I ako tfirit 2 hom*os rAtt tatettle On 4 to rt Sned Kahf 761 Olt 1 Anne Post Realtor VACANT SPOTLESS '1 vemiNi ot arVi LC33 Lake I TH SU M( LU AT Dil OL La on lo Mc -K -Ir -8 -D 8 -L -G Th Th Arlit lake TH SU M( LU AT 1 1 Dil Ot La on i Mc -K -Ir --g -8 -D -G Th Arlit 'L I rlAvs wo can hav 283-2234 tills 3 bPdreiom 2 bath brick I Plv pirdqt apt kit turnhiled top ti1 iv ut ve ovok--0 4e rm Tree ridded corner ilt wiri 1 S8 54(1 Cd'h' Math 3 Parum 2 bath houe ns bar And cvmir al hott and mo tc-kailo fence hirge DanPIPd Lf20' rPpat Qi cp dock Noll La ce vcit Sla BRICK A 14--ZIP Un7 -r Only 518 250 With baiments Er el a Ep10311'E'N4IcAFI 01 -An0K I TH 1 A nye prt nal in find 1 Pay rn" PARK 2 bort ovnaundwciiIrl 1 'jut P'ex dPt 'on 17'ic II rnrl'')TIrnreaViu't'cli ePectaCr'riQt tr'tialt 'le P'Seh nd Bti ths 3-bedroom 2-bath --r1 I 1Pr 4 UNIT APT HOUSE ifsd Idoal for retirem home or en id re at Price 117 'f0 st-oa don Witt) firPniarP air bUiltOnly Nice nCOM shoorP always MS FRITZ BARTON REALTOR hrOditast area heat And Ie near ro Ld 'c'' And low II oavmentR rented furnished $16 000 1 PE 7 7253 GILL ASSOCIATES 'ue 6r'n tLoArKF7Ktvow a wnsoded lot No '4--4 CENTRAL AiR 2P? 701 LOT at L1P Tawdknni VoiM nnir-0m 1 7 bath large tarnOv 1 6 67 9 EK Tiol el YIA DR1 NK Aci ot RE pE ES-11TREE411(115 6 :1 0 6 l4 8A I 76 A And bootin rano'? makPs ths niAt 3' 9 ountexes 14 oiersde vI OWC1 (let 11 rnnrn me0 inY inn Buy eguttV and Ead'o Mourtain Lake Beauttdi of S94 I UNIT APTS BrKK Forest Park home sites trom $4 000 Asoiroe 54 interest wIth paymenti A TPRI''A''CiNhlalnad'idHH'BUI'l' 51 4730 i "I' i BU 3-1505 AT 41101 Blvd Call CE 7 17S1 74 1 5 7 'A 't --6 it it 4 e' 474--1--rzet A ht IrrIty ft a Itel ivz21 7 1- '4Wv Enna Lin 1 do 1) -1 TA (1 -1 (k --r-zotet ----rm Trrr9 rot ki: r- gulf et a i' rt r- 1 ''Nk't 't t-- i 1-trrtIN' fit-: NA4 -7- kLLsmb-41-6 tk)V: i'14 sk I "''''1- 0 9 4 tvIe'' '4: -f 3 1 1 I ('''-': 44 r'l Pt- F-1 o'n A tA5 111Fs' mt4 4' I 34dill ''4 i ii: I 1 7 14 I i' La 4 '4 Ag A 'V V1- 11 '41'4 4121 LJ( IF St il) lits 4bt0 ')4 -i I' fc A 7 LI Ai" '1 ti I 4 i 4 i 1 (t ter I' el' ok --4 1 9 1 7i 1 4 '-itr'': '41 -1'' fr 1 4 s' )04-i'cr-y 44 rt---: -1 fee- ft 'ii'Lr Ai: tn 1 '''i t11 11 2t i 41 4 4 1 il' 1:" 4 -6 7 iiids 4 1: i 'i ''S' 4 (3' :4 -i 't--- ::1 1::: 4 -1 i ''''----f l'H: 2 '1 sk its 4-' -) (s t) 1 i 41: ii :1: ::) I --77- i 'i 71i -k 7 -L -41- L-) 1 4 i '1 1'9 4:3 4: 41y6 ofir i- 'N 44 5 if 4' T7'77 'N 43N S'4 '4( 7 it i 4- 4 I 4 1 A va 1 I -'-v 2 i 1 IT OR SALE on Lak Texomd cabn i IMMEDIATE POSSESSION LESLIE LIGON McCLURE completely formshed on Sosier I This surserti 4 bedroom 211 bath REALTOR MU 732-2885 Creek deal for fisherMart also two I brck Early Amercan denor exte Mary Aiyce Taylor t'E 8-0 tistall boat house If interested write I lent condition for only S32500 200 Box 3013 Borger Tex Code 79007 or i AT 4-1101 BU 31505south S4 ide Duplex-B dl oth Ses rent- Cali Biyger Tex 27362711 Er12USIsVmEMq0OR tis eant 5 AGEE-AX 24441 RhiSDeAllE an 1WOODD Lake front lot Lake And is iin dedmi ossm54)037001 Rs2YI6004e1- AtsoVwElentJd 8 Kinwa tot number IM 7371970 ibeernom 3 baths historical brick in- A0A A 3s9s li EAU IF UL (ome en large land- Ifiredidce Of spacious den and scatted lot with fantastic wew of marvelous extras Lower $40s I JOHN FRANK Lake Worth Many extras IItrimedate occupants By investing in this southside duplex EL) 6-1433 Spearman MA 6-751 AT 41101 BU 3-1505iwth apartment in rear Should tiled bhno to Buiid- cent eso return DESIGN IT the wav You want It 900-904 CIRCLE LANE i Custom plan servthe WA 38664 i AX 3-J834 OPEN SUNDAY lia BEDFORD JOHN FRANK AGEE-AX 24441 ken Hornbeck desinner i NPW 3 Or 4 bedroom homes SPanish --ARL HTS BRICK DUPLEX GL 1-5690 I and ranch style sde entry garages 7 bedrooms each sthfe Pius 2-bedroom RUNAWAY BAY trot 1 Unit 2 Price under S30000 Conventonal or garage apt (Needs repair) Buy en i loans available Come see onts 11 sellind at itAl t14(10 VA ISAY uity assume loan Oniy 9 years lett ments s21 mnoth EL 5-06YR Irvino t1B 3-1505 AT 41101 Good ncome TAYLOR A CO '1112" JENSEN PE 75655 FOR SALE Overmokino lake Texo 1345 Hurst Blvd ma Cambridoe Shores Addition 3 70tIC Euless Blvd 10 UNITS loti modern borne Phone 786-719S ow ILee I Xeres Pottsboro Texas 's EY OWNER Open Wilshre And I i 215 Rt I-7'5076 1n 3-22 bred) central air and fl ear come S60000 Bert fireelate carpet Tented 1702' offer t'er year tarry in notr 1 TYler Contact Sonny Baumgarten 'Make einthncnu area Furnished bills nad i I PE 7 30OrRE i BL 31195 or BL 5 I HURST S2800 em 5 pty by owner LIVE Tr-rNT FRE-C-7-Spant-Sh du- 1' Dy 120 Donald St 292-1961 WOOdcrafferS Co Inc 12-7 den and livmg room nice area rurix A 2 1 1 ch side 5-216 -D2407SC lIetsCasA ITPC3 3 2'2 2 Model Home Furnshed Sa oo ea S9500 etehty owner will partly ti 4-bedroom large den tirei tssAyFAIR-3 large new homes 3 nance Andrews Real Estate CR 4- place crows nest upstaS and 4 bedrooms 2 baths lame den 0713 CR 54777 Boat shp right on Canai fireplace Inadrd with extras Timberlake Early American Sandlin Redder Effecters Inc AX 23373 water I you need make money i Days IIII 1-1509 des EU 24521! WILSHIRE BUY Lake Resort Prop 75K 1' OFF BRIDGEPORT LAKE 'Owner transferred large home on! IA GOOD trlind Camp ve yth Inciuotio front leased Int with new Boohoo 2 bedroom 2 PAM furnished Payments S149 month EACLE MT West Sthick---100' boat house $2800 no cabin 1 home 284-874) 283-5341 261-2179 Pat tli I -t- a'itf3i4 Northyest Realty CE 1 1151 And Winters Realtor FRWitaEi- LARGE wooded wer frt toC DENTON I UTE afont 'ed- time to me university 3 bedrooms ar Creek Lake Arnold Hills Addis IMORRISDALE Estates Euless Tex itiath and priced to Sell Nothinoi Non Hurst BU 2 7066 after 5 pm i 1 year old tritevel split 4 bed down to veteran or small down' rooms 217 baths large den moth FA Call AresS Gumm tor details 8x25 MORRISON trailers de61 tor tireoidoe Dinind room living room BU 13417 1 A 4-068l lake lots Etargatn AT 49692 111)0 utility room large kitchen all HELEN JOHNSON I BILL LUSK ALVARADO Lake frontage 2 acres 1 ex has Lame wooded lot $50000 REALTORS I PI) 3 5427 i co-op water trees 811-413-1035 BEAUTIFUL large wooded lot on a 107vi4mK MST- il re I I T- sel oice EY OWNER 3-1' 2-1 assume loan Lake Kiowa 1 block from boat dock on Cedar Creek Lake at cost AT 4- $351-10 1 rn le loan S96 month Call BU 1-0650 week days 4 1 Central air fenced 2137-1427 weekends dnYtime 9e68 1 NOW IS THE TIME 435 HOLDER Hurst Slit month tso APPROXIMAT ELY 6 acres 10 milesi ui'v Lisbv JE 6-8381 south of Granbury On the itrarosi1t) bur sour lake cottage Portable 12421 2-bedroom bdth We deliver S804) 284-9561 Low Interest Loan i51c Beknap TE 4 5517 5-EVDE 0 EALLE VI 1--A-KE LOTS 13 Bedroom brick home in excellent RestriCted Carter 5100011 NA' ftnnt'N17AR ROLK Cteek Cdmp on Pos sum inodom 2Ttectroom kitchen i condition double Garage 2 baths age 'nd formal living room fencedi 1 (Azie-side 100 Wooded lakeside with den cols i ed in porch Bath on den a tn: waer oniy Sis0 JE 6-069 Int with trees ail electric weekend tottacte 1 283-3967 283S341 284-8141 West of Barnes Beach wooded lake- I SMAL aceage tract lust side with electrc boat lift $1356d-DeCordova Dam 1)0' on Brazos ReAndy Winters Realtor Jewel Davis Reaitor PE 7-056 er and 250' on road Caflaming ATH AK INC i of Fort a000l 4'2 ac re of land With and Eenbrook Lake near Ben cent water rights $430 with 20 per I Houses for Sate 75 bssttleosts rear rminsd PCEh i I Bloc ou down arid 10 vears on balance i Aso 2 iarger tracts wth tiO to ON NATE front Lake Worth 3-I've' Co south on Hohwav 144 out 4liscollompous Amoco 7sJ I oW bed fish house boat house ByOT OralldUeY aobroximatelv I miles ner Peninsula Club ile 1 urn ieft at 'nd ntesection of Nt 2425 Go 2 miles to sharp turn in HOMES quality boll by BRAZOS River water front iols oerlhdthway Turn nold on bravei road Valley Smith TE 11205 menet) water riohts blot Pretty land fonow to river pp call i frees Ideal tor mobde homes camp- Alma trailers or cottage 10'2' water TOBY STONE REAL ESTATE Stephenvihe Texas i upixs A pts Saie 75JJ front lots on river below De Cor 817-905450 idova Dam S2750 Low down pay meet and small monthly payment LAKE WHITNEY Estates 40' trailer I 1TR PLEX for sale Good income Go south on Hwy 144 from Granbu'nouse on lot boat motor and trader '1206 lin Avenue ED 2-160 to second intersection of AT 4-C67 hurt FURNISHED 4-UNIT 2425 turn lett about I) miles to 1 7 NCNVIDUAL wet Pa cash tor cab snarl) left Curve tr pavement turn im or ower house on Eache MOonan ION SOUTH SIDE-One 4-room twoirioht On road and follow tot Lase Amon Days MA 6-903 3-room and one 2room aot inl river Inthihts CE 74987 I good rental area S259 monthly I tz Rhodes 9682746 Priced only 512500 Stephenville Texas Ak owa wait- trunt lot wood' ED 6516 Gene Key WA 4-6044! i EAGLE enT COMMERCIAL NO 156 WA 3-8180 Corner of Rosedale 46 acres wth lake Frontage Planning to Build? ili'D I I 1 A BUSINESS SITE- 35 Acres with iake Fontage I DESIGN IT the way vou want It Ail on Boat Club Read Custom plan serthe Large two-story rented to noel Ken Hornbeck drsoner tenant who sub-rents effiriems rlear BIG DEVELOPMENT now to SETTLE ESTATE Call I gono on (11 I 5690 E06-5776 Halhe Cooper WA 4-256i You can't afford to Voitt FOP SALE Lorge lot Pusunt i )w0 Divis IQ a i916 1c)th- Like 78iIfol i Retirement Special I ---E A MT LAKE HOMES EAGLE MT LAKE front mobiie DUPLEX IN WALKING distance of kt ice 3-bedroom 2 Oath home with home 3 bedrooms 11 baths 2A I shops and bus 'three rooms andlgame room buidun lotthen cent lone S'ar cruiser Set at Twin bran each apartment Double cia- air access to lake Boat Club Road I Points or call PE 144417 rdge Onlv S11500 area swm ski fish have fun! I i ED 6-5316 Pauline Adco*ck JE 4-243-4 merle Jones 71P-49181 125 CEDAR ELM RD I DUPLEX CORNET LOT! 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH HOME Needs to be cOmbletely reconditionedl LaGUNA VISTA 1SPACIOUS AND srl 11 1 -0 -es5Y mem -) 14 acres wOoded tract l541' Lake! I tdinecl duolexin South Sipe ront lovely scenic View I OPEN 2 TO 5 Oran Each aczartment Double 06- ---acc-ess'In lake Boat Club Road Points nr call PE 7-4447 rage Only Stl500 area swim ski tish have fon I Et) 6-5276 Pauline Adco*ck JE 4-2434 merle Jones 71P-49181 125 CEDAR ELM RD OPEN 2 TO 5 DUPLEX CORNET LOT! 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH HOME Needs to be completely reconditionedI LaGUNA VISTA SPACIOUS AND 1 I tamed duplex in South SKte Ali I main -t 14 acres wooded tract l04' Lake root ovely scenic Vtew 111 13- c(11 ci ts a- it a sorvtf-P otsiufler S690 rge lot Pustpal f61 front obie 12 baths 2e See at Twin 4447 BA VISTA TO 5 (-t so )1i111'117 so r-ek rt f-i 4 4 I 4 1' 11110 Over five miles of lakefront homesites as well as other scenic locations overlooking the golf course and lake have been thoughtfully planned to take advantage of the natural beauty of this home building community The place you'll want to call home is somewhere at de Cordova Bend Estates And you'll know it when you see it There a whippoorwill is waiting to lull you to sleep A soft lake breeze stirs at dawn Go to de Cordova Bend Estates now Because a new way of life is awaiting you Never has "getting away from it all" been so easy Nov you can enjoy the tranquility of lakeside living and vet be just minutes from the Fort Worth area De Cordova Bend Estates offers a special and incomparable way of life Almost at your own backyard you can fish in secluded coves for bass or crappie or ski on the blue open water of huge Lake de Cordova You can drive a golf ball down well-kept fairways of the golf course enjoy marina accommodations a swimming pool and all club privileges at the lodge All facilities are private and protected CALI 4 bedrq ford Sh riced BY OA tivind re central I equity Per ren 5 30 and BY ON fenced to S'a Pee 7-09S Fi CALI 4 bedro ford Sh kf 4 'r ftit lire! t-tV man eemmage minnia OMMEIMEll Et ttill! vi 11 4 f4 1 1 i4 1 Mail this coupon today to: Cordova Bend Estates I rooms laroe One 4-room and onel 6 room Apt 5ep arate light andi PE 766' 3 bedroom 2 bath brick home on 7 feW 1 Davis Realto clas meters Only V4950 acre wooded tract Woodburning tire-carry note for qualified buyer I 240 SHORELINE DRIVE lousce plush cacoettng ail feeCtrIC (Ala Key iHelen erkins WA 4 o44' Lovely 3-bedroom 2 oath elcne rem kitcherk On' I year old A real buy ED 6 57761 frit heat and air wooded lot -173' front it's a broadway view of REALTORS PE 2-2821 ION ilth Avenue 2-story brick zoned Worts siol'ingt SWIM' tor offices Near hospital Oilers in- CL 7-4825 CL i 'Med Jewell Davis Realtor pE 7-6966 I Lockhart WA 2-5950 wOODBRIAR on Lake Alvarado 5 rent housec on one large lot three meotes from Fort Worth lard(' rnorns eacb house eoarat metrs como! we-tk iv 160 no bilis Paid permanent home or lake xr Abrt 1E eiient investment property In 81 South to Alvarado Drive out US Twdookededmeloalkee sttronFttolottsodsutiotahbewle tfho*r SI2 000 lotat red arrows 7 miles 817 783-3J72 or Lallah Wright Realtor ON LAKE Bridgeourf 19 ot and I MLS1Ax 3 378 RE 3ORT HOME 4 2258 i COLORADO MOUNTAINS TRIPLEX Redecorated very good i WA stli 6 ls 2 I rock houses Also ceramic molds sles 6 rooms Near new I Dormers sieep 14 Fishing huntiop 851 'Jet Vroispn box locati l- on 310S lPtcomb $13950 CashIDE CORDOVA water front beauti Under 000 Yde ful i'lvet Look call WA 6 3i64 wooded lot S6300 ts te moble rms Also 194 Estes Park Colo or owner I Ilitlirsi nitril Smithf ield avat rea to mmlow 118 Pecos Denver Colo i a tor 1 f'n-iinfield- 'area lots tor mobile 17'4 tve5 rem Am tx owmr te" Mallow 118 Pecos Denver Colo Luxury Duplexes bnck borne on 7 WOOdburning tire- tmq ail eiectric old A real buy PE 2-2821 2 Box 140 Cranbury Texas 76048 I'd like to join you in a tour of de Cordova Bend Estates Please call and advise me of the details of your complimentary trip rd like more information Please send me your packet of fun realize I am under no obligation by mailing this coupon THORPA co I ts 0 Cr 0 Ui ps GRANBURY ef))'-' I For a guided tour and Imore information AAy vic 7 PviY MAFOER' 1 '))'- A 7 0 A ill Foorrea nufioded ratrour and onv II li-c '() 4) 71 3 Fi TI i'15 THORP I to) CAL 11o 0-1 4 z7k (1 ANBURY 5'-' I 6 1 1 de Rt rec Nam Add Tele I City Name Address de Rt I City TAKE HWY 377 7 SW FROM FORT WORTH TOWARD CRANBURY AND FOLLOW THE SIGNS TAKE HWY 377 SW FROM FORT Y'ORTH TOWARD CRANBURY AN2 FOLLOW THE SIGNS Telephone Slate Zip c'PE 80115 LAKE KIOWA $3250 off shore We Have Three Spacious WnnorrolleSOWS1wSnOosonuoGecoarsgher LAKE KIOWA d-68a1 wooed lot $2250 Terms to 0 Pm: Rif 1 Custom built duplexes in prestige Id Nice wooded let ILIIsE nice iarge cation all With 3-7-2 and ready to Oc cupy Sell or tease Mae Burchfield TE 870J '2-bedroom lake home Den glared 1 47596! Fieldcrest 1 Gladys Lyles AT 4-8191 Por(11 plenty budt-ins central heat- 48016 th Arttoq awn i ca-01 pretty yard Reduced Good buyS in other Offered INilliam Franc's i See the I- 0 pe i et ail kinds PEARCE REAL ESTATE Office 4 mi on le no CIMMARON BUILDING CORP 1 PE 2-3047 PE 7-6692 PEI-2278i I of dam row sri gs from ShaflOs Store 6802495 Whitney I S400 DOWN FHA 1-ttus pRitoRoSE OLDER brick di) 1 Rio Brazos o'er- excellent rental area One bed- i I Arlington Property 1st I 100M each side Block to bus 116UNIT LUXURY complex Best Int Large Ad ICE 3 bedroom den or dinin RiversAe Aways rented Pool All i room frame Clean OWNT leavq i I ele-tr 1 eaut fn town now 0104 I S1260 0 inhland f3r Ar- ENOCH TOTTEN REALTOR on Page 15 Ilington Texas Close to everym 11q ITP i-r1 ED 512 nD717561 IGordon Real Estate CR 5-6011 LR SMALL DO HA I 4 GL 1-693t ntACiOlIS SPACIOUS LIVING MM 19M Lipscomo 4 units near schon's I Snamsh 3-2I A plus study with 'dew SOU-CHEST Laroe 3-bedroom I bus stores S230 a month income of Granevone Lase tiucte Oriviotel 2v-baamdtbeg2ucitayr oggabraguye trees beauttfut 'plus your own 2-bedroom apartment Southeast 1-bedroom 2car qa Daphina HorSchter AT 4 17 rage free shaded backyard excel WEST' LONDON AT 41001 lent location ion a neighborhood tqUi -01-C at) -III et Parker raae sot per cent kon mod LAKE wth income ty or new loan SOotn Side--OuV iex ra rotaa In the COuntrv 5 acres wooded I South Side-010ex 995001---- cottanes semi-modern 2-bedroom 1 In The country 5 acres wooded: 1 1 I 4 4 'It 41111111'4 1 4 1 i ri I I 1 1r 1 I VISIT US AFTER WORK SALESMAN ON DUTY NOON TO DUSK DAILY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9:30 AM TO DUSK (----------y-- Etilltta-lr-------ticartv RR ttoilliffil Ryon A c--7--re 11 4' Aorim IL IL" I IL" ctottie9 end guest 'sous tittrolt Pecan trees minnow house' bedroom house House and claraoe aol S135h0 A 2-2891 tavern OstitP CE 7-9172 Cleo Curtis Realtor AX 2T410'''In(k VA duplex 3-7-7 icentral heat-air 3 200 so IT AX 2- ISACRik- ICE Lake Iowa 401 on 193 47 aler Trane or sell TE 8 3735 19 7 71-47s5 i AVE un sde 2'JS PE 8 er bun es 1 FOR LEASE TEOLIITY FOR sale nr trade by own- excellent siess 4 Dotental 5 pp' cent LOP Houset Newly redecorated 3 to $1 I- I GPs411) 9 orIck aot I house litrnithed central airheat tworoom house On POtSUM Kint)00M bdroom v2e i- DAC' -3cie es tc 'honed carpeted on wooded waler 'separate 01010 room central 'Frank Clark NSA 4712CIalie loveiy fireplace aur condl- ibaths living room wan fireo 1 la root iot ideal summer vara ely ton EQUITY RFOilCED nwtiontPti ttWed lt 'cation 16004159: In eclotsood aci 2' 's For sa or lease so01 All convenlenCes avalletol- FOr i evaitabw immed'ae- Ocen boa edcoom 1 bat 1 sii after 5 or weekerula 2s2 sips I otnrmation rile Box 135 Star I See at it Pat Row Gratord Texas or call 779- STONE 1300 down S9250 12543 Possum 9ricEsom Lake 'LOVE LY a-bedroom 2-story toren) Ave Kj iust redone idoino room colored fixtures hoots The'ma Greer Realtor 737-99311 De Cordova Lake 1 Dakiored den Emplace- $77 SuO $-e waterfront iots Sr Turk at steen JE OTrOl 2' SI 4V6 GL 1 rtAA's 1TPiPLEX home with Income xreki Lot 59 Rock 1490) Foto 5 ni condition 2 sots furshed 12 mle 06 south of Gnnur 'I ra 0 ST 4) hwa MOPE ore ottion MOPE matters I Pi Ave ED 2 1670 I 144 573 3530 or 573 3571 snake STAR-TELEGRAM Peon Als NEW SPANISH DUPLEX SPANISIS TRAIL 04 Scenic View oroducl ST results To plate a i and hem at S7100 South () alt the Ide-Yelownettes on ConIrrra Lake at dial the Peovls Ad phone noxiber 1 luktiries found a dstinrtive hor 171-1 ls to an attiehobby hat con IPxs" Sa rtmAq pus a nanIed den o'' tr''''t i Sunday 1 a rn NI I owl led Srtod- 1 I Yrrre room rw a ft? Pal rstate ED 27722 id bedroom Must sea to aotsee I ate assume 12 0() loan with 'L A Is 140-E on 1-acre ot land on' Sit "203 down Inouire at 292 6277 Grarksvire Lave cell sij Act now! Take advantage of predevelopment prices! RT 2 EOX 140 CRANBURY TEXAS 76043 1 TELEPHONE (817) 3264332 1 0 1 all AILdu Lwmmtwimmemeomgnon6Aa6A4kit albOMBAULaballAlk Alla jib13016.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.